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Addis Ababa University College of Business and Economics

School Of Commerce
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program Unit
Business Leadership
Academic Year: Sem I, 2022/23
Total Mark: 25

General Instructions
➢ Make sure that the booklet contains four questions. Attempt all of them.
➢ Make sure that your personal details (e.g., name, ID number, Course Name, and
Center) are included while submitting the assignments
➢ Make sure that the assignments are submitted on time. All submissions should be
made in writing and it must be type-written.

Instructions: Answer the following questions

Question 1(5 Points)
Explain how communication skills contribute to leadership effectiveness. Also explain
the different types of communication.
Question 2(5 Points)
Review and summarize the key motivation theories as they relate to leadership
effectiveness. Also discuss the strategies to motivate followers by the leaders.
Question 3(5 Points)
Ethics is one of the areas compromised in the 21st century. Discuss the role of leaders in
upholding ethical values. Relate your answers to the real-world challenges.
Question 4(5 Points)
Identify and explain the sources of power for the leaders. Which source of power is more
Question 5(5Points)
Discuss the essence of succession planning. Also explain its significance for Business

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