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Hong Kong True Light College

English – Connectives (For example/ For instance)

Name: _______________________ Group/ Class: ____________ Date: ________________

We can use ‘for example’ and ‘for instance’ to explain something that we have just said. We
usually put them at the beginning of the second sentence or at the end of a sentence. They
are usually separated from the rest of the sentence with one or two commas.
Task 1 Join the following sentences together using ‘for example/ for instance’.

1. Sandy likes snacks. Sandy eats a lot of chips, chocolate and pudding.

Sandy likes snacks. For example, she eats a lot of chips, chocolate and pudding. (For example)

Sandy likes snacks. She eats a lot of chips, chocolate and pudding, for instance. (for instance)

2· Joan is always lazy. Joan stayed in bed all day yesterday.

Joan is always lazy. For instance, she stayed in bed all day yesterday. (For instance)
Joan is always lazy. She stayed in bed all day yesterday, for instance. (for instance)

3. Doing yoga has many benefits. Doing yoga helps to reduce stress.

Doing yoga has many benefits. It helps to reduce stress, for example. (for example)

Doing yoga has many benefits. For instance, it helps to reduce stress. (For instance)

4. Hong Kong has a lot of museums. Hong Kong has the History Museum and Science Museum.
Hong Kong has a lot of museums. For example, it has the History Museum and Science
Museum. (For example)

Hong Kong has a lot of museums. It has the History Museum and Science Museum, for
(for instance)

5. Children should eat less junk food. Children should avoid eating burgers and chips.
Children should eat less junk food. They should avoid eating burgers and chips, for example.
(for example)
Children should eat less junk food. For instance, they should avoid eating burgers and chips.
(For instance)

6. Lawrence is very kind. Lawrence always helps his sister with her homework.

Lawrence is very kind. For example, he always helps his sister with her homework. (For example)

Lawrence is very kind. He always helps his sister with her homework, for instance. (for
We can use ‘like’ and ‘such as’ to introduce examples. They are usually followed by nouns.

Task 2 Join the following sentences together using ‘like/ such as’.

1. Things can be recycled. They include paper and plastic.

Things, like paper and plastic, can be recycled. (like)
Things, such as paper and plastic, can be recycled. (such as)
2. Avoid junk food if you want to lose weight. They include chocolate and chips.
Avoid junk food, like chocolate and chips, if you want to lose weight. (like)
Avoid junk food, such as chocolate and chips, if you want to lose weight. (such as)
3. Mum’s good at cooking seafood. It includes clams and shrimps.
Mum’s good at cooking seafood, like clams and shrimps. (like)
Mum’s good at cooking seafood, such as clams and shrimps. (such as)
4. Some animals are becoming endangered. They include Bluefin tuna and polar bears.
Some animals, like Bluefin tuna and polar bears, are becoming endangered. (like)
Some animals, such as Bluefin tuna and polar bears, are becoming endangered. (such as)
5. Jill would love to travel to several European cities. They include London, Florence, and Athens.
Jill would love to travel to several European cities, like London, Florence, and Athens. (like)
Jill would love to travel to several European cities, such as London, Florence, and Athens.
(such as)
6. Everyone should try to take public transport to reduce air pollution. It includes the MTR and the
Everyone should try to take public transport, like the MTR and the bus, to reduce air pollution.
Everyone should try to take public transport, such as the MTR and the bus, to reduce air
pollution. (such as)
7. Some characters continue to appear in movies and novels. They include Cinderella, Dracula, and
Some characters, like Cinderella, Dracula, and Frankenstein, continue to appear in movies and
novels. (like)
Some characters, such as Cinderella, Dracula, and Frankenstein, continue to appear in movies
and novels. (such as)
8. I enjoy playing musical instruments. They include piano and violin.
I enjoy playing musical instruments, like piano and violin. (like)
I enjoy playing musical instruments, such as piano and violin. (such as)
9. I like the new animation movies. They include Finding Dory and Coco.
I like the new animation movies, like Finding Dory and Coco. (like)
I like the new animation movies, such as Finding Dory and Coco. (such as)

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