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Problem Title: The Effect of Pilgrimage Center in Urban Space and Transportation Sytem:

“The Case of the Shrine of Our Lady of Manaoag”


There are several factors that affect the urban space and transportation system in

Manaoag. These include the popularity of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Manaoag

shrine. It results to heightened visitation in the area especially during the weekends and

holidays as people and devotees from different places travel to Manaoag to pay homage

to the Virgen of the Holy Rosary of Manaoag. The popularity of the devotion to the

Virgin of Manaoag has defined not only the town’s culture but also its economy. The

concentration of commercial establishments can be found around the shrine. Economic

opportunities hastened the development and progress of the town but it increased the rate

of urbanization. Urbanization of the area means it will require developments of new areas

for housing, social amenities, commercials and other land uses. Other factor includes the

lack of quality in existing transport infrastructures such as roads and public transport

terminals. As more people come and visit to Manaoag, this means that there would also

be more vehicles, public and private, that would go in and out. Large number of jeepneys

operate around the town everyday and they are blamed to cause traffic congestion in the

road for their indiscrimate dropping and going to let people on and off. Enforcing

existing traffic laws, investing in sustainable transport modes and including urban and

landscape designers for transport planning will improve public and active transport

options and reduce congestion.



The objectives of the study are to determine the traffic behavior, traffic congestion along

the shrine of Manaoag and the necessary transport facilities to provide with the help of

town authorities and professionals in the field of architectural and urban planning.

Propose alternative modal choice at relieving traffic madness. Also, evaluate land use

management strategies for future developments in town especially around the church as

where business establishments and smaller business stalls are built.


Significance of the Study

The study hopes to assist in alleviating traffic congestion and better understand the

importance of urban planning, land use, transportation and traffic. It would be relevant to

the designers, architects and engineers involved in city planning and in that, it would

increase knowledge as to what is needed to maintain a free flowing transportation system.

The study will also be beneficial to business owners which will enable them to carry out

their business effectively and efficiently especially those that are located in the periphery

of the shrine. And most importantly, it would be beneficial to drivers, commuters and

tourists to understand the causes of traffic congestion in town.


With the Problem Title and the Background of the study and with the given statement of

the problem, Formulate the following statements for:

A. Research Paradigm of statement of the Problem number 1, 2 and 3.

B. Objective of the Study of statement of the Problem number 1, 2 and 3.

C. 6 – Significance of the Study for the said subject title.

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