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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite
(046) 4150-010 / (046) 4150-13 loc 253


My Own Philosophy






Teacher Education Department
College of Education

Our own philosophies have an impact to our progress, to complete our

individual work and how we plan to respond to different circumstances accordingly . It

is crucial to our lives that we understand who we are as individuals, what we stand

for, what we believe, and what we hold to be true. These values are significant

because they direct your behavior and determine how you react to certain

circumstances. Who you are as a person and what you believe in determine what

makes you a good teacher in the field of education.

Your educational philosophy will guide how you prepare yourself, your lesson,

and your pupils.The type of teacher you want to be will become clear to you once you

are aware of your unique philosophy. Knowing who you are as a person can help you

to better grasp the type of philosophy you want to use in the classroom.You need to

consider what matters to you and how you will learn and instruct others. This

philosophy, in my opinion, is existentialist since it emphasizes the significance of self-

actualization or knowing about oneself before everything else.

My Personal Philosophy in Education

My educational philosophy, I believe, is to teach my students to the best of

my ability in order for them to succeed academically. Learning about the students'

backgrounds enables me to make a difference in my teaching career.In order to help

my students reach their full potential, I must learn to address their learning needs as

a teacher. Every student who walks into my classroom has a one-of-a-kind

experience, in my opinion.

In relation to the existentialism principle, self-actualization or knowing who

you are before learning is critical. This philosophy also emphasizes free will, free

choice, and the expression of one's own feelings. I'd like to make my classroom a

welcoming place for students to learn. I encourage my students to express their

interests, as well as their ideas and comments.I want them to enjoy themselves and

feel as though they belong in my class. I intend to use a variety of activities to help

them learn in different ways. I want my students to actively participate in my class.

My Personal Philosophy in School

My school philosophy is to encourage respect for everyone's personality,

choices, and beliefs. I want to foster a positive work environment in which students

and coworkers feel motivated and accepted. One of the most important roles of a

teacher is to establish positive relationships with my students, parents, and

colleagues. To make everyone feel welcome at school, I must ensure that I create a

safe, loving, and positive work environment.

My Personal Philosophy as a Teacher

As a teacher, I must be adaptable in my teaching style. I need to develop

various activities that will address my students' learning needs. I want to help each

student discover their unique qualities and discover their life's purpose. When

students are in a positive environment, they learn better.

My Personal Philosophy as Student

As a graduate school student, I believe that life is a continuous learning

process. I need to learn everything I can while I still have my freedom. Every day is a

new opportunity to learn. In my work, I can learn about life, about people, and about

the world. I just need to learn to enjoy it and have fun with it. I should not give up on

doing things that will help me grow and succeed.

My Personal Philosophy as Student

My role in the curriculum development process is to assist my students in developing

a relationship with the content. To deliver the curriculum, I must develop my lesson

plan and activities. In order to meet my students' learning needs, I must provide

strategies that will assist me in delivering my lesson as effectively as possible. I will

try to provide activities and supplementary material that are relevant to my students'

areas of interest so that they can maximize their potential.

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