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Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Drug Delivery Systems

and Medical Devices


ASSIGNMENT 14: (70 pts)

1. Compare and contrast the use of radiopharmaceuticals in diagnostics

and therapeutics. (20 pts)

Criteria 20 points
Content 14
Mechanics 6

Follow this sample format for your answers:

Diagnostic Use
In the world of medicine, a diagnostic's function is to find out if a patient
has a disease. The cornerstone of all potential therapies, including
medicine, surgery, and radiopharmaceuticals, rests on your diagnosis,
making this diagnostic procedure crucial in today's society.
Radiographers produce diagnostic radiographs utilizing sophisticated
equipment, including x-rays or scans. A accurate diagnosis is required to
prevent spending time on the wrong course of treatment. Only by working
with the patient can the proper diagnosis be made.

Therapeutic Use
Therapeutics refers to certain materials like vaccines, proteins, or
hormones that help in the treatment of a disease, and radiation is used by
therapeutic radiologists to treat cancer and tissue abnormalities.
Therapeutics relate to treatment. Serum analysis is a diagnostic
procedure, while administering antibiotics is in the domain of therapeutics.
Diagnostics are essential to understand the disease and plan for
treatment, whereas therapeutics are used for curing or preventing a

Example: Diagnostic methods are enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays

(ELISA) and polymerase chain reactions (PCR). Therapeutic drugs such
as antibiotics are used against bacteria.

2. Describe at least (10) general composition of biotechnological products.

(50 pts)

Criteria 50 points
Content 35
Mechanics 15

Follow this sample Format:

Biotechnological Products Descriptions
1. Biofuels Biofuels are derived from biomass like plant
material, animal waste, and algae material.
With the increase in fuel prices and the
depletion of fossil fuels, biofuel production
through biotechnology can play a crucial role.
Biofuels act as a renewable source of energy
and are environmentally friendly as they
prevent greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Dairy Products Biotechnology has a wide application in
dairy, and we owe biotechnology our favorite
dairy products like cheese and yogurt.
Cheese is formed by the lactic acid
fermentation of milk. Milk contains water
(85%), fat, carbohydrates (lactose), and
protein (casein and whey). Cheese is formed
by separating milk into solid curd and liquid
whey by acidification of the milk or by adding
rennet. Certain bacteria, like those in the
Lactobacillus or Streptococci families,
convert milk sugar (lactose) to lactic acid and
thus lower the milk pH. This is called the
acidification of milk; it kills the harmful
bacteria present in the milk. This helps
separate the milk into curd and liquid whey.
Rennet is an enzyme that helps in the
coagulation of casein protein. This separates
the solid curd and the liquid whey. The liquid
whey is then removed, and the curd is then
salted and shaped. Rennet is a set of
enzymes present in the stomach of ruminant
mammals. Chymosin (a protease) is the key
enzyme that curdles the casein protein in

3. Bakery Products Bread is formed by making dough using flour,

water, yeast, and sugar. Amylase present in
the moist dough breaks down the starch
(amylase or amylopectin) present in the flour
and releases maltose and sucrose. Yeast is
a type of fungus that feeds on sugar for
energy. Yeast present in the dough contains
maltase, which breaks the maltose into
glucose through aerobic respiration but soon
runs out of oxygen and switches to anaerobic
respiration. In anaerobic respiration, it breaks
down the sugar and produces CO2 and
ethanol. These CO2 molecules get trapped in
the gluten molecules, resulting in the
fluffiness of the dough. The dough is then
heated, which kills the yeast and evaporates
the ethanol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the
yeast species that is used to make bread; it
is also known as baker’s yeast.

4. Lactose-free Milk Lactose is a sugar naturally present in milk. It

has smaller units called glucose and
galactose. Lactose is broken down in our gut
by the enzyme lactase. Some people cannot
digest lactose and are lactose intolerant
because they lack the enzyme lactase in
their bodies. In such people, lactose remains
as such in the gut and causes symptoms like
nausea, bloating, cramps, etc. Thanks to
biotechnology lthat has provided us the
lactose free milkin the market. Such milk is
pretreated with the lactase enzyme. This
causes lactose to breakdown into glucose
and galactose. This enzyme is produced by a
yeast called Kluyveromyces. Lactose-free
milk consists of single-unit glucose and
galactose, which are more soluble in water
than lactose and can be easily absorbed by
the gut.

5. Alcohol Production The biotechnological process of alcoholic

fermentation, achieved by certain bacteria
and yeast, is widely used to produce
alcohols. Raw materials for alcohol
production are starch crops like barley,
wheat, rice, sugarcane, or maize.
Fermentation is a process in which yeast
converts sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and
carbon dioxide (CO2). In the presence of
oxygen, yeast breaks down glucose (sugar)
molecules into two molecules of pyruvic acid
and releases carbon dioxide and water as
byproducts. These two molecules of pyruvic
acid are then reduced into ethanol and CO2
under anaerobic conditions. Some bacterial
species, like Zymomonas mobilis, can also
perform alcoholic fermentation. Alcohol
fermentation by yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae is very common and well known,
but Z. mobilis is also used as a starter for
ethanol production in industries. Wines are
formed through the fermentation of grapes
(Vitis vinifera). Winemaking involves two
main biotechnological processes: alcoholic
fermentation and malolactic fermentation. In
alcoholic fermentation, sugar present in fruits
is converted into ethanol and CO2, following
which most red wines undergo malolactic
fermentation by the lactic acid bacteria
Oenococcus oeni. This process converts the
malic acid (which has a harsh taste) into the
creamier lactic acid and also raises the pH.
This is necessary for the deacidification and
flavor modification of the wine.

6. Skin Care Products Biotechnology has played an important role

in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.
Botox is one of the most prominent examples
of biotechnology products in everyday life.
Botox is a protein produced by the bacteria
Clostridium botulinum. It paralyzes nerve
cells, thereby reducing the wrinkles on the
face. Hylauronic acid is also a very important
ingredient in anti-aging skin care. It is
naturally present in the human body. In the
laboratory, hyaluronic acid is formed by the
fermentation of glucose by certain bacteria
like Streptococcus zooepidemicus,
Escherichia coli, and Bacillus subtilis at the
right temperature and pH.
7. Paper Industry Paper is formed by extracting cellulose from
wood and converting it into pulp. The
purpose of pulping is to free the cellulose
fibers from lignin and other impurities present
in the wood. Biotechnology allows the
pulping of cellulose by a specific lignin-
degrading fungus; this method of pulping is
called biopulping. Many harmful chemicals
are replaced by enzymes used in pulp
processing. Pulps are usually brown in color
due to the presence of lignin, and to make
them lighter in color, biobleaching is done.
Initially, chlorine was used for bleaching the
pulp, but due to its adverse effects on the
environment, it has now been replaced by
enzymes like xylanase. The biobleaching
agent Xylanase is produced by Trichoderma
asperellum (a  fungus), and it helps in the
hydrolysis of hemicelluloses (xylan) present
in the pulp. Biobleaching is cost-effective and
prevents the formation of harmful byproducts.
It also improves the texture and strength of

8. Detergent Enzymes Conventional detergents have been

overshadowed by detergent enzymes, a
product of biotechnology. These detergents
contain enzymes like proteases, lipases, and
amylases, which help remove the stains of
blood, oil, etc.
9. Dye Manufacturing Shikonin is an example of a naturally
occurring naphthoquinone. It is found in the
dried root of the plant Lithospermum
erythrorhizome. They are used as natural
colorants in the cosmetic, food, and textile
industries. Biotechnology also helps in the
production of anthraquinone dyes. These
dyes can be extracted from various fungi, like
Trichoderma, Aspergillus, and Curvularia
strains. Examples of anthraquinone biodyes
are CI disperse blue 7 and CI acid green 28.
Anthraquinones are organic compounds
produced by plants and fungi; these dyes are
less expensive and very eco-friendly.

10 . Production of Antibiotics are one of the most common

Antibiotics examples of biotechnology products. They
are non-protein molecules produced by
microorganisms that live in the soil.
Antibiotics are produced as secondary
metabolites by many species of bacteria,
such as Streptomyces, Bacillus, and
Penicillium (fungi). Antibiotics play an
important role in combating infectious
diseases in humans and animals. Antibiotics
can be divided into two broad categories
based on their mode of action: bactericidal
(kills the bacteria) and bacteriostatic (stalls
bacterial growth). Penicillin was the first
antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming.


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