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Shieri Mae S.




Reflect on the question below. Present your answer by using hashtag and brief description. Please refer
to sample below.

Question: if you were to program the emerging technologies, specifically the intelligent machines, what
morals should you programs to these machines? Why?

‌ hich means, we are looking at an ideal machine for a given task - which makes machines upgradeable,
necessarily, to the desired level of efficiency/accuracy as and when required by man. Hence, such
intelligent machines are manufactured/programmed in like manner. Therefore, logically, in a similar
manner, whatever morals you desire in an ideal human being that satisfies your task requirements,
should be similarly programmed into the machine, if possible. The only problem in this case, which I
visualise would be, how do you program analytical judgment in the presence of challenging and intricate
emotional situations, through the morals programmed, if possible, into the machine. That would be a
difficult task in your search for an perfect/ideal solution, which wouldn't add to your problems later.


1. What constitute the good life for you? Explain your answer.

What constitutes a good life is up to the individual. But, typically, a good life includes doing good for
others, being ethical and caring, being productive and having a purpose in life. Strive for experiences
rather than things.

2. To what extent does scientific advancements impact your idea of good life? Explain your Answer.

The easiest way to see the benefit of science is to look at the Covid vaccine. Without it millions would
die and hundreds of millions would be crippled by Covid induced organ damage. I’d say that’s a good
example of “ensuring the good life”. Outside of Covid, we have the internet, which allows anyone to
have access to the knowledge of the whole world (even though we primarily use it to watch cat videos).

3. How can you achieve the good life? Explain your answer.

One basic way we use the word “good” is to express moral approval. So when we say someone is living
well or that they have lived a good life, we may simply mean that they are a good person, someone who
is courageous, honest, trustworthy, kind, selfless, generous, helpful, loyal, principled, and so on.

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