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Main types of

heart diseases in PBL

Ischemic heart disease
Since 2005, heart disease remains as
It is a typical heart

disease, occurring
one of the main causes of death
when the heart’s arteries are unable
among Malaysians. This problem
to supply enough oxygen-rich blood
related to their dietary habits and
to the heart. lifestyles

Heart Failure
Heart failure,
also known as
congestive heart failure, is a condition 201
that develops when your heart
doesn’t pump enough blood for your

Causes of body’s needs

diseases Ways to prevent heart
Ischemic heart disease diseases

by plaque
It is often caused
building up and thickening or Eat a healthy, balanced diet
hardening the artery supplying
Be more physically active
that area or organ.
Give up smoking
Heart Failure Give up smoking
IHeart failure

has many causes. The most Give up alcohol consumption
common is damage to the heart muscle Control your cholesterol and blood
caused by a heart attack and coronary artery
disease. Another common cause of heart
failure is high blood pressure.
Manage stress

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