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Lesson 1 – Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Management

Overweight – having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy

for one’s age or build.
Obesity – is the condition of being obese.
Cause of Overweight or Obesity
- Overeating
- Sedentary lifestyle with no exercise
- Metabolic or eating disorder, medical conditions, or other types of
hormonal imbalance like thyroid problems
- Physical disabilities and food allergies
- Psychological and mental conditions caused by eating disorders
Types of Eating Disorders
1. Anorexia nervosa
The person fiercely limits the quantity of food he/she consumes and views
himself/herself as overweight even when he/she is clearly underweight.
2. Bulimia Nervosa
This eating disorder is characterized by repeated binge eating followed by
behaviors that compensate for the overeating such as forced vomiting,
excessive exercise, or extreme use of laxatives or diuretics. Men and women
who suffer from bulimia may fear weight gain and feel severely unhappy with
their body size and shape.
3. Binge Eating disorder
The person who suffers from binge eating disorder will frequently lose control
over his/her eating. Men and women who struggle with this disorder may also
experience intense feeling of guilt, distress, and embarrassment related to
their binge eating.
4. Emotional eating
It is when a person uses food as a way to deal with feelings instead of
satisfying his/her hunger.
Mindful eating – WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW
Lesson 2 – Brisk Walking or Fitness Walking
Brisk walking – Is actually a moderately intense exercise that refers to your
exertion. It is walking faster but not as fast as a full run.

Average walking speed = 3.1 mph

Brisk walking speed = 4.5-5.5 mph
Proper Brisk Walking
The proper posture for brisk walking is to stand up straight, bend your elbows,
and relax your shoulders. Look straight ahead and start walking, heel to toe.
Move your arms forward and back as you walk. Relax your hands instead of
clenching your fits. Try walking on soft surfaces because you use more energy
doing so.
Brisk Walking Techniques
1. Walking posture
2. Walking arm motion
3. Walking foot motion
4. Walking stride
Common Brisk Walking Injuries
Shin Splint – is the term for lower leg pain that occurs below the knee either
on the front outside part of the leg (anterior shin splints) or the inside of the
leg (medial shin splits).

Lesson 3 – Yoga
Yoga – is defined as a hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline that includes breath
control, simple meditation, and adoption of specific bodily postures, which is
widely practiced for health and relaxation.

Yoga came from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means “union of the individual
and universal consciousness.” Patanjali came to this earth to give this
knowledge of yoga that came to be known as the Yoga Sutras.
Pantanjali – father of yoga
1. Classical Yoga
- Yama – universal morality
- Niyama – personal observances
- Asanas – body postures
- Pranayama – breathing exercise
- Pratyahara – control of the sense
- Dharna – concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness
- Dhyana – devotion; meditation on the divine
- Samadhi – union with the divine
2. Post-classical yoga
The system of practices was designed to revitalize ad lengthens life and the
physical body.
3. Modern Yoga
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, yogas masters traveled to the west causing
an increase in attention and followers. Hatha yoga, or the process of achieving
a healthy mind-body connection, was strongly promoted in India.
Benefits of Yoga
Improves flexibility
Increases muscle strength and tone
Increases blood flow
Boosts immune system
Improves posture
Prevents digestive problems
Maintains a balanced metabolism

Mental benefits of yoga

Decreases stress levels
Activates inner peace
Increases awareness and mindfulness
Helps to achieve better sleep
Pranayama – is the conscious awareness of breath: the life force that both
energizes and relaxes the body. Prana means life force and ayama means
Yoga Poses
Asana – to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed.”
A. Standing Poses
1. Greeting pose
2. Mountain pose
3. Tree pose
4. Chair pose
5. Triangle pose
6. Half-moon pose

B. Sitting and Twisting Poses

1. Child pose
2. Hare pose
3. Lion pose
4. Cow face pose
5. Hero pose
6. Garland pose
7. Lotus pose
8. Half lotus pose

C. Lying Poses
1. Corpse pose
2. Upward extended feet pose

D. Backbends
1. Cat pose
2. Cobra pose
3. Bow pose
4. Half-cobra pose
5. One-legged kind pigeon pose
6. Upward plank pose with left leg up

Common Yoga Injuries and Their Prevention

1. Hamstring tears, pulls, or overstretching
2. Wrist pain
3. Lower-back irritation

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