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Week No.

4 Date: December 20, 2019

Pupil’s Complete Name: Victoria La Leina Barlow Tutor’s Name: Therese Nicolyne L. Salido

What is the focus of your lesson? Write the upper case for each lower case letter or vice versa. Learning
code: LLKAK-Ih-4

Learning Objective/s:
(a) Students will learn to recognize the uppercase and lower-case letters of the alphabet when seeing the
letters in print.
(b) Student will be able to orally describe what the uppercase and lowercase letter looks or sounds like.
(c) Students will learn to recognize the lower-case letters of the alphabet when seeing the letters in print.


-writing worksheets

Lesson Procedure:
Step 1: The teacher will Invite her student to sing the ABC song with you.
Step 2: The teacher would sing along with the music, and at the same time encourage your students to "air
write" the letters.
Step 3: The teacher would tell her student that she will be learning to write uppercase and lowercase letters
Step 4: The teacher will be preparing a lowercase and uppercase writing activity worksheets.
Step 5: The teacher will then give the instructions of what her student would do which is to simply connect
the dots and onwards determine what letter is being formed.
Step 6: The teacher will then ask the student what letter does she see after completing one task right after
the other.
Step 7: The teacher will then do the same thing again, introducing another set of uppercase letters and the
tutee’s goal is to find its matching lowercase letter (vice versa) and write it.

To check the student's understanding, the teacher will pull each over separately. The teacher will say at
least 15 different letters. The student will have to write down the correct uppercase and lowercase letter,
and then tell the teacher what the letter sounds like. The teacher will have a checklist on hand to mark
down the student's performance.

Task for Parents to Follow-Up at Home:

The teacher would task the parents to give the child review sessions when it comes to writing matching
uppercase and lowercase letters. Like giving them opportunities to engage in interactive activities that
would help them promote this kind of literacy skill. Example is, have their child work in groups or with their
peers so that she could have company in learning about writing uppercase and lowercase letters too. Their
parents could prepare a pocket type, a graphic organizer where there would be a given letter, and the child
would just write the letter on the sheet which she would just match it according to its matching uppercase
letter or vice versa. And both her and her friends could take turns in doing so. This could be done through a
game where the winner gets something at the end.

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