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A. Identity
School : SMA Class : XII
Subjects : Chemistry Time Allocation : 4 hours of lesson
Theory : Colligative properties

B. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators

3.14 Analyzing colligative properties of 3.1.1 Determine freezing point depression
solutions (decreasing saturated vapor 3.1.2 Determine osmotic pressure
pressure, boiling point elevation, 3.1.3 Give examples of the application of colligative
freezing point depression, and properties of solutions in everyday life
osmotic pressure)
4.14 Presenting the results of searching 4.1.1 Understand the application of colligative
information about the use of the properties of solutions in everyday life
principle of colligative properties of 4.1.2 Give examples of the application of colligative
solutions in everyday life properties of solutions in everyday life
Presenting the results of searching for
4.1.3 information about the use of the colligative
properties of solutions in everyday life

C. Learning Objectives
1. Students can Determine freezing point depression
2. Students can Determine osmotic pressure
3. Students can Give examples of the application of colligative properties of solutions in everyday life

D. STEM Analysis
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
Colligative properties of solutions are properties • Virtual • Designing • Calculates
of solutions that do not depend on the type of Practicum Experiments freezing
solute, but only on the concentration of the solute • Technology point
Learning depression

E. Media, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

Strategy : Cooperative
Model : Problem Based Learning
Media : Papan tulis, spidol, power point,
Learning Resources : Buku kimia kelas XI, LKPD

F. Activity Steps
Preliminary activity (15 minute)
Opening with greetings and prayers and checking the attendance of students
Associating learning materials/themes/activities
Delivering material/theme/learning activities and asking questions to remember and relate to the material
Explain the things that will be studied, the competencies to be achieved, as well as the learning methods
Core Activities (150 minute)
Orientation Students are motivated and see videos or pictures on ppt
Collaboration Students are formed into several groups or discuss, collect information, and
exchange information
Comunication Students present the results of group work, other students ask questions, express
opinions and then respond back to the presenting group
Creativity Teachers and students make conclusions and then are given the opportunity to ask
questions about things that have not been understood
Closing Activities (15 minute)
The teacher makes a conclusion of the learning activities that have just been carried out

G. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Assessment of can be carried out according to the needs of the teacher, namely by observing attitudes
(observation), knowledge tests (in the form of questions and answers during learning activities), and
skills assessment (presentation of the results of group discussions). The assessment instruments and
rubrics are attached.

…………, ………….2022
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

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affective assessment
Affective Assessment Instrument
No Rated aspect Attitude Assessment
(3) (2) (1)
1. Presence
2. liveliness
3. Teamwork
4. Honesty
5. Communication skills

Affective Assessment Rubric

No Rated Aspect Score Assessment criteria
1. Presence 3 Arrive on time
2 Late
1 Did not enter due to permission/illness
2. liveliness 3 Frequently asked/answered and gave opinions
2 Have asked/answered and given opinions
1 Never ask/answer and give opinion
3. Teamwork 3 Active in group discussions
2 Less active in group discussions
1 Not active in group discussions
4. Honesty 3 Be honest when doing assignments/exams
2 Less honest when doing assignments / exams
1 Dishonest when doing assignments/exams
5. Communication skills 3 Proficient and able to communicate verbally in
front of the class clearly
2 Able to communicate verbally in front of the class
1 Unable to communicate orally in front of the class

Psychomotor Assessment
Presentation assessment instrument
No Rated aspect Assessment score
(3) (2) (1)
1. Expressing Opinion
2. Respond
3. Defending the Argument

Psychomotor Assessment Rubric

No Assessment Aspects Score Assessment criteria
1. Expressing Opinion 3 According to the problem and very precise
2 In accordance with the problem but not quite
1 Does not match the problem
2. Respond 3 Agree and refute with valid reasons and supported by
2 Agree and disprove with the right reasons
1 Agree and don't argue
3. Defending the 3 Able to defend opinions, true reasons supported by
Argument references
2 Able to defend opinions, reasons are not precise
1 Unable to defend opinion

Cognitive assessment instrument

No Basic Subject Question Cognitive Question Question Score
competencies matter Indicator level Form Number
1. Analyzing colligative State the C1 True/False 1 10
colligative properties colligative
properties of properties of
solutions solutions
Calculate the C3 True/False 2 10
saturated vapor
pressure, presented
boiling point osmotic pressure
elevation, data
freezing point Calculate the C3 True/False 3 10
depression, presented
and osmotic osmotic pressure
pressure) data
Give an example C2 True/False 4 10
of the
application of
properties of
solutions in
everyday life
Calculation of C3 True/False 5 10
freezing point
depression is
Choose C1 Multiple 6 10
colligative choice
properties of
Calculate the C3 Multiple 7 10
presented choice
osmotic pressure
Give an example C2 Multiple 8 10
of the choice
application of
properties of
solutions in
everyday life
Presented data C3 Multiple 9 10
on the process of choice
making a
product from
one of the
properties of the
Calculation of C3 Multiple 10 10
freezing point choice
depression is

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