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Define “History” based from the various perspectives given by historians.

- All facets of human civilization are studied in the field of history, which is the
study of change over time. Political, social, economic, medical, scientific,
technological, intellectual, religious, cultural, and military. Every development has its
place in history. Professional historians typically focus on a specific area of history, a
particular era, a particular method of approaching history, or a particular area.
Writers of history who are historians emphasize the importance of original sources,
or those sources. Real historical records from a specific era, but being aware of the
limits of such sources. Those who are not historians study books or watch films,
whereas historians also visit archives to look for original documents. [Historians who
research places where English is not the primary language must acquire and speak
foreign languages.] Writing historians include a list of all the sources they used.

Why is the Filipino term for history “Kasaysayan”?

- The term saysay, which literally means "importance" or "meaning," conveys its
own connotation of meaning to Filipinos. I personally believe that when you say
kasaysayan, you are not only referring to the events themselves but also their
significance in Philippine history.

Explain how there are so little usable materials left to historians to use.
- Due to the rare difficulty of documenting historical events, there aren't many
usable materials left for historians to use. In contrast, today's tools, such as cameras,
recorders, and modern technologies, make it easier to acquire information and
documents. Because history is based on evidence, historians must gather evidence,
which is categorized as primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources describe
information created after the fact, whereas primary sources provide first-hand
information that was created at the time it was studied. Now let's talk about the
historical method. The method by which a historian creates a history is known as
historical methodology. It requires the historian to look over the sources, make the
hypothesis, test the hypothesis, and draw a conclusion.
Saysay' which literally means 'importance', 'meaning'. So I believe when you say
kasaysayan you are not only pertaining to the events that took place but also the
meaning and importance of those said events.

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