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Chad Booc from University of the Philippines-Diliman was earned his Computer Science degree

and graduated as a cum laude. He was so smart that his undergraduate research project was recognized
and presented in academic forums abroad. His future is wonderful because of his achievements but
based on (Solitario J. 2019) exactly five SONA’s ago, he joined a rally for the first time and this is the start
where he can see the realities. Chad became an activist after the executive director of ALCADEV was
killed and found himself in the middle of Manilakbayan 2015. He said that he was inspired on how
Lumad’s build and ran their own school without the help of anyone. This encounter inspired him so that,
after he graduated, he decided to be a volunteer teacher of Lumad in Mindanao in the year 2016 and
give up the good opportunities.

At first, Chad finds it hard on how he can explain his decision to his family but after several post
of his adventure and situation on social media networks he finally made progress and his family accept
his decision. He was handling “Math” classes for second- and third-year students and “Science” classes
for freshmen. Even though Chad and his fellow volunteer teachers received threats from the military
presence in their areas, they choose to stay and continue teaching Lumad children. Military are forcing
them to stop teaching Lumad and when they did not follow, it’s either they will be charge on crimes or
be killed. Based on GMA News article by (Casilao, J. 2021) “Chad” stated during the SONA ng
Pambansang Minorya “They’re searching for teachers and they’re forcing them to surrender, forcing
them to stop teaching. Some are being forced to speak against Lumad schools, to spread lies, and if they
disagree, they will be charged.” On February 2021 Chad and others who supposed to rescue indigenous
children in Cebu City was arrested by authorities because of allegedly training of child warriors but the
Davao del Norte Prosecutor’s Office dismissed the criminal complaints against them because of
insufficient evidences.

This February 24, 2022 controversial issue where five group of people had firefight encounter on
military. Chad Booc is one of them and they were all killed because based on the military, there are
alleged New People’s Army rebels. Captain Mark Anthony Tito, information officer of the Army’s 10 th
infantry Division stated that “Tito said civilian residents had alerted soldiers of the 1001st Infantry
Brigade to the presence of rebels foraging for food in a hinterland village.” So that they take action and
respond. The military said that they had a battle with NPA which is Chad is one of them but according to
the residence of Andap in New Bataan “no encounter between Armed Forces of the Philippines and New
People’s Army” in the area, Article of (Gallardo, F. 2022). Military are using their power and authority to
abused indigenous people and all individual who’s taking side and protecting the indigenous people.
Chad’s family is seeking for justice not only for Chad’s but for all the victims of New Bataan 5 Massacre.

We need to end the overuse of power. The (GreenPeace Organization, 2022) said that “As an
environmental organization that values non-violence and promotes peace and justice, Greenpeace
Philippines decries the red-tagging and killing of peaceful environment, human rights, and education
activists, now among them Chad Booc and his companions.” Killing the innocent lives of people who just
want to help those people with no capability is not right. Chad and the other victims only want to
support and help Lumad people. The (IBON Organization, 2022) want justice for this unhuman act of
authorities, they stated that “We salutes volunteer teachers Chad and Jurain and community health
worker Elgyn who gave their lives to supporting the Lumad struggle for self-determination and
sustainable development. We condemn their brutal killing and of the drivers who were helping them.
We demand justice for them and holding the military who killed them accountable”. We all have the
power to bring the victim of New Bataan 5 Massacre justice they deserve. Stand up and be not afraid. Be
the voice and speak for the them.

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