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Lesson 4: Matching Problematic Learning Situation with

Probable Action
ACTIVITY 2: Teaching Learning Problems. List at least two (2) probable solutions/actions in each problematic situation in the
teaching-learning environment.

1. Connectivity for online learning

a. Provide hard copies/hand outs
b. Home Visitation

2. Disruptive classroom behavior

a. Impose rules and regulations
b. Giving consequences/punishments

3. Poor interest and motivation

a. Giving rewards
b. Using educational games or ice breakers in discussion

4. Parental non-involvement
a. Monthly PTA meeting
b. Conducting Family Day in school/classroom

5. At risk students
a. Peer-tutoring
b. Guided-teaching, reading, writing

Reflective Question:
1. What are some teaching learning problems prevailing in the classroom?
 I believe it is balancing the diverse needs of every learner because we all know that students learning differs from
each other. One strategy cannot fit to all. As a teacher, you must always come up or create an idea that addresses
those differences in order for the teaching and learning process become effective.

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