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January 3, 2023 Classroom Activities

Grade 5 (9:30 – 10:10)

1. ESL Games
a. Board Race
- Split the class into 2 teams and divide the whiteboard as well.
- Have the teams form a line facing the board and one at a time the group members in
the line will write a word about the topic at the top of the whiteboard. The team who
will write as many words as they know within 2 minutes about the topic wins a point.
- The topics are: Christmas and New Year, School, Online games
- First group who has the most points wins.

b. Pictionary
- First group to make 5-10 points wins.
- Pictionary words

Desk Thermos 
Pay cheque Hot cup
Work computer Glue
Sticky Notes 
Fax machine Clipboard
Phone Paperclips
Paper Chocolate 
Light Secretary 
Chair Work
Desk lamp Paperwork
Coffee cup
Notepad Workload 
Paper clips Employee
Coffee mug
Binder Boredom
Coffee Snowboarding  Broom

Golf  Snowman  Spiderweb

Laptop Polar bear Mummy

Sandcastle Cream Candy

Monday Waffle Bays

Vanilla Pancakes Squirrels

Bamboo Ice cream Basketball

Sneeze Sundae  Water Bottle

Scratch  beach Unicorn

Celery  Sunglasses Dog leash

Hammer Surfboard Newspaper

Frog  Watermelon Hammock

Tennis Baseball Video camera

Hot dog Bat Money

Pants Ball Smiley face

Bridge T-shirt Umbrella

Bubblegum Kiss Picnic basket

Candy bar Jellyfish Teddy bear 

Bucket  Jelly Ambulance

Skiing  Butterfly Ancient Pyramids

Sledding Spider Bacteria

Goosebumps Cow Dress

Pizza House Pillow

Platypus Dog Home

Clam Chowder Car Toothpaste

Goldfish bowl Bed Guitar

Skull Furniture Schoolbag

Spiderweb Train Pencil Case

Smoke Rainbow Glasses

Tree Paintings Towel

Ice Drawing Watch

Blanket Cup Piano

Seaweed Plate Pen

Flame Bowl Hat

Bubble Cushion Shoes

Hair  Sofa Socks 

Tooth Sheet Jeans

Leaf Kitchen Hair Gel

Worm Table Keyboard

Sky Candle Bra

Apple Shirt Jacket

Plane Clothes Tie

Bandage  Hair Brush

Scarf Cell Phone

c. Group spelling – Paired up students or group them into three then have them spell the
words below. They must spell the word together at the count of 3.
- Abolish - Escalate - Influence
- Dominate - Hostile - Unfamiliar
- Drowsy - Huddle - Vertical
- Edible - Identify - Effortless
- Illegible - Equivalent - Immigrate
Grade 6 (10:10 – 10:50)
1. Riddles – Pair up the students and have them answer the riddle below. First team to make
5-7 points wins.
- Which is faster? Hot or cold? (Hot, you can easily catch a cold.)
- What questions you can never answer yes or no? (Are you asleep? Are you dead?)
- What kind of dog never bites? (A hotdog)
- What table doesn’t have legs? (vegetable)
- What starts with E and ends with E and only has one letter? (envelope)
- How many months have 28 days? (all)
- I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? (candle)
- What goes up but never goes down? (your age)
- What can fill up a room but takes no space? (light)
- What is the end of “everything”? (letter G)
2. Paired spelling
- Headstrong
- Pacify
- Acute
- Bluster
- Commentary
- Duration
- Fidelity
- Numb
- Remorse
- Inhabitant
3. Trivia
- What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world? (Mt. Everest)
- Which country has the largest population in the world? (China)
- What are the names of the seven continents of the world? (Asia, Africa, North
America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia)
- What is the capital of Mexico? (Mexico City)
- What is the name of the largest country in the world? (Russia)
- Where is the Eiffel Tower located? (Paris, France)
- What is the name of the largest ocean in the world? (The Pacific Ocean)
- What country are the Great Pyramids of Giza located in? (Egypt)
- What is the capital of Thailand? (Bangkok)
- What is the name of the smallest country in the world? (The Vatican City)

Grade 4 (10:50 – 11:20)

1. Scattegories – Write the 10 categories on the board and have the class divide into 2 and
lined up facing the board. Each student will think of a subcategory beginning with a Letter.
- Categories are Name of cities, Food, Girls Names, Boys Names, Name of places,
Name of vegetables, Name of Fruits, Name of Animals, Name of countries, Name of
2. Board game spelling
- Attach
- Where
- Sandwich
- Change
- Watch
- Singer
- Slippery
- Spring
- Gather
- These
- Thread
- Athlete
- Worth
- Thirsty
- Whisper
- Whistle
- Awhile
- Nowhere
- Clasp
- Stranger
3. Charades (1 minute per team)

- Swimming
- Reading
- Talking on the phone
- Showering
- Brushing your teeth
- Eating
- Making your bed
- Smelling a flower
- Blowing out birthday candles
- Tying your shoes
- Walking a dog
- Playing video games
- Driving a car
- Skateboarding
- Flipping pancakes
- Whisking eggs
- Vacuuming
- Chopping wood
- Tap dancing
- Climbing a tree
- Sunbathing
- Sending a text
- Shoveling snow
- Building a sand castle

Grade 7 (1:00 – 1:40)

1. ESL Puzzle – distribute puzzle and have the students answer it. (to print folder adjectives-
opposite law)
2. Top 5 Quiz – Groups will only write one answer on the small whiteboard. If their answer
is on the top 5 they will get a point corresponding to their answer on the top 5 list.


1. Name it to win it (on PowerPoint) – the students will be grouped and they will guess the
correct word by analyzing the pictures.
- Answers to the Easy category for 10 seconds
(1) Keyboard
(2) Jellyfish
(3) Eyeball
- Answers to Hard category for 15 seconds
(1) Cheeseburger
(2) Race car
(3) Cauliflower
(4) Cucumber
(5) Broccoli
(6) Archery
- Answers to Difficult category for 20 seconds (received during exchange gifts)
(1) T-shirt
(2) Figurine
(3) Alkansiya
(4) Lotion
(5) Monito-Monita
2. Trivia
- What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world? (Mt. Everest)
- Which country has the largest population in the world? (China)
- What are the names of the seven continents of the world? (Asia, Africa, North
America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia)
- What is the capital of Mexico? (Mexico City)
- What is the name of the largest country in the world? (Russia)
- Where is the Eiffel Tower located? (Paris, France)
- What is the name of the largest ocean in the world? (The Pacific Ocean)
- What country are the Great Pyramids of Giza located in? (Egypt)
- What is the capital of Thailand? (Bangkok)
- What is the name of the smallest country in the world? (The Vatican City)
3. Top 5 Quiz – Groups will only write one answer on the small whiteboard. If their answer
is on the top 5 they will get a point corresponding to their answer on the top 5 list.

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