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Directions: Read each item carefully and answer on a separate sheet of paper.

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in ¼ sheet of paper.

1. What skill is the ability to identify your own skills, knowledge, capabilities and resources to participate in important
activities by not relying too much on others.
A. Self-esteem B. Social responsibility C. Self-reliance D. Personal responsibility

2. What ability is being fair and honest in dealing with others, take into consideration the community around you by
being able to see your role as change agents.?
A. Social responsibility B. Personal Responsibility
C. Self-esteem D. Self-reliance

3. What skill is being responsible in making your own decisions and actions by owning them, caring for your friends and
family and caring for your health and safety?
A. Self-esteem B. Social responsibility C. Self-reliance D. Personal responsibility

4. A student says “NO” when friends offer to smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol is what kind of developmental task?
A. Develop self-esteem B. Develop Spirituality
C. Being courageous in standing up and being different from your friends.
D. Being true to yourself and avoid the tendency to please others.

5. Infusing positive emotions into your work and workmates and enjoying the contagious nature. Wherein we see work
as an 10 expression of our love for people who are important to us is what developmental task?
A. Positive attitude toward work B. Mature work orientation
C. Embracing a healthy lifestyle D. Developing occupational skills

6. Becoming conscious about the food you eat and engaging oneself in sports is what skill as a person?
A. Positive attitude toward work B. Mature work orientation
C. Have a healthy lifestyle D. Developing occupational skills

7. Letting leaders know how you think and feel about our society and learn to suggest solutions in improving our lives is
what developmental skill?
A. Positive attitude toward work B. Make work orientation
C. Developing occupational skills D. Become aware, critical and being involved with social problems.

8. Skills that can help adolescents develop responsibility as a preparation for gainful employment ahead is what
developmental task?
A. Positive towards work B. Make work orientation
C. Developing occupational skills D. Social responsibility

9. It is the good judgement and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own.
A. Reliability B. Self-esteem C. Responsibility D. Self-reliance

10. A young person who is developing into an adult.

A. Adult B. Adolescence C. Adolescent D. Youth

11. In the passage to adulthood, what development category is that you are able to set goals and think in terms of the
A. Physical Development B. Mental Development C. Emotional Development D. Social Development

12. What development category is that you are more aware of the behavior of your friends?
A. Physical Development B. Mental Development C. Emotional Development D. Social Development

13. What development is that which is concerned about sexual attractiveness?

A. Physical Development B. Mental Development C. Emotional Development D. Social Development

14. A development wherein boys are still maturing and gaining strength, muscle mass, and height and are completing
the development of sexual traits.
A. Physical Development B. Mental Development C. Emotional Development D. Social Development

15. This is the key ingredient for improving your relationship with others according to Timothy Evans.
A. Encouragement B. Discouragement C. Intimacy D. Relationship

16. Among the following developmental task belong to adolescence stage, Except:
A. Starting a family B. Accepting one’s physique C. Achieving mature relations with both sexes D. Achieving a
masculine or feminine social role

17. What is the age of Adolescence based on The Developmental Tasks Summary Table of Robert J. Havighurst ?
A. 6-12 B. 13-18 C.19-30 D.30-60

18. What is the conflict or crisis to be resolved on the stage of Adolescence?

A. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt C. Identity vs. Role Confusion B. Intimacy vs. Isolation
D. Generativity vs. Stagnation

19. What other challenges facing adolescents and some may not even be aware that they are experiencing them?
A. Curiosity B. Depression C. Pre-marital sex D. Poverty

20. What developmental tasks of Filipino adolescent should be able to see beyond themselves, take into consideration
the greater community around them and see their role in improving and developing these communities, serving as
change agents?
A. Ability to manage their finances
C. Developing occupational skills
B. Mature work orientation
D. Social Responsibility

21. Develop pride in what they do and raise standards of excellence in the quality of their work is what developmental
tasks of Filipino adolescent?
A. Establish key aspects of identity
C. Developing occupational Skills
B. Mature work orientation
D. Positive attitude toward work

22. Is being courageous in standing up and being different from your friend means isolating oneself to a group?
A. False B. True C. Unsure D. Not Applicable

23 . What is true from the developing your spirituality?

A. Becoming aware of your health and the food you eat
B. Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate oneself as a unique person
C. Finding what gives meaning to your life and to all experiences you go through
D. The adolescent needs to feel that she belongs to the group

24. Adolescent who is prone to exploring pornography because of curiosity helps one to become a better person.
A. False B. True C. Unsure D. Not Applicable
25. On the following statements, what belongs to the challenges during adolescence?
A. Attitudes and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships
B. Group belongingness
C. Parents working abroad
D. All of the above

26. This happens when the brain interprets an emotion that is normally triggered as a response to a certain stimulus
through physical sensations felt by the body.
A. Feelings B. Emotions C. Thoughts D. Behavior

27. It means moving or becoming upset or agitated. It is a variation in the level of excitement, mood or affective state,
expressive movements and attitudes.
A. Thoughts B. Feelings C. Behavior D. Emotions

28. It is the representation or the carrying out of an individual's attitudes.

A. Emotions B. Thoughts C. Behavior D. Feelings

29.These are adjectives that define the characteristics that are good and attractive and typically illustrate the meaning it
A. Virtues B. Values C. Thoughts D. Attitudes

29. These are values that establish value and meaning in life. There is something you give priority to.
A. Values B. Thoughts C. Attitudes D. Virtues

30. These are a person's thoughts, feelings, and emotions about another person, object, idea, behavior, or situation.
A. Attitudes B. Values C. Virtues D. Thoughts

31. This pertains to the heart of every human being is a set of beliefs which adheres to the highest ideals of human life.
A. Thoughts B. Attitudes C. Values D. Virtues

32.These are the most feared aspect of the self, as individuals are reluctant and unprepared to manage them.
A. Feelings B. Emotions C. Behavior D. Values

33. The way an individual interacts with other individuals or groups of individuals.
A. Social B. Cognitive C. Attitudes D. Spiritual

34. The attribute of a person's consciousness and beliefs, including the values and virtues that guide and put meaning
into a person's life.
A. Cognitive B. Attitudes C. Spiritual D. Social

35. What concept is referred to as a physiological response to a physical or psychological threat?

A. Stress B. Stressor C. Stress response D. All of the above

36. What are referred to as physical or psychological threats?

A. Stress B. Stressors C. Stress responses D. All of the above

37. What are referred to as the factors creating the “fight or flight syndrome” in your life ?
A. Stress B. Stressors C. Stress responses D. All of the above

38. What do we call the effect of stress on the human being?

A. Stress B. Stressor C. Stress response D. All of the above
39. In what scientific discipline does the word stress,which means putting pressure or strain, borrowed from?
A. Biology B. Chemistry C. Earth Science D. Physics

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