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Respond to the following question in no more than five (5) complete sentences. Respond with text or
attach a file.

*Do you consider yourself a responsible tourist? If yes, what actions have you been doing to prove it?
If not, what should you do to be considered as such?

- Yes, for me I consider myself as a responsible tourist because responsible tourism is defined as tourism
that reduces negative social, economic, and environmental impacts. generates greater economic benefits
for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities. improves working conditions and
access to the industry. You recognize and accept your role in what is happening. If your message causes
someone pain, you are willing to investigate how your communication may have been harmful. When
you're at fault, you don't point the finger at others. You don't make excuses for why things are the way
they are. To make travel as enjoyable as possible, tourists must make responsible choices to ensure that
it is done in a sustainable manner that benefits us now and future generations. And check local laws and
customs before you travel to avoid inadvertently offending anyone. Invest in locals by eating at authentic
restaurants, hiring a local guide, and purchasing souvenirs made by natives. Language - purchase a phrase
book and try to learn the basics of the language of the country you are visiting.

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