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Based on the communication games we played such as Back-to-back drawing, speed dating, nail

challenge, and mock interviews, I would rate my communication skills as proficient. During the
back-to-back challenge, I felt as though I were communicating to the best of my ability and was
exceeding expectations. However, when I saw my partner's drawing, it was not at all like the
picture I was describing. Although I was giving my best and honest effort, I may not have been
communicating in the way my partner needed. This alerted me to the idea of different people will
need different types of communication and won't always share the same as I do. During the
speed dating challenge, I feel I did an exceptional job. With each person I talked to, I was able to
fully express my thoughts and listen to the opposing person with an open mind. Even if my
partner both finished our thoughts and answers, I would manage to somehow keep the
conversation going and learn even more about the other person's opinion. The nail challenge was
my least favorite. Despite my group and I effort, this was just not a manageable task. Although I
did try communicating, it was not up to the level as the other challenges completed. This
demonstrated that even though I did not like this challenge, if I better communicated my
thoughts and ideas, it could have worked much better or at least been a little more enjoyable.
Lastly, during the interviews, I felt that until I got into my rhythm of answering the questions, I
felt incredibly awkward and struggled with keeping eye contact. However, the more I answered
the questions, the more comfortable I became therefore, allowing myself to open and fully
explain myself. Considering these points, I would rank myself as proficient in the interviews
because although I can demonstrate and explain my answers to the questions, I still have a lot of
work to do.
During these activities, the main struggle I noticed was my social anxiety making my
communication difficult. This is one of my current issues that I have been working on to
improve. I will improve this by taking more chances to speak in public and work on keeping eye
contact during conversations instead of shying away. This can then immensely improve my
communication skills therefore, help me during future interviews, etc.
Although I have some social anxiety, I feel I would be able to complete an interview with
excellent results. I have lots of experience and ideas to share as well as the ability to think
quickly. I have completed multiple interviews for jobs, Miss Teen B.C Pageant, nationals, acting,
and various more. With each interview came mistakes however, I was always able to
demonstrate the things they needed and asked all while being completely myself and honest.

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