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Jon Xyre S.

IX- St. Alphonsus

CES Activity

Father Saturnino Urios University is known to have a CES activity, its where we visit the poor/Mahay Family.
It is a way to help their living conditions and to help them with financial problems and It’s also when we conduct
activities for the people living there. We go there and each group is assigned to visit one family. We bring foods and
try to help them do their daily chores to lessen their workload, it’s a way to have fun and bond with the family. This
activity helps the family and also us, we get to help bring smiles and have fun. Even though what we do is not that
much, it still helps. Bringing food, helping do the chores and planting plants. It helps to socialize with the people and
also help their conditions improve.

On the second picture above, this picture was taken when we were in grade 8. We were assigned on the first
house. The family welcomed us with open arms, though the children wasn’t in the picture because they were shy we
still bonded. They were kind and polite, the mother there was especially welcoming. She told us stories about her
family, her husband and other things. As an anti-social person like me, this activity was something else, I enjoyed
talking to the family and didn’t feel any sort of embarrassment. This was really a fulfilling activity, just by doing small
things we were able to help the family. This introduced me to another perspective of living aside from mine. It made
me realize of how lucky and privilege I am, and how I should help other people despite their status. It was really fun
going there and it made me happy to see their faces filled with smiles and laughter.

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