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Nama : khoerul umam

NIM : 2021020062

Prodi : program sarjana Keperawatan/ 1B

Mapel : bahasa inggris

1. How many ways to take medicine?

answer :

There are 5 ways to take medicine:

1. Taken directly (orally).

2. Injections (parenteral).
3. Topical.
4. Suppositories (rectal).
5. Dripped.

2. How many types and explain the procedure!

answer :

 Intravenous Injection
This injection Process involves inserting a needle directly into a vein so that the fluid can
be sent directly through the bloodstream. This is done so that the treatment carried out
can directly benefit the patient.
 Intramuscular injection
Intramuscular Injection is the process of injection directly into the muscle. This is done
so that the fluid that is inserted can be absorbed by the blood vessels quickly.
 Subcutaneous injection
This injection Allows fluid to flow between the skin and the muscle. This injection uses
more needles than other types of injection.
 Intradermal Injection
The liquid directly Through the intradermal injection process will be directed into the
layer just below the epidermis of the skin. This type of injection is carried out at an
incline of 5 to 15 degrees and is placed almost flat on the skin.

3. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of injection procedure !

Answer :
A. Intramuscular

Advantages :

 Pain from irritating drug is minimized

 Can administer larger volume than subcutaneous
 Absorption is rapid than subcutaneous route
 Slow releasing drugs can be given by this route
 This injection is technically easier than IV
 The gastrointestinal tract and first pass metabolism are avoided

Disadvantages :

 Break skin barrier

 Injections can be painful
 The needle may puncture a small blood vessel and cause bruising of the skin

B. intravenous

Advantages :

 immediate action takes place

 this route is preferred in emergency situations
 this route is preferred for unconscious
 titration of dose is possible
 large volume of fluids might be injected by this route

Disadvantages :

 injected drugs cannot be recalled by emesis or by binding to activated charcoal

 requires administration by trained medical staff
 phlebitis ( inflammation of the blood vessel ) might occur
 infiltration of surrounding tissues might result
 this method is not suitable for oily preparations
 this method preparations is not suitable for insoluble

C. subcutaneous

Advantages :
 absorption is slow and constant
 can be easly self-administered by the patient
 least painful of the parenteral administration routes
 low risk of systemic infection
 large number of possible injection sites for multiple dosing

Disadvantages :

 it might lead to abscess formation

 absorption is limited by blood flow
 volume imitations ( < 1 to 2 ml )
 retention at injection site can lead to local adverse reaction

D. intradermal

Advantages :

 Absorption is slow (this is an advantage intesting for allergies)

Disadvantages :

 Amount of drug administered must be small

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