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Portion: 4 people

 3∕4 kilo of fine loin
 1∕2 kilo of white potatoes
 3 tomatoes
 3 onions
 1 yellow chili
 1∕2 to 1 cup of sillao
 2 tablespoons of red vinegar
 1 tablespoon minced garlic
 Salt
 Pepper
 chopped cilantro
 Vegetable oil
 4 servings of cooked white rice

1. Cut the loin into thick strips. Season with salt, pepper and ground garlic.

2. Cut the tomatoes and onions into wedges.

3. Cut the yellow pepper into thick julianas.

4. Cut the white potatoes into sticks and fry them in plenty of hot oil.

5. Bring a wide skillet to the heat. When it is hot, add a splash of vegetable oil and
wait for it to start to smoke. Immediately add the loin and fry without moving.
When the meat is browned on one side, start to sauté and flame. Add a splash of
pisco after adding the meat to be able to flambé (high heat).

6. Add the onions, yellow pepper and vinegar. Keep skipping.

7. Add the tomatoes and soy sauce. Keep skipping.

8. Add cilantro, stir and serve hot with the fries and white rice.

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