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several towns or a single city can elect a chosen representative which forms a

regional council
the regional council can send a member to represent the region in a world council
world council members choose one of their own to represent worldwide interests in a
system council
system council puts forward a delegation to the central republic assembly

the purpose of each council/wider assembly is to decide on legislation affecting

their area, but final say is up to a system of direct voting by the people.
representatives only decide on what the legislation entails. All
representatives/council members have a 25-year limit to service and are
consequently not allowed back into membership in any kind of assembly/council.
Mentorship positions are allowed.

Representatives are not required to be part of but are most commonly part of a
larger political party. the current largest party is the USP(United Socialist
Party), a populist, democratic socialist party with the most seats in the Republic
Central Assembly. It's power is contested by the (CWP) Communist Worker's Party and
to a smaller extent the ALL(Anarcho-Libertarian League)

Major parties consist not of a singular party structure, but of hundreds or even
thousands of smaller, local political parties unifying together with other parties
who have similar goals.

Only under times of States of Emergency widespread (war/famine/plague/natural

disasters/supernatural disasters) the Republic Central Assembly may by a 2/3rds
majority call for Emergency Acts. These are intended to allow for faster
organisation and action towards threats to Republic stability. Emergency Acts
bypass the direct voting stage and must be immediately put into place by the
relevant authorities.

Emergency Acts are a recent amendment to the law owing to the almost certain threat
of invasion by the Corprate Fifedoms, and a heavy point of contention every
election cycle. It barely passed the direct voting stage by a slim 7% majority and
to many, represents the threat of backsliding into the same
centralisation of power and authority that triggered the rebellions and subsequent
succession from the United Human Federation almost 300 years ago.

Otherwise, the priority given to legislation is often up to local committees. Aside

from "Essential Standards" such as those governing education, healthcare, and
enviromental standards, Legislation by the Central Republic Assembly is considered
"low priority" as local/regional/global/system councils are trusted to be closer to
the people and thus more reliable than blanket legislation passed on by the Central
Assembly and voted for by people living in hundreds of different
climates/enviroments from jungle planets to deep space stations to subs under
oceans of methane.

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