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Task 1 Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word combinations

Characteristic types of scenery, picturesque coastal areas, to remain a strategic stronghold, defeat
of the monarchy, the most notable thing, spend little time in England, train services,
mountainous areas, to be famous throughout the world, to leave the country for religious reasons,
to put forward the views and interests, the main residence, the Norman Conquest, a centre of
trade and commerce, to travel light, a wasted journey, a valid license, oddities, accession to the
throne, civil war.
Task 2 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations
Різноманітні краєвиди, будиночки вкриті соломою, увіковічувати, подорожувати
машиною, перетворити на музей, бути оточеним, королівська резиденція, побудувати
палац біля річки, подорожувати Англією, цілком зруйнований вогнем, багаті
землевласники, без сумніву вражаючий, ландшафт, правління, поразка монархії, місцевий
діалект, місце варте уваги, мальовничі прибережні зони, широко розповсюджений,
відбудувати місто, околиці Лондону, інформація для туристів, витрати на подорож,
язичники, поселення, збудувати замок, бути коронованим, зелені пагорби, побудувати
фортецю на пагорбі.
Task 3 Read the explanation and write down the word which is explained.
1. the period when someone is king, queen, or emperor
2. a small hotel or pub, especially an old one in the countryside
3. a very large strong building, built in the past as a safe place that could be easily defended
against attack
4. not connected with or belonging to the Christian religion or any of the large established
5. the group of people who govern a country or state
6. to do something to show that you remember and respect someone important or an important
event in the past
7. an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city
8. to damage something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be used or repaired
9. a journey for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc.
10. a long journey in a ship
Task 4 Choose the correct answer
1. Tracy ____ that movie ten times.
A saw B have seen C has seen D sees
2. Lynda ___ from university two years ago.
A Has graduated B graduated C had graduated D graduates
3. Phil ___ for three different companies so far.
A had worked B worked C has worked D is working
4. What ____ when the accident occurred?
A was you doing B did you do C were you doing D have you done
5. Bryan ___ (be) to Denmark many times, he ___ (speak) quite good Danish.
A was/speaks B had been/spoke C has been/ speaks D was/has spoken
Task 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect
1. Mike ___ (win) more than twenty medals when he was an athlete. 2. I __ (write) three letters
this morning and can write two letters more. 3.Tom Cruise? I __ (meet) him, you know. Really,
when? When I ___ (be) in Los Angeles on holiday. 4. Charles Dickens ___ (write) Olive Twist. 5.
He ___ (live) next door to me for three years, but he ___ (move)away last June. 6. Mr Clark ___
(teach) Maths for 10 years but he has already retired. 7. Who is that man? He is an artist. He ___
(paint) a lot of beautiful pictures.

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