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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

2021, Vol. 2675(1) 49–66
Ó National Academy of Sciences:
Process Safety Approach to Identify Transportation Research Board 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
Opportunities for Enhancing Rail
DOI: 10.1177/0361198120957008

Transport Safety in Canada

Fereshteh Sattari1, Renato Macciotta2, and Lianne Lefsrud1

The amount of dangerous goods (DG) transported by rail within Canada has increased by an average of approximately 25%
since 2004, with a 42.5% increase in transported fuels and chemicals between 2011 and 2017. Further, movement of DG by
rail is forecasted to continue increasing. Sustainable growth in the transport of dangerous goods (TDG) by rail will require
acceptable safety levels. This study provides insight into key occurrence types for TDG and their causes, to better focus on
risk control strategies, including measurement and control of leading and lagging safety indicators. This work also reviews cur-
rent safety performance and Canadian railway incident occurrence databases. The results of the analyses suggested that the
performance against lagging indicators currently being reported is adequate, including derailments and collisions (main and
nonmain track), serious injuries (including fatalities), DG leakers, and releases. Furthermore, a list of the rail accidents with
the greatest number of fatalities was used to calculate a crude estimate of societal risk associated with rail transportation.
According to UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommendations, this analysis indicated that the estimated rail trans-
port risks would be considered acceptable when assessed at a milepost scale. However, there are opportunities for further
enhancing safety reporting, management, and performance.

Canada’s transportation networks have been identified DG have shown the potentially significant consequences
as the backbone of Canada’s economy, supporting hun- of these events (7, 8). This has resulted in public concern
dreds of thousands of jobs, contributing billions to the and an increased sensitivity to the risks of TDG by rail
gross domestic product, and allowing for robust domestic (9, 10). In response, and with the acknowledgment that
and international trade (1, 2). In particular, the railway sustained growth requires continuous improvement in
sector provides affordable and efficient travel to more safety performance, the rail industry and Transport
than 84 million passengers each year and moves approxi- Canada have been working on initiatives that will
mately 70% of all intercity surface freight and half of enhance rail transportation safety (11, 12). The work
Canada’s exports (3), which translates to Can$310 billion presented here is part of these initiatives and focuses on
(Can$1 = US$0.745 in August 2020) worth of goods enhancing the current strategies for managing the risks
being moved by rail each year. One transportation activ- associated with TDG by rail. This paper adopts process
ity that is essential to most industries but commonly safety concepts and tools (13) to analyze the Canadian
associated with the oil and manufacturing industries is railway incident database for federally regulated opera-
rail transport of dangerous goods (TDG) (4). DG are tions. Further, the paper highlights a subset of immedi-
defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act ate and basic causes of railway incidents with a greater
(5), and include explosives, flammable and combustible
substances, toxic substances, oxidizing substances, and 1
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, School of Engineering
corrosive substances, among others. Rail transport of Safety and Risk Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
fuels and chemicals, which account for most TDG by Canada
Canadian Class 1 railways (Canadian National Railway, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering
CN, and Canadian Pacific Railway, CP), increased Safety and Risk Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
42.5% between 2011 and 2017 (6).
Recent railway incidents such as Lake Wabamun in Corresponding Author:
2005 and Lac-Mégantic in 2013 involving the release of Lianne Lefsrud,
50 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

potential for serious consequences. A broader aim of the

paper is to provide an example of the framework used
for analyzing the safety performance of rail transport at
the national scale, which could be adopted in other juris-
dictions facing similar challenges.

Trends in Canadian Rail Transport and Transport of

Dangerous Goods
Canadian railway operations cover a vast network that is
over 40,000 km in length and characterized by extreme tem-
peratures and the remoteness of some of its operations.
The industry reported a moderate increase in freight
transport of goods between 2004 and 2007 (about 440 to
460 billion gross ton-miles [GTM]), followed by a decline
in 2008 to 2009 (to below 400 billion GTM) attributed to
the economic downturn in that period. Transport of
goods subsequently increased consistently, to almost 560
billion GTM in 2017 (40% increase). This represents an
average annual increase rate of 20 billion GTM (3, 6).
Passenger transportation showed a consistent decrease Figure 1. (a) Freight, passenger, and aggregated train-miles (upper
between 2005 (about 0.92 billion passenger-miles) and graph) and (b) Dangerous Goods-originated carloads (lower graph)
2014 (0.83 billion passenger-miles) except for a peak in for Canadian railways member of Railway Association of Canada,
2008 (0.99 billion passenger-miles). Passenger transporta- 2004–2017 (6).
tion has since shown a consistent increase between the
0.83 billion passenger-miles in 2014 and 0.97 billion In transportation, DG are common freight, and when
passenger-miles in 2017. these substances are not properly controlled, there is the
Train traffic, in relation to the number of trains and potential for loss of containment (15). Therefore, analy-
distance traveled, can be aggregated as the number of sis of the severity of accidents/incidents can be underta-
train miles per year. Figure 1a shows freight, passenger, ken through classification of the occurrences in relation
and aggregated train-miles between 2004 and 2017 for to their reported consequences, as well as the occurrence
railway members of Railroad Association of Canada, type, to estimate potential scenarios. To this end, the aim
RAC (6), and Figure 1b presents the amount of DG of this study was to classify occurrences, using process
transported between 2004 and 2017. safety approaches, into incidents, near misses, and sub-
It can be concluded from these figures that there was a standard conditions and practices.
steep traffic decrease in 2008 to 2009, consistent with the
decrease in transported goods and the economic down-
turn, and a subsequent recovery between 2010 and 2014. Data Collection: Railway Safety Trends
Furthermore, although TDG showed a decrease in 2015 Reported in Canada
to 2016, there had been an increasing trend from 2009. An initial understanding of rail transportation safety per-
formance can be gained by examining occurrence statis-
tics. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB)
Process Safety publishes annual railway incident statistics for federally
Clear consideration of safety in the transportation plan- regulated operations in Canada, which include freight
ning process is required by the Transportation Equity and passenger transportation (16). TSB reports these as
Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) enacted in 1998 (14). ‘‘occurrences,’’ which include incidents with loss, near
Process safety involves managing systems for handling misses, and a subset of substandard conditions and prac-
DG by integrating good design principles, safe proce- tices. TSB defines a reportable incident as that in which
dures and guidelines, and optimized engineering and (1) a person is killed or sustains serious injuries when get-
operating practices. Process safety also involves different ting on or off or being on board rolling stock, or coming
aspects of preventing and controlling incidents related to in contact with rolling stock or its contents, or (2) the
hazardous material. In other words, process safety rolling stock or its contents sustain damage that affects
focuses on handling accidents or incidents resulting in safe operations or threatens the safety of people, prop-
lost production, or serious or minor injuries (13). erty, or the environment (16). It is noted that incident
Sattari et al 51

Figure 2. TSB classification of (a) incidents and (b) accidents per occurrence type (2014–2017).
Note: R/S = rolling stock; COLL. = collision.
Passenger and Employees refer to health and safety incidents not directly associated with operations.

rates and consequence metrics are lagging indicators of half of reported loss incidents in Figure 2b (48%) are
safety performance. Lagging indicators (losses, incidents, non-main-track train derailments.
and near misses) do not allow for a complete picture of
safety performance if not combined with the assessment
of leading indicators (e.g., substandard actions and con- Temporal Safety Performance Trends: TSB Reported
ditions, deficiencies in the safety management system, its Loss Incidents
implementation, and compliance with the system). The
The number of reported loss incidents between 2001 and
data used in this paper (up to December 31, 2017)
2017 is shown in Figure 3. Accidents were also normal-
includes TSB data from its Rail Occurrence Database
ized per million main-track train-miles, to eliminate the
System (RODS), which is made publicly available
through the TSB website ( variability associated with train traffic fluctuation.
Figure 3a shows a decreasing trend in incident frequency.
Loss incident frequencies were dominated by yard work
TSB Reported Occurrence Types (Incidents and Near
(normally at low speeds) and trespasser and crossing loss
Misses) incidents. Trespasser and crossing incidents include fac-
Loss incidents and near misses are classified by TSB as tors difficult to control by rail operations, such as exces-
accidents (loss incidents) and incidents (near misses and sive risk-taking and self-harm by third parties (12).
substandard practices or conditions). The types and dis- Incident frequencies on the main track can provide
tribution of incidents according to RODS are shown in insight into the risks associated solely with transporta-
Figure 2. In this period (2014 to 2017), TSB reported tion activities. Figure 3b shows main-track train-loss inci-
1,381 incidents (25%) and 4,079 accidents (75%). In the dents and incidents per million main-track train-miles,
database, main track refers to rail segments used for excluding trespasser and crossing incidents. This figure is
train traffic and nonmain track is associated with sidings, consistent with the overall decreasing trends observed
yards, and others used for train and rolling stock han- pre-2012, although the trends have greater short-term
dling other than main transport. variability. The data, however, suggest an increasing
trend between 2012 and 2017, although another interpre-
(a) TSB incident classification: near misses and sub- tation is that the trend remained consistent between 2009
standard practices/conditions. and 2017. In relation to frequencies over the latter 5 years
(b) TSB incident classification: loss incidents. analyzed, railway transportation showed 13 to 14 loss
incidents per million main-track train-miles (a total of
Although most near misses in Figure 2a are move- 1,000 to 1,100 per year). This reduced to between 2.2 and
ments exceeding the limits of authority (38.1%), nearly 2.7 loss incidents on main track, per million main-track
52 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 3. (a) Loss incidents and (b) loss incidents on main track.

Figure 4. (a) Loss incidents involving DG and those with DG release (b) and loss incidents involving DG normalized to carloads.
Note: DG = dangerous goods.

train-miles (a total of 160 to 200 per year) when exclud- and continuous decreasing trend in the amount of loss
ing trespasser and crossing incidents. incidents involving DG per amount transported, suggest-
Figure 4a shows the number of loss incidents involv- ing a constant improvement in relation to the safety per
ing DG and the number of incidents with DG release carload of DG.
presenting an increase during the period 2013 to 2015.
Normalized incident frequency by the amount of TDG
provides a means for isolating safety metrics from varia- TSB-Reported Fatalities and Serious Injuries
tion in the amounts of DG transported. This was done as Figure 5a indicates the number of serious injuries, fatal-
number of loss incidents involving DG per carload of ities, and aggregated serious injuries and fatalities. A
DG generated, Figure 4b (3, 6). This figure reveals a clear generally decreasing trend was observed suggesting a
Sattari et al 53

Figure 5. (a) Reported fatalities and serious injuries, (b) grouped by employees only, and (c) by intercity train passengers.

continuous improvement in reducing the number of however spikes in serious injuries were observed in 2001,
occurrences with the potential for serious injury. A peak 2010, 2012, and 2015. Passenger fatalities occurred in
in 2013 corresponded to the tragic outcome of the Lac- 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014, and 2017. In the following sec-
Mégantic disaster (47 fatalities) (8). This was the first tion, public safety is addressed as part of a longer-term
indication that mitigation of the more frequent limited- historical retrospection.
exposure occurrences was being met with some success,
however the potential for low probability, high-
Analysis of Rail Incidents from a Process
consequence occurrences (e.g., large number of injuries)
requires further analysis and mitigation. Safety Perspective
Although the above numbers provide an overall view The previous section provided an understanding of the
of safety performance evolution for people safety, it is state of the Canadian railway industry in relation to
worth evaluating this performance in relation to employ- safety outcomes, as measured by annual frequencies and
ees, passengers, and public safety. Figure 5b shows the trends in loss incidents. Although the industry’s efforts to
number of serious injuries and fatalities for railway enhance the safety of operations was reflected in decreas-
employees. The annual variability masks any long-term ing incident trends, some potential opportunities for
changes and its evolution suggests between two and three improvement were highlighted. This section takes a closer
employee fatalities and 10 to 11 serious employee injuries look at these incidents and adopts some concepts and
each year. This data suggests there is an opportunity to tools from process safety to further assess areas that
enhance safety management strategies and target occur- could provide greater benefits as regards safety as a
rences that are more likely to cause serious injuries to return on further investment.
employees. Note Figure 5, b and c, do not include the
fatalities at Lac-Mégantic, which were not employees or
passengers. Figure 5c presents the number of passenger Individual Risk 2001 to 2017
fatalities and serious injuries. Their reduced number did Records of passenger and employee fatalities allow esti-
not allow for evaluation of any trends on records, mation of the historic risk to life for these groups. In this
54 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 7. Reported accidents and number of fatalities and

serious injuries for employees and passengers for federally
regulated operations (7, 16).

Individual risk criteria suggested by the UK Health

and Safety Executive (HSE) are also plotted in Figure 6
(20). These criteria have been widely adopted by many
Figure 6. Estimated average individual risk to life for rail industries in multiple countries as a sensible basis for
employees and intercity train passengers. managing risk, particularly as risk tolerance criteria for
Note: HSE = UK Health and Safety Executive. use with layer of protection analysis or other risk analy-
sis methods (21). In these criteria, acceptable risks are
context, historic risks refer to past performance based on understood as those that society is willing to accept with-
data between 2001 and 2017. To this end, the average out further action; tolerable risks are those society is will-
annual risk to employees was approximated as the ratio ing to tolerate given there is some benefit from incurring
between average employee fatalities per year (2.5 between such risks. The area between tolerable and acceptable
2001 and 2017) and the number of employees exposed to thresholds is commonly referred to as ‘‘ALARP’’ (as low
operations, approximately 30,000 in 2017 (RAC, 2018). as reasonably practicable). ALARP requires that risk
The calculated average risk to employees was 8.3 3 10–5. levels and the costs associated with mitigating risk are
A worst-case estimate of the risk to life for intercity passen- considered, and that risk reduction measures are imple-
gers assumed the most catastrophic passenger incident mented should the cost of doing so be reasonably prac-
(three fatalities in 2006) and calculated the ratio to the total ticable. The HSE criteria suggest that the risk to the
number of intercity passengers in 2006, 4.3 million (RAC, average passenger was within acceptable limits (lower
2018). The calculated risk to employees was 6.9 3 10–7. than 10–6) and the risk to the average rail employee was
These are shown in Figure 6 together with the mortality well within tolerable limits for workers. Trespasser and
rate and mortality for all accidents in Canada, age stan- crossing incidents accounted for over 90% of fatalities.
dardized (17), work-related fatalities in the province of The nature of these incidents (in many instances includ-
British Columbia per year per full-time employee (18), ing self-harm and reckless behavior by third parties) and
and work-related fatalities in the province of Alberta per the difficulties and uncertainty estimating the number of
year per full-time employee (19). The latter are shown for people exposed to such incidents, prevent adequate esti-
benchmark purposes only. The historic (since 2001) mates of these risks within the scope of this study.
worst-case risk to the average passenger was well below As suggested by Figure 3, the overall trend in the
Canadian mortality statistics for all accidents by more safety performance of rail transport in Canada has
than two orders of magnitude. The risk to the average shown continuous improvement in the last couple
employee was slightly higher than the average work- decades. However, this trend does not differentiate
related risks reported in Alberta and British Columbia, between high- and low-consequence occurrences.
and lower than the Canadian mortality statistics for all However, railway occurrences with the potential for high
accidents. It is worth noting that the provincial statistics consequences present elevated levels of risk. This can be
for work-related fatalities include both high- and low-risk illustrated by comparing the changes in annual frequen-
activities (e.g., roofing and administrative office work), cies of reported railway accidents and the number of seri-
and that the exposure of rail employees to different ous injuries for employees and passengers (including
hazard levels will vary as a function of their specific task. fatalities) (Figure 7). This figure shows that even when
Sattari et al 55

Table 1. Deadliest Rail Accidents in Canada (23–25)

Year Location Reported no. fatalities Observation

1854 Baptiste Creek, Ontario 52 Passenger

1857 Desjardines Canal, Ontario 59 Passenger
1864 St-Hilaire, Quebec 99 Passenger
1902 Wanstead, Ontario 31 Passenger
1910 Spanish River, Ontario 43 Passenger
1942 Almonte, Ontario 39 Passenger
1947 Dugald, Manitoba 31 Passenger
1950 Canoe River, British Columbia 21 Passenger
1986 Hinton, Alberta 23 Passenger and freight
2013 Lac-Mégantic, Quebec 47 Freight—not Class 1 operator

the overall frequency of accidents showed a sharp approach helps to reduce redundancy while increasing
decrease between 2005 and 2009, which was followed by consistency between data.
a general decreasing trend from then on, the average These societal risk estimates for Canadian railroad
number of serious injuries per year remained constant at were plotted on an F–N plot in Figure 8. This plot pre-
15. The continued potential for low-frequency, high- sents the number of fatalities (N on the horizontal axis)
consequence events can also be illustrated with a review and annual frequency of N or more fatalities (F on the
of high-profile railway occurrences in Canada investi- vertical axis). The societal criteria (tolerable and accepta-
gated by TSB in the last couple of decades. These occur- ble thresholds) follow the guidelines provided by the
rences indicate an opportunity for optimizing resource HSE (20). The area between the tolerable and acceptable
allocation for risk mitigation strategies, targeting the thresholds corresponded to the ALARP region. The tol-
critical conditions and practices associated with low erable and acceptable thresholds for these criteria had a
probability but high-consequence incidents. slope of –1 in the log-log scale. Such lines are the sets of
pairs F–N with the same level of risk, or iso-risk lines.
The uncertainty associated with small statistical sam-
Historic Societal Risk Performance ples was recognized, and Figure 8 was developed by
Insight into the risks associated with large numbers of selecting a range in values constrained between 10 and
fatalities can be gained by examining previous high- 100 fatalities (in accordance with the database). The
consequence incidents. It was assumed that high- coordinate for N at 10 fatalities and F at 2.0 3 10–6 was
consequence incidents involving multiple fatalities (10 or used as anchor in Figure 8, and the estimate toward a
more) would almost certainly be recorded, therefore the larger number of fatalities progressively reduced to
historic database could extend for longer periods than reflect the decrease in accidents as the number of fatal-
the one used to assess individual risk. A list of the dead- ities increased. Because only one out of the 10 accidents
liest rail accidents in Canada is presented in Table 1. had an N near 100, the estimates were reduced by about
This table indicates 10 incidents causing 10 or more one order of magnitude for N at 100. A similar process
fatalities have occurred since the 1850s, with five acci- was followed for the estimates at the subdivision scale,
dents causing over 40 fatalities each, one of which caused maintaining the decrease by an order of magnitude for N
99 fatalities. Most of these accidents involved passenger at 100.
trains; Lac-Mégantic involved a freight train. The peri- The societal risks plotted in Figure 8 are crude, order
odicity of rail accidents (with multiple fatalities) post of magnitude estimates of past safety performance, how-
1900s is approximately 15 to 20 years decreasing within ever they can provide valuable insights into evolutionary
the last century. trends and gross safety levels. These estimates suggest
The historical societal risks associated with rail trans- that societal risks associated with rail transport would be
port can be estimated by multiplying the frequency of considered acceptable according to HSE recommenda-
accidents (in a period) by the number of fatalities fol- tions when assessed at the milepost scale (track lengths
lowed by normalization. Normalization can be applied of a mile). This scale can be considered adequate for
per amount of goods transported (gross tons), train traf- assessment when compared with the areal extent of other
fic (train miles), or spatial unit (to normalize the extent industries (e.g., power plants, manufacturing facilities).
of operations). This study used spatial normalization to Societal risks at a subdivision scale were within the
understand the risk distributed geographically. This ALARP region (occurrences after 1950), which is
56 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 8. Estimated societal risks for rail transport in Canada.

Note: ALARP = area between tolerable and acceptable thresholds; HSE =
UK Health and Safety Executive.

Figure 9. Incident pyramid distribution per occurrence type for

consistent with increasing safety engineering efforts over RODS, 2007–2017.
the past few decades. This scale is considered adequate
as it represents an operational unit within the industry.
The proximity of the estimated societal risks (at the sub- types are classified into five groups and presented in
division scale) to the HSE-recommended tolerability Figure 9. In addition, Appendix A presents the logic for
thresholds suggests there are further opportunities for classifying these occurrences as per the incident pyramid.
enhancing safety to more acceptable levels. They also To provide further details of the number of occurrence
illustrate the imperative for controlling residual risks types per level in the incident pyramid for 2007 to 2017,
once mitigation strategies are in place, through robust Figure 10 was plotted, providing some insight into the
safety management systems. Moreover, the severity of severity associated with each occurrence type according
events with multiple fatalities might require special con- to records:
sideration with regard to consequence mitigation in the
event of an occurrence, a tragic example being the events
Detail I: Trespasser and crossing accidents account
at Lac-Mégantic in 2013 (8).
for most fatal occurrences, as known from previous
analyses (6, 8). It is interesting to note, however, that
trespasser injuries are mostly fatalities or serious inju-
Hierarchy of Incidents
ries, with a small proportion of minor injuries, high-
For visualization purposes, the occurrence frequencies lighting the severity of such accidents. Fatalities and
per type were evaluated through an incident pyramid serious injuries account for more than half of the
(Figure 9). The incident pyramid illustrates a direct rela- crossing accidents with injuries. Occurrence types
tionship between various levels of incident frequency and associated with transport and handling with the great-
severity. Incidents with higher severity are located at the est number of fatal occurrences are main-track derail-
top of the pyramid and occur less frequently, whereas ments (4), but passenger incidents account for most
incidents with lower severity occur more frequently. The occurrences involving serious incidents (12).
pyramid indicates that decreasing the frequency of occur- Detail II: Occurrences with material damage or
rences in the lower levels of the pyramid would reduce the time loss are dominated by non-main-track train
likelihood of high-consequence events, thereby reducing derailments (6,319). On the other hand, near misses
the frequencies at the top of the pyramid (26). To develop are dominated by movements exceeding limits of
an incident pyramid for railroads, RODS occurrence authority (1,285).
Sattari et al 57

Figure 10. Details in incident pyramid distribution per occurrence type for RODS, 2007–2017.

Detail III: Substandard conditions and practices are analyzing the root causes and preventing the occur-
dominated by main-track switches in abnormal posi- ence of loss events (colloquially referred to as ‘‘mining
tion (27) and a signal less restrictive than required the diamond’’, which recognizes that only a small frac-
(18). The reported near misses and substandard condi- tion of these conditions and practices could result in
tions and practices have lower frequencies compared an incident) (26).
with the upper levels of the pyramid. This is a result of
RODS only including a subset of these substandard Moreover, the incident pyramid levels were modified
conditions and practices and, as a result, TSB is effec- to Figure 11 to better suit a classification of RODS
tively blinding itself to the insights gleaned from that involved TDG and the potential severity of these
58 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Detail IV: Fatalities associated with TDG correspond

to one main-track train derailment, with 47 fatalities,
highlighting the potential for high consequences given
this type of occurrence. All minor injuries associated
with TDG were leakers (8).
Detail V: DG leakers account for 731 occurrences of
764 occurrences with dangerous goods released.

Reported near misses were all uncontrolled move-

ments of rolling stock. This low frequency suggests that
near misses are being underreported. RODS did not
include any substandard conditions or practices. Again,
by not including substandard conditions or practices,
root cause analysis and the identification of preventative
measures is being impeded.
With respect to DG leakers, eight out of 731 occur-
rences between 2007 and 2017 were associated with
minor injuries. This corresponds to a ratio of 1.09%
minor injuries per DG Leaker, 0.73 DG leakers with inju-
ries each year, and 1.36 minor injuries associated with
Figure 11. Incident pyramid distribution per occurrence type for DG leakers each year. These statistics suggest reduced
RODS involving DG, 2007–2017. levels of risk; however, the nature of the incidents indi-
cate that major injuries are likely. Appendix B presents
the summary description of occurrences with dangerous
occurrences as they relate to the goods they are goods leaking, as presented in RODS, and for those DG
transporting. leakers that involved minor injuries.
Figure 12 provides more details including the follow- Furthermore, a measure of past severity of occur-
ing insights: rences involving DG released cars involved and derailed

Figure 12. Details in incident pyramid distribution per occurrence type for RODS involving DG, 2007–2017.
Note: DG = dangerous goods.
Sattari et al 59

handling, usage, storage, transportation, and manufac-

turing (28). Therefore, the decision-making process for
safety requires the involvement of several team players
such as politicians, the general public, and experts, as
well as consideration of issues such as congestion, the
economy, and the environment (29). The goal of PSM is
to reduce the risk of hazardous chemicals being released
by preventing unplanned loss of containment. When
applied to transportation, PSM implements a framework
for managing TDG. According to the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (2000), this guideline
should contain information pertaining to the hazards of
the chemicals in the process, the technology of the pro-
cess, and the equipment used in the process. There are
Figure 13. Occurrences with DG released cars per occurrence many ways to prevent process safety incidents: by work-
type. ing to educate individuals, we can learn from previous
Note: DG = dangerous goods. incidents (30), assess hazards and risks associated with
hazardous chemicals (31), implement other administra-
tive controls such as improvement in safety norms (32),
and analyze and evaluate the causes of accidents for
rational allocation of resources by the most efficient
approach possible (33).
Our identification of key occurrence types for rail
transport safety and TDG corresponded to an analysis
of frequency and severity associated with the different
occurrence types. This analysis required classifying
RODS following use of process safety tools (Figure 14)
to examine the relative frequency of occurrence types.
Based on this analysis, it appeared that near misses and
substandard practices and conditions were being under-
reported. By examining such leading indicators, railway
operators and regulators are equipped to identify root
causes and prevent more serious occurrences. From this
analysis, key occurrences with the highest severity associ-
ated with TDG and rail transport in general were identi-
fied (trespasser and crossing accidents not included) as
immediate cause and near misses, substandard condi-
tions, and substandard practices.

Figure 14. A generic incident pyramid.

Immediate Causes: Incidents Involving Dangerous
Goods Release
are shown in Figure 13. The severity as measured by the
number of DG cars released in this figure can provide fur- The review of the RODS database suggests that historical
ther insight into those occurrences with the potential for and, as suggested by the incident descriptions, immediate
larger consequences after the release of DG. These occur- causes are critical to reducing the potential for serious
rences are mostly main-track and non-main-track derail- incidents associated with the TDG. These causes can be
ments, followed by collisions and crossing accidents. categorized as (i) main-track train derailments and colli-
sions, (ii) non-main-track train derailments and colli-
sions, and (iii) DG leakers.
Analysis of Rail Incident Causes from a In a study undertaken by Liu et al., the most com-
mon type of main-track railroad accident (in the
Process Safety Management Perspective
United States) was train derailment causing service dis-
Process safety management (PSM) involves different ruption and property damage (34). In the current
aspects of working with DG in the process industries: study, main groups and subgroups of causes reported
60 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 15. Frequency of causes (cause group in dark bars, subgroup in lighter bars) for main-track train derailments.

for main-track train derailments are shown in Figure (particularly those related to speed), violations of author-
15. Cause groups are led by track, roadbed, and struc- ity, train handling, and the use of brakes. In a similar
tures, then mechanical and electrical failures, which are study conducted in the UK, about 75% of the total num-
closely followed by train operations—human factors. ber of accidents between 1942 and 2012 were related to
At the subgroup level, the top causes are associated human factors such as poor performance by train driv-
with rail brakes, track geometry, train handling, and ers/operators (27). On the other hand, issues with man-
makeup, followed by several subgroups including axle way cover bolts and gaskets (over 50%) are reported as
and wheel breaks, environmental conditions, roadbed, leading factors for DG leakers, Figure 17b.
draft, and brakes. The data suggest that besides the top
three causes, several causes have similar orders of mag-
nitude for frequencies. Near Misses, Substandard Conditions, and
Main groups and subgroups of causes reported for
non-main-track train derailments are shown in Figure
Substandard Practices
16. Groups of causes are led by train operation—human Occurrences with the potential to cause derailments and
factors—followed by track, roadbed, and structures. The collisions can be categorized as (i) movement exceeds the
leading subgroups are related to the use of switches (fail- limits of authority, (ii) main-track switch in abnormal
ure to apply or remove, passed couplers, shoving move- position, (iii) uncontrolled movement of rolling stock,
ments failure to control, improperly aligned), track and (iv) unprotected overlap of authorities.
geometry (wide gauge) and environmental conditions Figure 18 illustrates that the main causes reported for
(particularly ice or earth materials on the track). accidents resulting when movement exceeds the limits of
Another critical cause underlying the potential for authority. These causes are dominated by violations of
serious incidents associated with TDG is related to main- main track authorities (train operators-human factor)
track train collisions. According to results provided by followed by those related to flagging and signals.
Figure 17a, the main causes for these kinds of accidents The next occurrences with the potential to cause
are dominated by train operation: human factors derailments and collisions are presented in Figure 19a
Sattari et al 61

Figure 16. Frequency of causes for non-main-track train derailments.

showing the main groups and subgroups of causes  Job safety analysis development
reported are main-track switches in abnormal position.  Contractor and subcontractor safety audits
These are dominated by issues associated with the use of  Workforce engagements and monitoring
switches (improperly aligned), followed by main track  Contractor project manager, client, and safety rep
authorities. Figure 19b indicates the causes reported for engagements
uncontrolled movement of rolling stock. These are domi-  Nonroutine safety actions
nated by the improper use of brakes followed by envi-  Stop Work Authority enacted, and
ronmental conditions and switching rules.  Corrective action item.
Another cause of derailments and collisions is illu-
strated in Figure 20: unprotected overlap of authority. In It is notable that human factors is one of the leading
this division, errors in communications; preparations of components of these occurrences. In research carried
train orders, warrants, and other directions; and other out by Kyriakidis et al., distraction/loss of concentra-
human errors and main-track authority violations not tion, safety culture, proper communication between
specified are the leading causes. employees, workload, training, and stress have been
Dealing with serious low-frequency railroad DG acci- determined to be the most significant contributions to
dents requires more advanced methods such as risk anal- the operators’ performance (37). As a result, there is a
ysis to identify the most effective options (35). The significant opportunity for future research to control
importance of the detailed evaluation of causes presented human performances by using PSM tools such as layer
here for the key occurrence types is the insights this of protection analysis and bow tie diagrams. The appli-
affords for developing the process models for identifying cation of these tools requires a more detailed data anal-
key leading indicators. Based on the assessment and the ysis method that results in identifying and determining
authors’ experience, it was envisioned that leading indi- the risks as well as some useful mitigation and preven-
cators would be a subset of the following (36): tion strategies (38).
62 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 17. Frequency of causes for main-track train: (a) Main-track train collisions and (b) DG leakers.

Figure 18. Frequency of causes for movements exceeding limits of authority.

Sattari et al 63

Figure 19. Frequency of causes for (a) main-track switch in abnormal position and (b) uncontrolled movement of rolling stock.

Figure 20. Frequency of causes for unprotected overlap of authorities.

Or timetable authority, failure to comply.
Track bulletins, radio, error in preparation, transmission, or delivery.
64 Transportation Research Record 2675(1)

Figure 21. Railway fatality risk compared across a selection of Figure 22. Passenger fatality risk compared across a selection of
countries worldwide, 2012–2016 (39). countries worldwide, 2012–2016 (39).

The results presented in this section indicated that the potential leading safety indicators in subsequent tasks
performance of currently reported lagging indicators is for this research. The list of prevalent causes follows:
adequate, including derailments and collisions (main and
nonmain track), serious injuries (including fatalities), DG  Broken rails (critical in relation to derailments)
leakers, and releases as per the UK HSE. However, it can  Mechanical failures: brakes, wheels, axles, draft
be added that tolerability strategies for leading indicators system (critical in relation to derailments)
should focus on a subset of indicators that represent the  Track geometry, particularly sun kinks (critical in
overall safety levels for TDG, based on the criticality of relation to derailments)
the different occurrence types.  Switching rules and operation of switches
Although the industry’s efforts to enhance the safety  Train handling and makeup
of operations is reflected in decreasing incident trends,  Main track authority violations, many related to
the data provided in this section highlighted some potential communication issues, and
opportunities for improvement. Figure 21 illustrates  Use of brakes.
Canada’s rail fatality risk is the highest among the countries
compared (39). As a result, the reduction of fatality risk on Moreover, analyzing the reported causes of DG leakers
Canada’s railways should be considered a subject of great as potentially high-consequence occurrences identified
interest, and one that requires decisive action among further insights into the failure of manway cover bolts
Canadian researchers. and gaskets.
On the other hand, as regards the passenger fatality
risk, Canada places second compared with other coun-
tries (Figure 22). Conclusion
It can be concluded that there is an opportunity to The number of rail accidents reported by TSB indicated
optimize resource allocation for risk mitigation strate- a consistent decreasing trend, which suggests a continued
gies, targeting the most critical conditions and practices increase in the general safety of rail transport. Similarly,
that have the potential to lead to incidents. To achieve accidents involving DG and accidents with releases of
this goal, this work has presented a detailed analysis of DG showed overall decreasing trends. This study pre-
the reported causes of the key occurrences associated sented a detailed analysis of the reported causes for the
with TDG. The analysis identified a list of causes that key occurrences associated with TDG. The analysis iden-
were most recurrent for the key occurrence types, as tified a list of causes that were most recurrent for the key
reported in RODS. The list identifies several subcauses, occurrence types, as reported in RODS.
which are presented in Appendix C. This list is consistent With regard to the safety of people, overall fatalities
with expectations; however, the report provides justifica- and injuries showed a decreasing trend; however, trends
tion for focusing on these occurrence types for further remained steady for employees, which suggests an oppor-
assessment and evaluation. Further, the details in the tunity to enhance safety management strategies. An eva-
appendix provide the necessary information to evaluate luation of individual risks, according to the criteria
Sattari et al 65

suggested by the HSE, indicated that these were within Funding

tolerable thresholds for employees and within acceptable The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
thresholds for passengers. However, such an evaluation port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
would be challenging for trespasser and crossing acci- article: Canadian Rail Research Lab at the University of
dents and was outside the scope of this study. Alberta and Transport Canada.
An evaluation of historic societal risks in relation to the
likelihood of events with large number of fatalities (over
Supplemental Material
10 per event) suggested rail transport was within tolerable
thresholds, however, there is scope for improvement. Supplemental material for this article is available online.
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