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1. How do you describe a good citizen?
2. How do you describe a good digital citizen?
3. Is there much difference between the two?

A good citizen should have these traits 9 traits first is advocating for equal
human rights. We should not let things get into our heads that we are better or
higher to any other human beings, we are all equally flawed and talented in our
own ways. Even if someone or a group of people categorize themselves as
something, we should respect it. No human is higher or lower we are all equal
and bound to a destiny that we will return to dust.
Next is “treat others courteously and never bullies” mainly being a good
human and never uses his strength on gaining advantage towards other
people. Always strive for harmonious routes in life and making the best out of
your talents.
Another is “Do not steal or damage other properties” this goes without saying
but stealing is a terrible thing to do. Taking something without permission of
the owner can do unimaginable harm to the person and also damaging it will
not make the situation any better.
“communicate clearly and respectfully” communication is a very powerful tool
that helped us evolve into the human being we are right now. Having to
communicate clearly and respectfully will avoid miscommunication and other
bad scenarios. Also keep in mind that empathy is also the key in
understanding situation you are in so that you effectively communicate.
‘actively pursues education, develops life long lessons” knowledge is also a very
powerful tool. As gaining such status on completing a course will almost
immediately gain you the respect from other for striving so hard. And also
developing life long lessons may it be experiences or educational lessons always
put on an aspect where you can reflect on it. Progress will always be progress
whether may it be a small lesson or a big one it will make you a better person
than yesterday.
“Spends and manages money responsibly” this also a key factor on being a
good citizen. An impulsive spender on which spends money to things that are
not essential will flunk, and is closer to falling with debt. People who manages
money well and spends it accordingly will definitely have a better life than
those who don’t.
“protects self and others from harm” is a very courageous act and will also help
you become a better citizen. We can’t always predict things that might happen
in the future. That is why we should always be alert and avoid things that can
harm us or other people.
Lastly “Proactively promotes mental and physical health” having this mindset
is very helpful towards people. Having a good health will have many benefits in
life actively promoting this will make you help other people from illnesses from
severe obesity. Mental health is also very important and actively promoting
awareness, or even just checking up on friends that you fell that are sad,
maybe you can save a life by just simply doing these simple things.
Having this 9traits can make you a good citizen an aware and an active cell in
society which promotes harmony and peaceful livings toward human beings.
Ultimately a good citizen is a good person.

Generally speaking a good digital citizen are those people who have knowledge
and skills that are responsible in using the internet effectively as possible. They
are the people who exhibit intelligent behaviors in using technology. Also, they
advocate equal digital rights, treats others with respect online, this people are
intelligent and have the basic understanding in human rights that they actively
use it online. “does not steal online or damage other digital woks, and makes
appropriate decisions in communicating when using digital channels”. In our
age we constantly use these platforms called social media appropriately using
this is very important in being a good digital citizen. “responsible purchases” is
also one of the ways that can make you a good digital citizen. “Protecting
yourself in information leakage” not posting every information on social media
is a sign of being a good digital citizen. For posting everything can make you a
target of bad intentions. “Limit yourself from using technology” from using
technology too much can harm you in many different ways. Limiting yourself is
a sign of being a good citizen, enjoy the outdoors and don’t let yourself get
consumed by temporary things. Health is a very important aspect that needs to
be prioritized at any cost.

In behalf of being a good citizen and good digital citizen, both equally promotes
good human nature that needs to be practiced more often. With all the
advancements we accomplished as human beings we often times forget the
things that makes us good people. A good citizen promotes an outlook on
which people can live harmoniously and have the same rights. In being a good
citizen digitally the same outlook is promoted but on the digital space. Also,
intelligent decisions should be practiced both online and in real life. that is why
being a good citizen in real life or in a digital space generally speaks about
being a good human. They don’t differ for they have the same outlook that we
should strive in life.

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