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Coyotes Fashion Stromae and fashion

December, 28 2022

The Belgian singer has always had an original style. On

the cover of his new album and during his concert we
can discover his own style who is very innovative and
stunning. Stromae is explaining his relation to fashion.

Concert 2022
Cover of Multitude Collection of Mosaert

Q.Stromae, the cover of your new album, Multitude, is

very original from a fashion point of view. Indeed, you
show a surprising haircut and remarkable clothes. Can
you explain us why?
R.In fact, my music addresses strong and sad subject like
suicide, depression, or loneliness. So, I want to express good
vibes with my appearance to contrast with my texts.

Q.In this album and the previous you sometimes

Contact us disguise yourself. Is it important for you to play roles
and characters to express better the emotions of your
Name of the society R. Yes, I like embodying characters and cross-dressing by
Coyotes paper playing on the ambiguity of gender. It makes my word more
expressive and the sensations are stronger when I play a
roles. It’s also essential to me to make a wall between my
96 rue Saint-Antoine very personal lyrics and me, it protects me.
Postal code , City Q. On stage you always have the same outfits. Basically,
75004, Paris it’s a kind of uniform, you have white shoes, a baggie
Phone blue pant and a very cool white shirt. This shirt has big
01 34 23 86 10 epaulettes and makes with lace. You wear a tie that
splits in two. Of course, you have a bun on each side of
Email your head. Can you explain these choices?
com R. Yes, I make these choices to express a sort of rigour. I
want to have clothes which look serious but fun to create a
Website universe which reminds my text. Indeed the objective of a stage costume is to communicate emotions. Mine has cold
paper colours and the aspect of a suit because I need to be more
careful with my appearance because I broach grave subjects
in the album.
Q. Stromae, you launched a clothing brand. Can you tell
us more about it?
R. Of course! In 2009, with my brother, I created Mosaert,
my brand, to mark the launch of my first album « Cheese ».
We have worked with Coralie Barbier a Belgian stylist. The
clothes were inspired by costumes that I wear on stage or in
my music videos. We design only one collection a year. This
collection is unisex. All the clothes are made in Europe with
sustainable fabrics and have colourful graphics.

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