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Representing opposition


This house would abolish death penalty


(define the terms of the motion)

Death penalty is an execution ordered by a court of law or state-sanctioned entity as a form of criminal
punishment.. This distinguishes the death penalty from execution without a judicial or legal process.

Proposition caseline

The death penalty is a cruel, inhumane and irreversible punishment that no government or individual
should ever have the power to execute.

( the proposition would outline their case, introducing the arguments they intend to present)

(the first proposition speaker would present their first two arguments)

Proposityion first argument:

The death penalty violates the individual’s fundamental right to life.Therefore any government that kills
an offender as punishment is committing a human rights violation.

(the proposition elaborate on this argument with examples and evidence)

(The proposition would provide the second argument)

Opposition’s Rebuttal

(expose holes by pointing out exceptions)

Rebuttal:if a person attacks a child and the only way to save the child is to kill the attacker, then taking
that person’s life is justified. By threatening another person’s life- the child’s- the attacker has revoked
his or her right to life. Likewise, if the offender poses a threat to others’ lives by being alive
himself/herself, whether in prison or within society, then he/she has forfeited the right to life.

Opposition caseline:

Goveernments should be empowered to enforce the death penalty in the most extreme cases of
murderers incapable of being rehabilitated, as the death penalty provides the best possible recourse to
guarantee public safety and justice.

Outline first argument:

Furthermore, many consider a sentence of life in prison even less humane than the death penalty, as life
in prison is a sentence of lifelong suffering and restriction. We can provide evidence in the form of
quotes from criminal justice experts, as well as testimony from criminals sentence to life without the
possibility of parole who attest they would have preferred the death sentence.

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