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QQT Questions Lesson 5: The Journey Through Salah

1. What can we think of when we are doing wuḍū?

2. Why should we dress nicely for ṣalāh?

3. What is the spiritual significance of facing the qiblah?

4. Just before we start ṣalāh, what can tell we ourselves?

5. What is the significance of raising our hands when we start ṣalāh?

6. What does ‘Allāhu Akbar’ mean beyond a simple translation?

7. Why do we put our right hands on our left hands, and look down?

8. What are we doing when we start our salah with the ‘opening duʿā’?

9. Why do we recite the istiʿādhah?

10. What does the ‘baa’ in ‘Bismillāh…’ mean?

11. How should we recite Qur’ān in ṣalāh?

12. Why is Sūrah al-Fātiḥah in ṣalāh one of the most amazing conversations?
QQT Questions Lesson 5: The Journey Through Salah

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13. What does ‫َّللا ِِل ْن َح ِم َد ُه‬ ‫ س ِمع‬mean?

14. What does rukūʿ symbolise?

15. What does ‘Subḥāna Rabbiyal Aʿlā’ mean?

16. Why is sujūd the greatest pillar of ṣalāh?

17. What is the duʿā’ in between the two sajdahs?

18. What does ‘at-tahiyyātu’ mean?

19. What does ‘at-ṭayyibātu’ mean?

20. What does ‘raḥmah’ mean beyond just ‘mercy’?

21. What are we asking Allah when we send ‘salām’ upon our beloved Prophet
Muḥammad ?

22. What are we asking Allah when we send ‘ṣalāh’ upon our beloved Prophet
Muḥammad ?

23. What does ‘Bārik’ mean beyond just ‘bless’?

24. What does ‘Ḥamīd’ mean?

QQT Questions Lesson 5: The Journey Through Salah

25. What does ‘Majīd’ mean?

26. Mention one duʿā’ you can recite (other than the one you always recite) after
tashahhud, along with the meaning of the duʿā’.

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