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Your ex did show

Determine Whether it’s through a text, social media, a call, or in real life…
state of date Whether it’s been one week since your breakup or years… Whether
your ex told you they never want to see you again or left with stark
They say "Yes"
indifference… Whether they dumped you or you dumped them…
Your ex didn't show
up ...if you want your ex back and haven’t yet made it clear, just tell
Your ex IS Invite your Have fun,
connect, have them that you want them back. Don’t make it a big deal. Be direct,
receptive. ex on a date
sex. bold, polarizing, and vulnerable.
Your ex did show
If you haven't already, They respond Second up If your ex dumped you: Hey there, XYZ. This is kind of random…
tell your ex you want positively (they're invite IF Forgive me for being honest, but I need to get this off my chest. I love
them back. excited) OR they they reach you, I miss you, and I truly want to make things work between us. If
initiate contact out you’re ever feeling the same way, reach out, let me know, and we can
anytime in the future. try again. My door is open for you. In any case, thanks for everything.
Start Your ex
They say "No," didn't show If you dumped your ex and now regret it: Hey there, XYZ. I’ve been
They don't respond anything akin to up thinking, and honestly, I’m sorry for dumping you. It wasn’t right of
OR are cold and "Maybe," or give Your ex didn't show Set next date me. I made a mistake. If you’re still interested in making things work
disinterested OR an excuse up the second time (Repeat) between us, let me know. I want you back, and I love you. My door is
reject you (indirectly
open for you. Thanks for everything.
or directly).

Your ex did show up; If you cheated, lied, or did something devious to your ex, add a
Move on with after weeks of dating, genuine apology to the statement of interest, acknowledging all the
Your ex IS NOT
your life (No transition into a ways you’ve perhaps hurt them and what you’ve learned from the
Contact) relationship incident. Then promise not to repeat your mistake and keep that
promise. Don’t be dramatic when apologizing, and do it only once.

IF ex initiates
End After you state your interest you move on and never look back. The
contact down the
only time you should give your ex another shot is if they respond
positively to your "confession of interest" or if they initiate some form
of contact down the line.
Self Development/Investing In Yourself


No contact is one of the most effective ways to recover from a How to invite your ex on a date IF they reach out: First, feel free to Once you’ve gone on a couple of dates with your ex and can sense
breakup, grow as a person, retake control of your life, and ultimately, chat for 3-5 texts or about 5 minutes if they called you. Then, as soon things are getting more serious — more sex, intimacy, personal
get into a position where you have the best chance of getting your ex as reasonable, say something like, “Nice hearing from you, tell you conversations, and verbal exchanges of love — then comes the most
back and mending things. It essentially translates to cutting them out what, why don’t we get together again. I’d love to see you. What time critical part of getting your ex back: re-commitment.
of your life. So from now on… are you free next week?”
If your ex brings up the topic of getting back together, have the talk,
You don’t call, message, or engage with their social media Then let your ex answer. By this point, you’ll get one of three and come to a mutually beneficial decision. And if they haven’t
activity anymore (in fact, quietly unfriend and unfollow them) responses: brought it up yet and you can sense you’re already acting like a couple
You don’t go to places where you’d have an “accidental” (i.e., you’re spending a lot of time together, kissing, making out,
encounter with them. 1. Your Ex Commits To A Date having sex, etc.) bring up the topic yourself.
You don’t wish them happy Birthday, Valentine’s day, Easter,
Christmas, Thanksgiving, whatever. Now all you have to do is agree upon a set date and time for your Maybe they’ll try again, maybe they won’t, and they’ll give an excuse
You don’t even express your condolences if they lose a family date, show up, and have fun. For the first date or two I recommend instead. If that happens, respect their decision. At that point, how you
member or a dear friend. you meet up with your ex on neutral ground. You want the both of move forward really comes down to your values and boundaries. Just
You hide every reminder of them that’s within your control. you to feel as comfortable as possible. whatever you do know this: always be willing to walk away.
You avoid going to places that elicit (or can potentially elicit)
painful memories. After the date unfolds, and if it unfolds in such a way where you end If you got back together with your ex, things can work out. But that’s
You throw away or return everything your ex gave you (or at least up kissing, making out and being all over each other, invite them to only if the both of you changed. For relationships don’t end because
lend those things/gifts to a friend until you’ve moved on). your place for a romantic dinner. And, of course, in the end, have sex. two people did something wrong to each other. Relationships end
because two people are something wrong for each other.
Where classic no contact isn't possible resort to modified no contact. 2. Your Ex Doesn’t Commit To A Date
Meaning, you can talk to your ex, but your discussions should ONLY And when I say you and your ex must’ve changed, I’m referring to a
revolve around things like kids/work stuff/living arrangements, etc. Don’t force them to change their mind. Just end the conversation and couple of things: you both have to learn from the breakup,
return to no contact. If they reach out again in the future, invite them acknowledge your mistakes, alter the behaviors that made you part
The length of no contact must be indefinite. Meaning, if your ex ever out one more time. initially, partly redefine your values, learn how to accept each other’s
wants another shot with you, they’ll need contact you — from which flaws, and, most importantly, repair the fundamental components of
point you should set up a date with them and try to mend things. And if you get turned down even then, stop inviting them, even if they any healthy relationship: mutual trust, respect, and affection.
reach out first. At that point they’ll either bring up the topic of a date
themselves or they’ll stop contacting you altogether.

3. Your Ex Gives A Wishy-Washy Answer

I have to check my schedule…Maybe next week…Let’s just hang out
as friends… I have some errands to take care off… I may be late…
Don’t mistake these answers for signs that your ex wants you back. A
“maybe” is always a form of a “no.” So, back to no contact it is. You
A list of everything you must focus on when investing in yourself: don’t want to waste time with people who are a "half-yes." Never be friends with your ex. Ever.
Overcoming/managing neediness, fear of loss, inferiority, anxiety, On your dates, focus on connecting, having fun, and having sex.
codependence, narcissism, shame, insecure attachment styles. Note: sometimes your ex is genuinely busy. But in those cases they Don't whine, complain, mope, beg, plead, pour your heart out,
Developing/improving vulnerability, confidence, lifestyle, self- will usually put forward a rain check. If they don’t, you know where seek closure, play games, and chase after your ex.
esteem, psychological resilience, emotional intelligence, maturity, you stand. Self-improvement is key when getting an ex back. But don't
character, healthier beliefs, self-awareness. improve yourself for them. Do it for yourself.
Taking care of sleep, diet/health, fitness, hygiene, well-being, Generally speaking, the more resistance you encounter when trying to When in doubt whether your ex likes you or not, polarize!
responsibilities. set a date with your ex, the higher the likelihood that they will turn Let your friends and family ground you in reality when it comes
Engaging in breakup recovery, self-love, gratitude, mindfulness. you down, cancel, be a no-show, or ignore/ghost you at some point. to your chances. Don't trust your emotions.

Created by Max Jancar | @Relationship Mastery | All Rights Reserved

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