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The Doll 2

Nelam Lendini 20111029

Maira and Aldo have a five-year-old child named Kayla. He likes

to prank his mother in finding "treasure" and recording it. Kayla
has filled 26 memory cards. One night, on a trip, Aldo realized
that the brakes of his car had failed, and they were hit by a
vehicle. Kayla died.
Maira was unable to let go of Kayla's departure. Her friend Sara
tries to perform the "Lingsir Wengi" ritual to summon Kayla, but
fails. They forgot to pray, a rule so that Kayla's spirit could
return to its realm in peace. Maira also experienced various
strange events, but Aldo did not believe it, and hired a
psychiatrist, dr. Dini, who advises the two to take a vacation.
While on vacation, Maira saw Kayla writing the number 26 in
the sand.To account for her actions, Sara asks Laras, a psychic
expert, to return Kayla's spirit. Laras has not worked for two
years due to the trauma of losing her child due to her
profession. But with his younger brother Bagas, he agreed.
Bagas is of the opinion that "26" refers to Kayla's 26th memory
card. Meanwhile, as a method of therapy, Dini takes the Sabrina
doll, Kayla's favorite doll, and invites Maira to look at her. The
room rocked, and Dini was badly injured. He was still alive, and
Bagas took him to the hospital. Aldo also trusted Maira.They
find the 26th memory card, which reveals that Yani's mercenary
cut Aldo's car brake cables. Yani explained: before Kayla was
born, Maira had a hard time getting pregnant, and due to
stress, she always avoided Aldo and stressed Aldo. Yani was
Aldo's mental medicine, until Maira finally got pregnant, and
Aldo started to stay away from him. Yani feels sick, thinking that
if she is not happy, everyone must be unhappy too.
Kayla's spirit is near. When it was just the two of us, Yani kept
hurting Maira with various things; Maira replied. Yani tries to
poison her with gas, but Kayla possesses Maira, and she kills
Yani too. Kayla then moved into Yani's body, and tried to kill her.
Not wanting to be like Yani who was a murderer, and not
wanting to make her son a murderer, Maira released Kayla with
emotion. The media swarmed while Yani was taken to the
hospital.Maira files for divorce, and Aldo reluctantly agrees.
Maira said this was not only Aldo's fault, but Yani's fault and
himself as well.

The Doll 2” is a sequel to “The Doll” which was released a year
earlier. It's still a doll theme, although it's no longer about

There are Laras characters and their daughter, Shera, as

liaisons. They are played by Sara Wijayanto and Princess
Martinez respectively. For the main stars themselves are now
entrusted to Luna Maya and Herjunot Ali. A mother uses her
late daughter's doll as a medium to communicate with her, but
the consequences are one year after what happened to Anya
and Daniel.

A family is now at Anya and Daniel's house, where the Ghawiah

doll is kept.

Unfortunately, they violate the rules given by Laras (Sara

Wijayanto). That is to enter the room where the Ghawiah doll is

As a result, Uci's spirit has now entered the body of one of their
Laras and Bagas (Rydhen Afexi), his sister, try to try Uci's act. His
attempt failed.
Right on Kayla's birthday, her mother, Maira (Luna Maya) is
often harassed by an invisible figure. Kayla's favorite doll,
Sabrina, is also seen interfering with Maira and Aldo's
household life.On the advice of Elsa, her best friend, Maira tries
to communicate to Kayla using the Sabrina doll media.Since
then, Maira began to feel annoyed and convinced that Kayla
was bothering her. Aldo doesn't believe it but Maira believes
Kayla is now in Sabrina's doll and he wants to add something to
Maira.Finally, Maira asked Mrs. Laras and Bagas for help,
paranormal figures who had handled a similar case several
years ago. But Mrs. Laras is sure, this will be worse than before
and Maira must be ready to face whatever will happen


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