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Cognitive strategy use in adults with acquired brain injury(2020)

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for the cognitive

rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury (TBI) victims: Study protocol for a
randomized controlled trial(2015)

Evaluation of a hybrid treatment for Veterans with comorbid traumatic brain

injury and posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized
controlled trial

Problem solving, biofeedback, and severe brain injury: The moderating role of
positive affect(2018)-

Comprehensive cognitive training improves attention and memory in patients with severe or moderate
traumatic brain injury
Beneficial effects of early attention process training after acquired brain
injury: A randomized controlled trial(2020) Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,-


The influence of physical and cognitive activities on simple and complex

cognitive tasks in older adults(2006)

Computerized cognitive remediation training for schizophrenia: An open label,

multi-site, multinational methodology study(2012)

Mental training affects electrophysiological markers of attention resource

allocation in healthy older adults(2019) –

The efficacy of a dance intervention as cognitive training for the old-old(2017)

The beneficial effects of cognitive training with simple calculation and reading
aloud (SCRA) in the elderly postoperative population: A pilot randomized
controlled trial(2018)

Combined Cognitive Training vs.Memory Strategy Training in Healthy Older Adults

Training on working memory and inhibitory control in young adults(2016)-

The use of problem-solving therapy for primary care to enhance complex decision-
making in healthy community-dwelling older adults(2018)-


Psychosocial dysfunction in major depressive disorder-rationale, design, and

characteristics of the Cognitive and Emotional Recovery Training Program for

Computerized cognitive training for major depressive disorder: What's next?


Computerized cognitive remediation training for schizophrenia: An open label,

multi-site, multinational methodology study(2012)

Computerized cognitive remediation training for schizophrenia: An open label,

multi-site, multinational methodology study(2012)

Computerized cognitive remediation training for schizophrenia: An open label,

multi-site, multinational methodology study(2012)
Cognitive enhancement treatment for people with mental illness who do not
respond to supported employment: A randomized controlled trial(2015)

The effects of cognitive rehabilitation on social knowledge in patients with


Neurocognitive prediction of illness knowledge after psychoeducation in

schizophrenia –

Evaluation of a hybrid treatment for Veterans with comorbid traumatic brain

injury and posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized
controlled trial

Cognitive and physical rehabilitation of intensive care unit survivors: Results

of the RETURN randomized controlled pilot investigation(2012):

A randomized controlled trial comparing a “bottom-up” and “top-down” approach to

cognitive training in schizophrenia(2019

Verbal learning deficits associated with increased anticholinergic burden are

attenuated with targeted cognitive training in treatment refractory
schizophrenia patients(2019)-

A randomised controlled trial of a cognitive skills programme for offenders with

mental illness(2018)

Cognitive remediation in schizophrenia

Feasibility and pilot efficacy results from the multisite cognitive remediation in the schizophrenia trials network
(CRSTN) randomized controlled trial:

Social skills training and computer-assisted cognitive remediation in schizophrenia. –

Cognitive and social cognitive predictors of change in objective versus
subjective quality-of-life in rehabilitation for schizophrenia(2012) –

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus psychoeducational intervention in

bipolar outpatients with sub-threshold depressive symptoms: A randomized
controlled trial(2014)

A randomized controlled trial of cognitive remediation among inpatients with

persistent mental illness(2008)

Effects of a neuropsychological rehabilitation programme on schizophrenic

patients' subjective perception of improvement(2005) Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation, 15 –

Adaptive conjunctive cognitive training (ACCT) in virtual reality for chronic

stroke patients: A randomized controlled pilot trial(2020

The effects of cognitive rehabilitation on social knowledge in patients with


Cognitive remediation training improves performance in patients with chronic

fatigue syndrome(2017)-

Cognitive enhancement treatment for people with mental illness who do not
respond to supported employment: A randomized controlled trial(2015)-

Integrating psychopharmacology and cognitive remediation to treat cognitive

dysfunction in the psychotic disorders(2014)- anova

The efficacy of a brief psycho-educational intervention to improve awareness of cognitive dysfunction in


Beneficial effects of an integrated psychostimulation program in patients with

Alzheimer's disease -

Effects of lexical-semantic treatment on memory in early alzheimer disease: An

observer-blinded randomized controlled trial(2012) Neurorehabilitation and
Neural Repair

Safety and Feasibility of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Cognitive

Rehabilitation in Patients With Mild or Major Neurocognitive Disorders: A
Randomized Sham-Controlled Pilot Study(2019) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience =

Feasibility and potential effects of interdisciplinary home-based reablement program (i-harp) for people with cognitive
and functional decline: A pilot trial
Effects of the "Happy Together" integrated cognitive behavior program on elderly
people with dementia being cared for at home in rural areas(2016)

Neuropsychological outcome of cognitive training in mild to moderate dementia: A

randomized controlled trial(2020)-

Effect ofPaper-Based Cognitive Training in Early Stage of Alzheimer's Dementia

Reading aloud and arithmetic calculation improve frontal function of people with dementia
The effects of strategy training on spatial memory in diencephalic amnesia: a
randomized controlled study(2020)

Effects of electroacupuncture combined with computer-based cognitive

rehabilitation on mild cognitive impairment: Study protocol for a pilot
randomized controlled trial(2019):

Strategie for improvinf memory: A Randomized Trial of Memory Groups for Older
People, Including those with Mild Cognitive Impairment(2015)-

The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and

Disability (FINGER): Study design and progress(2013) Alzheimer's and Dementia

Study protocol for the recreational stimulation for elders as a vehicle to

resolve delirium superimposed on dementia

Cognitive change is more positively associated with an active lifestyle than

with training interventions in older adults at risk of dementia: A controlled
interventional clinical trial(

Cognitive Training and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Mild

Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Controlled

A comparison of the effects between 2 computerized cognitive training programs,

Bettercog and COMCOG, on elderly patients with MCI and mild dementia A single-
blind randomized controlled study(2018

Evolving methods to combine cognitive and physical training for individuals with
mild cognitive impairment: Study protocol for a randomized controlled

Parkinson’s-adapted cognitive stimulation therapy: a pilot randomized controlled

clinical trial(2019
Effects of virtual reality-based physical and cognitive training on executive
function and dual-task gait performance in older adults with mild cognitive
impairment: A randomized control trial(2019)-

Effects of virtual reality-based physical and cognitive training on executive

function and dual-task gait performance in older adults with mild cognitive
impairment: A randomized control trial(2019)-

Responder Analysis of a Multicomponent Non-Pharmacological Intervention (MAKS)

for People With Cognitive Impairment in the German Day-Care Study (DeTaMAKS)

Transcranial direct current stimulation combined with cognitive training for the
treatment of Parkinson Disease: A randomized, placebo-controlled study(2018)-

Efficacy of group cognitive rehabilitation therapy in multiple sclerosis(2018)-

.Mediation of Cognitive Function Improvements by Strength Gains After Resistance

Training in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: Outcomes of the Study
of Mental and Resistance Training(2017)

Do Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis patients benefit from Computer-

based cognitive neurorehabilitation? A randomized sham controlled trial(2020)-

. Perceptions of a cognitive rehabilitation group by older people living with

cognitive impairment and their caregivers: A qualitative interview study(2017)-

Cognitive stimulation in a-MCI: An experimental study

Study protocol for the recreational stimulation for elders as a vehicle to
resolve delirium superimposed on dementia –

Mindfulness Improves Attention Resource Allocation During Response Inhibition in
Older Adults(2020 )

Longitudinal neurostimulation in older adults improves working memory –

Working Memory Training in Alcohol Use Disorder: A Randomized Controlled

Trial(2019) –

Use of a comprehensive programme of external cueing to enhance procedural memory in a patient with dense amnesia.
Impact of attention training on academic achievement, executive functioning, and
behavior: A randomized controlled trial(2017)

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