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Reglas de oro para desbloquear tu inglés:

✨Truquito 1 - Active learning.

Nunca vas a poder hablar inglés con soltura si sigues memorizando reglas y listas de vocabulario.
Entrena tus habilidades mediante la práctica, con ejercicios interactivos, con diálogos "real-life",
con dictados, retos de escritura…

✨Truquito 2 - Power listening.

Entrena tu comprensión oral y perfecciona tu pronunciación, leyendo y escuchando a la vez.

Acelera tu aprendizaje aprendiendo en contexto, con frases útiles para la vida real y no ejemplos
enlatados de libro de texto que jamás vas a escuchar usar a nadie.

✨Truquito 3 - Comprehensive input.

Elige materiales que estén algo por encima de tu nivel, que sean los suficientemente desafiantes y
te ayuden a progresar a buen ritmo, sin abrumarte y frustrarte porque no consigues entender
absolutamente nada.

Y por supuesto: USE YOUR ENGLISH! De nada sirve todo esto si no lo llevas a la práctica y no
practicas tu speaking.

Phillip: Hey, do you remember that time we went to Susan’s and you spilt coffee on her expensive
polar bear rug?

Isabel: How could I forget? I felt terrible about that and I felt even worse when she told me that
the rug had belonged to her great-great-grandparents. Why are you bringing that up?

Phillip: Oh, well, I was just browsing through my photos and I stumbled upon the ones I took that

Isabel: Wait, you kept them? I thought I had made you delete those pictures!

Phillip: Yes, you’re right. You made me delete them but I had already sent them to a few of my
friends and they put them on Facebook.

Isabel: Seriously? Ugh.

Phillip: Anyway, it doesn’t matter now because Susan has forgiven you, hasn’t she?

Isabel: Yes, although I haven’t heard from her in a while. I think she’s still holding a grudge. What
else do you have there?

Phillip: There’s some old photos from several parties we went to last year. Look, here are some
pictures of you dancing on the table at Vanesa’s house.

Isabel: Oh my goodness! I didn’t know you had taken photos of that!! Delete that one right now!

Phillip: Ok, I can delete it but it might not be the only copy…

Isabel: I see… I know what! Two can play this game! Let’s take a look at my wonderful photos. Oh
look! Let’s go right back to 2012! Oh here’s one I took of you in the garden that summer. You had
just got back from the hairdresser and they had given you a mullet and Elvis sideburns! Very cool!

Phillip: NO! How did you…?

Isabel: Oh and look at this one! This is my favourite! Here’s you at the karaoke bar in Cambridge.
You had just been booed off stage after singing ‘Living on a Prayer’ and I had to explain to
everyone that you had had a bit too much to drink.

Phillip: Ok OK STOP! Let’s just stop this, shall we?

Isabel: Oh! I was just getting started! You’re such a party pooper.

to spill – derramar

rug – alfombra

to belong – pertenecer

to bring something up – sacar un tema

to browse through – hojear, echar un vistazo

to hold a grudge – guardar rencor

sideburns – patillas

to be booed off stage – sacar del escenario con abucheos

mullet – peinado típico de los 80 con pelo corto delante y largo detrás

party pooper – aguafiestas

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