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The ultimate goal of yoga is to control the fluctuations of the mind

To strengthen the mind with pranayama
The Mindis the instrument with which we perceive the outside world
Hardware and software: the body and the mind - from the objective perspective of
the human
Atmen or soul is the operator of both the body and the mind

With the help of yoga you can change everything that surrounds you
Self realization, freedom of the mind, balance of body mind and soul.

Nadis and postures

Nadis: subtle channels in the body —> life force flows between this channels, there
are aprox. 72000 Nadis

3 main Nadis:
- IDA (moon - left )
- PINGALA (sun - right)
- SHUSHUMNA (center)
The aim is to balance ida and pingala in order to activate shushumna Nadi

Postures in Pranayama:

1. Sukhasana (easy pose)

2.    Swatikasana ( auspicious pose)
3. Padmasana (lotus pose)

Role of concentration in meditation

- 6th stage right before meditation is concentration

- It requieres you to concentrate on one point to bring your mind to focus, it needs to
be effortless in a certain way.
- Meditation requieres indefinite nd constant concentration
- the mind likes to stay engaged, with meditation you can engage the mind towards
your intention
- day dreaming is not the same as meditating
- let thoughts go, do not attach to them and do not feed that line of thought

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