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Chapter 1-LESSON 1  Electric charge is a fundamental

quantity with two types: POSITIVE

Electric Charge
 The unit of electric charge is the
coulomb (C), after the French Scientist
Static Electricity
Charles Coulomb who studied
The word “electric” is derived from the Greek electrical effects.
word elektron, meaning amber. As early as
600 BC, the ancient Greeks discovered that if
you rub apiece of amber with a cloth, the Law of Conservation of electric Charge
amber attracts small pieces of leaves or dust.
This “amber effect” is now what we called The American statesman, philosopher and
STATIC ELECTRICITY! scientist Benjamin Franklin emphasized that
the net change in the amount of charge
AMBER –a petrified tree resin.
produced in any process is ZERO. Presently
stated as; “NO net electric charge can be
created nor destroyed”
Electric Charge

This Static Electricity also explains what

happened to the comb and the paper cuts. Recall
Because of rubbing, an object becomes
All matter is made up of small particles called
“charged” and is said to possess a net
Atoms which are composed in part of
 Negatively charged particles called
 Positively charged particles called
protons and
 Particles that have no electric charge
(they are electrically neutral) and are
slightly more massive that the protons
called neutrons.

Insulators and Conductors

The experiment shows that all charged
objects fall into one of two categories: Some materials permit electric charge to
move easily from one region of the material
Either they are attracted to the plastic and to another, while others do not! These
repelled by the glass; Or they are repelled by materials are classified as;
the plastic and attracted to the glass. Thus,
there seem to be two and only two types of
electric charge. Each type of charge repels the
same type but attracts the opposite type. That
is; “Like charges repel; unlike charges attract”

“Opposite Attracts”
An INSULATOR allows no electric charge to “Like the charges repel; unlike charges
transfer. They serve best as protector against attract”
electric shock or even too much heat.

An ELECTRIC FORCE exists between any

two charged particles. The mutual forces on
the particles may be either Attractive or

Attractive Force –between two unlike

charges or a positive and a negative charge.

Repulsive Force –between like charges,

either both positive or both negative.
A CONDUCTOR permits the easy
movement of electric charge through them. Let us re-examine what happened in the
They work best as electrical wires or part of comb and the tiny papers:
an electronic circuit.
When a comb is brought near small pieces of
paper, the charges in the paper molecules are
acted on by electric forces—positive charges
are attracted, negative charges repelled—and
the result is an effective separation of charge.
The molecules are then said to be
POLARIZED: they possess definite regions of
These are also some materials that are
intermediate in their properties between
good conductors and good insulators and
these are called SEMICONDUCTORS. Some
good examples are carbons, Silicon and


Electric Force
Keep in mind, however, that overall, the
paper is uncharged; it is electrically neutral.
Recall Only molecular regions within the paper are
charged. This procedure is termed Charging
The attraction and repulsion between
by Induction.
different types of charges (+ or -) are
described by the law of charges.
Coulombs Law
Charles Coulomb derived
derived a relationship for the magnitude of The Electric Force, like the gravitational
the Electric Force between two charged force, is an “action-at-a-distance” force. The
bodies. It is expressed mathematically as; idea of a force acting at a distance through
space was difficult for early investigators to
accept, so the concept of a field was

In SI units, the constant 𝑘is usually written as An Electric Field surrounds a charge and
,1/4πεo so the equation becomes; represents the physical effect of a particular
charge in nearby space. When another charge
is placed in the field, the field will exert an
electric force on that charge.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒εo=8.854𝑥10−12𝐶2/𝑁𝑚2 is called the

Permittivity of Free Space.

The directions of the forces that the two

charges exert on each other are always along
the line joining them. When the charges q1
and q2 have the same sign, either both
positive or both negative, the forces are
repulsive; when the charges have opposite
signs, the forces are attractive.

Electric Field
 An Electric Field surrounds a charge
and represents the physical effect of a
particular charge in nearby space.
 Coulomb’s Law gives the magnitude
of the electrical forces between two
charges, but not the direction.
 The Law of Charges indicates
attraction or repulsion between
different types of charges, giving the
direction of the electric force.
 Static electricity or Electrostatics, is
the study of charge at rest.

Electric Flux

A box containing a net positive charge q

inside has an outward “flow” of electric field
on the surface. This “flow” is what we called
as Electric Flux. (flux comes from a Latin word
meaning flow)

One of the greatest mathematicians of all time

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855),
formulated a different way to express the
relationship between electric charge and
electric field, this relationship is now what we
called Gauss’s Law.
Electric Potential

When a mass is falling downward within

Earth's gravitational field (Let’s say going with
nature), it would result to a decreasing The unit of Electric Potential, and of Potential
Potential Energy. Meanwhile, if we bring an difference is Joules/Coulomb which is just a
object upward within Earth’s gravitational VOLT (1V=1J/C). This is in honor of
field (Say going against nature) this would Alessandro Volta, who invented the electric
require work by an external force and would battery.
in turn increase the Potential Energy of the
object. Potential Difference is also referred as
In general, Potential energy is the stored
energy of position that is related to the Similar to heat flow, when the ends of an
location of the object within a field. And like electric conductor are at different electric
in gravitational field, electric charges also potentials—there is a POTENTIAL
experience this Electric Potential Energy (PE). DIFFERENCE—charges in the conductor
Mathematically expressed as, then flow from the higher potential to the
lower potential. The flow of charge persists
until both ends reaches the same potential.
Without a potential difference (voltage), no
flow of charge occurs.

The Joule is a very large unit for dealing with

energies of electrons, atoms or molecules.
For thus purpose, the unit electron volt (eV)
is used.

While Electric Potential Energy has a

dependency upon the charge of the object
experiencing the electric field, Electric
Potential is purely location dependent. It is
expressed as the potential energy per charge.
Note: If a voltage is applied across a capacitor, the
 It is important to indicate the sign of two plates quickly become charged. For a
the electric potential to signify the given capacitor, the amount of charge Q
potential difference and determine the acquired by each plate is proportional to the
flow of the charges. magnitude of the potential difference V
between them. Mathematically expressed as;
 High voltage at low energy is similar
to the harmless high-temperature
sparks emitted by a FIREWORKS
SPARKLER. Recall that temperature is
average kinetic energy per molecule, The unit of Capacitance is called Farad. This
which means total energy is a lot only is in honor of the English Physicist Michael
for lots of molecules. Similarly, high Faraday.
voltage means a lot of energy only for
lots charge.

The capacitance C does not in general depend
Capacitance and Dielectrics
on Q or V. Its value depends only on the size,
shape and relative position of the two
conductors, and also the material that
A device that can store electric charge, and
separates them. For parallel-plate capacitor.
consists of two conducting objects (usually
plates or sheets) placed near each other but
not touching.
 For parallel-plate capacitor, it fills the
space between the two conductors and
increase the capacitance by a factor of
K which is known as the dielectric

The dielectric constant varies on the

different type of materials.

The dielectric Strength is the maximum

electric field the material can accommodate
before breakdown (Charge flow) occurs.
in most capacitors, there is an insulating sheet
of material such a paper or plastic between
the plates. This material is called a dielectric.

Dielectrics serve several purposes;

 This strongly block the electric charges

to flow and do not breakdown easily
as air. With this, higher voltages can be
applied without charge passing across
the gap.
 Further more a dielectrics allows the
plates to be placed closer together
without touching, thus allowing an
increased capacitance by decreasing
the gap (d)
Capacitors in Series and Parallel

Capcitors in Series
Two capacitors are connected in series (one
after the other) by conducting wires between
points a and b. When a constant positive
potential difference Vab is applied between
points a and b, the capacitors become
charged as shown in the figure at the right;

In a Series connection n, the magnitude of

charge, Q on all plates is the same. And Vab
is just the sum of all the voltages across each

Capacitors in Parallel
In this Parallel connection, the upper plates
of the two capacitors are connected by
conducting wires to form an equipotential
surface, and the lower plates form another.
In a parallel connection, the potential
difference for all individual capacitors
is the same and is equal to Vab=V. And
the charges Q1 and Q2 are not
necessarily equal.

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