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‫ من يزيد نصا و أسئلة كثيرة فى جزء التسويق‬%02 ‫ جانى فيه تقريبا‬.

7272 ‫ سبتمبر‬72 ‫امتحانى كان يوم‬

‫واإلدارة لم أكن على دراية بها ولم أجد مثلها فى المصادر المتاحة والمسائل محتاجة فهم ألصل األمور وليس فقط‬
‫ يزيد مهم جدا لضمان جزء من االمتحان ويجب‬:‫ فى المجمل‬.‫حفظ القوانين ونسبة التكرار فيها من يزيد قليلة‬
:‫المذاكرة بفهم لمواضيع مثل‬
Drug Clearance kinetics
Pharmaceutical chemistry simple basics like: what's oxidation and reduction and
oxidative deamination
1 Patient on warfarin with INR 5. No bleeding observed. What is the decision?
a- pause warfarin then continue with smaller dose (my answer)
b- stop warfarin and give vitamin K

2 Patient on warfarin with INR 9. No bleeding observed. What is the decision?

a- pause warfarin and give vitamin K (my answer)
b- continue on warfarin
c- pause warfarin, then continue with small

3 Patient has been newly prescribed budesonide/formeterol inhaler for

asthma and salbutamol inhaler for acute episodes. He complains that he
has no benefit from the regimen and has severe asthma attacks
a- check how he uses the inhalers (my answer)
b- change to another therapy
c- increase the dose

4 Patient on antiepileptic and has a lot of seizures the last week. The
therapeutic target is: (The question has other details which I cannot
a- zero seizures
b- reduce seizures by 50%
c- reduce seizures by 75%
d- other choices I don't remember

5 Which drug increase warfarin effect?

a- metronidazole (my answer)

6 Which drug increase warfarin effect (again)?

b- amiodarone (my answer)

7 Research needs to work on glycoprotein. Which system can he work on for

production? (The question has quite different script)
a- E-coli
b- yeast system
c- insect cell
d- mammalian cell
8 Patient on methotrexate weekly for rheumatoid arthritis. The question was
about vaccination but I don't remember the script
a- give the vaccine immediately
b- vaccine is contraindicated
c- give 2 weeks away from methotrexate

9 12 month old infant has an immune disorder and received immunoglobulin

dose recently. It is the time now for MMR and varicella vaccine.
a- give immediately
b- delay 6 months
c- delay 24 months
d- those vaccines are contraindicated

10 25 years old woman with 2 days diarrhea came to the hospital and the lab
K 3.1 => normal from 3.6 up to …
Na 136 => normal from 135 up to …
(The numbers are not accurate)
What to give?
a- 20 mEq of KCl in 100 ml normal saline bolus
b- 90 mEq of KCl in 100 ml saline bolus
c- 20 mEq KCl in 450 ml normal saline infusion over 15 minutes (my answer)
d- 90 mEq KCl in 450 ml normal saline infusion over 5 hours

11 What was the action after Thalidomide disaster?

a- food, drug and cosmetics act
b- Kefauver-Harris Amendment (correct)
-- other choices

12 Components of human cell membrane?

a- protein, phospholipids and cholesterol
--- other choices I don't remember

13 Woman has a prescription of 2 eye drops. Administration timing?

a- 3 minutes apart
b- 5 minutes apart
---- other choices

14 Child on piperacillin/tazobactam 3 times daily infusion for Pseudomonas

aeruginosa but still has no good effect. The physician thinks if he can have
better results using kinetics of piperacillin/tazobactam.
a- increase infusion time over the minimum effective concentration gives
better results
b- trough levels -----
(I can't remember the question)
15 What reaction this compound went?

a- oxidative deamination (my answer)

16 Which enzyme responsible for this metabolism?

a- reductase
b- oxidase
c- esterase
---other choices

17 The MOH decided to stop drug from market for 6 months for further
investigations after some raised issues about a relation between that drug
and myocardial infarction. What did the MOH did?
a- drug recall
b- drug suspension
--- other choices

18 Child had a nail piercing infection then an organism caused him

osteomyelitis. The question was about the organism that caused the
osteomyelitis I think
a- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-- other choices I don't remember but included bacteria and fungi

19 Question showing 4 structures without names and asking which neuroleptic

is the most potent. I don't remember the choices

20 Which human subject more vulnerable to studies?

a- pregnant
b- people with multiple diseases
--- other choices I don't remember

21 What is the most important vital sign the doctor should check for a case of
infectious disease?
a- heart rate
b- respiratory rate
c- temperature
---other choice

22 What is the most common source for getting infection in hospitals?

a- food
b- bathrooms
c- hands of healthcare workers
--other choice

23 Hospitalized patient has been noticed to get an infection from the infusion
set with some temperature elevation (38.3 degree). What is the first
empirical antibiotic to give?
a- vancomycin
-- other choices

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