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Jl. Depati Bahrin Dusun 001 Desa Kimak Kec. Merawang Kab. Bangka
No. Telp : 0813-1605-2437


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester :1
Kelas : 8 (A dan B) Hari/ Tanggal : .................................
Nama : ................................. Waktu : .................................

Find the correct answer! (10%)

Ira’s mother usually gets up at about 4 a.m. She prepares the breakfast. She boils water, cooks rice
and so on. She doesn’t forget to wake up all members of family. Ira makes her bed before doing
the other jobs. Her brother, Rudi and her sister Sinta do the tasks, too. After praying subuh prayer,
Ira helps her mother. She cleans the room. Rudi works outdoor. He sweeps the yard and washes
the clothes. Sinta works in the kitchen. She washes the dishes. After that she sets the table for
breakfast. Ira takes bath dan gets the dressed.
1. When usually ira’s mother gets up?
A. After dzuhur prayer
B. After magrhib prayer
C. At about four a.m.
D. At about 4 p.m.
2. What doesn’t usually ira’s mother do in the morning?
A. Boils water
B. Cooks rice
C. Wakes up the family
D. Goes to shop
3. What does rudi do for helping his mother?
A. Sweeps the yard
B. Works for kitchen
C. Washes dishes
D. Sets the table for breakfast
4. What does sinta usually do for helping her mother
A. Works for kitchen
B. Sweeps the yard
C. Washes the cothes
D. Cleans the room
5. Who usually wakes up the member of family?
A. Ira
B. Sinta
C. Rudi
D. Ira’s mother
Find one mistake in each sentence! (10%)
6. He can buys 2 towels in the shop
7. Can you give him 4 pillows, He will puts them on my mattress
8. Will you take my medicene in my cupboards?
9. She must studies with me to night in the library
10. Sinta follows you to the clinic, so she can sees the doctor

Find best answer from the sentences below! (20%)

11. Choose the correct one!
A. She doesn’t have to take the book for me
B. She doesn’t has to take the book for me
C. She don’t have to takes the book for me
D. She don’t have to take the book for me
12. Choose the correct one!
A. I have to avoid her to make me feel safe
B. I have to avoids her to make me feel safe
C. I has to avoid her to make me feel safe
D. I has to avoids her to make me feel safe
13. Choose the correct one!
A. They must cooks delicious dinner for us to night
B. They must cook delicious dinner for us to night
C. They musts cook delicious dinner for us to night
D. They must cooking delicious dinner for us to night
14. Choose the correct one!
A. Will she hates me because I didn’t help her?
B. Will she hate me because I didn’t help her?
C. Will she hating me because I didn’t help her?
D. Wills she hates me because I didn’t help her?
15. Choose the correct one!
A. We can to hide from them
B. We can hide from them
C. We can hide from they
D. We can to hide from they

Vocabulary (20%)
16. May I come in? :
17. Muscle :
18. Do you know ? :
19. Refrigerator :
20. Don’t sit next to me :
21. Lihat saja nanti :
22. Berpuasa :
23. Mata duitan :
24. Menyewakan :
25. Keras kepala :

Affirmative and negative imperative (15%)

26. Ayo kita bersantai di kamar :
27. Ayo kita tidak berpuasa hari ini :
28. Biarkan dia (pr) membenci mu :
29. Jangan biarkan mereka menerima paket mu :
30. Jangan bersedih :

Change the sentences as ordered below! (15%)

31. She has to sing to night
32. We must meet our friend in the hill this afternoon
33. Will you submit your task to your teacher this afternoon?
34. They can refuse my order if they want
35. I have to hide in the dining room now

Write (C) for correct sentence and ( I ) for incorrect one (10%)
36. ( ) We mustn’t gather in the kitchen
37. ( ) She doesn’t has to love me
38. ( ) I don’t have to protest to that woman
39. ( ) Will you perform your dancing skill to night?
40. ( ) He can to rent my car if he wants

**Answer honestly, we trust you**

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