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(Final Assessment)

Research Methodology


 Revised your research proposal that you have submitted as the intermission assignment.

 The contents of the draft must include, but not limited to, the following elements:

1. Introduction – background of the study, research gaps, objectives and study

2. Literature review – underpinning theories, an overview of the study variables,
hypotheses development supported by the chosen underpinning theories, and a
conceptual framework.
3. Method – research design, sampling strategy, sample size, measurement scale, and
data analysis techniques (note: the techniques depend on your study objectives).
4. References – written according to the APA style.

 The proposal must be written in an essay form. Points forms are not allowed.

 Make sure to use the given template. Do not create your own template.

 Include a cover page comprising the students’ name and their metric numbers,

 The proposal must adhere to the following type-settings:

1. Font: Arial
2. Font size: 11
3. Spacing: 1.5
4. Paper size: A4 portrait
5. Number of pages: Max pages: 25 pages excluding cover page.
6. Page numbering: Insert at the bottom right corner

 Your proposal submission must be in Words format. PDF and any other format is not

 Submission: 26/2/2021 before midnight to

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