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NAME: _______________________ Expert ADVANCED POINTS: ______/65

Module 3 Test

Exercise 1 Fill in each of the gaps with the most suitable forms of the words in brackets. The first is done as an example.
1 In twenty-four hours' time I (relax) ___________________________ on my yacht.
2 ‘There's someone at the door.’ ‘That (be) ___________________________ the postman.’
3 By the time you get back Harry (leave) ___________________________.
4 It's only a short trip. I (be) ___________________________ back in an hour.
5 What (you/do) ___________________________ this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?
6 By the end of the week we (decide) ___________________________ what to do.
7 It (not/be) ___________________________ long before Doctor Smith is here.
8 We'll go to the park when you (finish) ___________________________ your tea.
9 It's very hot in here. I think I (faint) ___________________________.
10 What (you/give) ___________________________ Ann for her birthday? Have you decided yet? _____/10

Exercise 2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.
1 All that trouble I went to wasn't necessary in the end. needn't
I __________________________________________________________________________________________ all that trouble.
2 Apparently someone has borrowed my laptop. have
Someone __________________________________________________________________________________________ my laptop.
3 I'm disappointed that you didn't back me up! might
You __________________________________________________________________________________________ me up!
4 I'm sure this isn't how you get to Norwich! can't
This __________________________________________________________________________________________ way to Norwich!
5 It makes no difference to me if we call it off. may
We __________________________________________________________________________________________ call it off.
6 It wouldn't have been right to leave you to do all the work on your own. couldn't
I __________________________________________________________________________________________ all the work on your own.
7 It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door. have
The last person __________________________________________________________________________________________ the door unlocked.
8 It's possible that this kind of snake is poisonous. could
This snake __________________________________________________________________________________________ the poisonous kinds.
9 Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. not
They __________________________________________________________________________________________ the tyre was flat.
10 School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school. wear
We __________________________________________________________________________________________ school uniform at my school.

Exercise 3 Using your own words, explain the meaing of the following words/phrases (in English).
1 accommodating to sb – ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2 like-minded (people) – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 intimidating – __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 pick sb out – ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 get a buzz – ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 4 Translate into Polish.
1 tarmac – _________________________________
2 squeak – _________________________________
3 brief (noun) – _________________________________
4 protagonist – _________________________________
5 exasperated – _________________________________
Exercise 5 Supply the missing words whose first letters were given. Pay attention to the number of letters to use (_ _ _ ).
Then supply the missing prepositions (________________).
1 I might s _ _ _ _ _ ________________ the exam if I'm lucky.
2 She's trying to r _ _ _ _ _ ________________ some funding for the project.
3 I stood r _ _ _ _ _ ________________ the spot with terror.
4 I spilt your coffee. Sorry – that was c _ _ _ _ _ ________________ me.
5 I’m a terrible h _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________ junk. I hate throwing things away. _____/05

Exercise 6 Fill in each gap with one word.

Recently there have been doubts about the proper functioning of the English legal system, after several well-publicized
cases in (1) ____________________________ police evidence was eventually shown to be suspect, but only after the wrongful
conviction of the accused. In several of (2) ____________________________ cases, the crimes involved acts of terrorism, and the
police were (3) ____________________________ considerable pressure to discover (4) ____________________________ had been
responsible. Although this in (5) ____________________________ way excuses the actions of police officers who (6)
____________________________ have falsified evidence, or suppressed evidence which worked against their
case, (7) ____________________________ underlines the ways (8) ____________________________ which publicity
in the press and on television exercises an enormous influence, (9) ____________________________ the supposed guarantees
under the law designed to prevent a jury (10) ____________________________ becoming unduly influenced . The specific details of
a criminal case are not discussed in the press before a case reaches the courts, and the names of those involved (11)
____________________________ often withheld.

Exercise 7 You are going to read a text about names and how they can affect a person. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph.

Can our names shape us as people?

Does what we’re called have any effect on who we are as a person? We look at this interesting idea and consider why your
name matters.
We often wonder what’s in a name. As it turns out, potentially quite a lot; from your personality down to your success in
While these ideas sound quite radical, you might be surprised that they aren’t anything new. In fact, as far back as 1948,
academics surmised that rare names had a negative effect on the psychology of the owner.
Another factor that examines the link between names and behaviour is the implicit-egotism effect. A theory that states that
we tend to be drawn to things that resemble us, such as the letters found in our names. Other studies have also discovered
that a person’s initial might unconsciously impact their thinking. However, not all scientists and experts agree on what
extent our names influence these factors, with some arguing that the impacts, if any, are mild at best.
In one famous study, researchers sent five thousand CV’s to different job advertisements in Chicago and Boston. They
identified what they believed to be common sounding names and more uncommon sounding ones.
Names, they concluded, send strong messages about who we are and our roots. Few other words in the CVs it seemed,
carried the same amount of weight as the one simple noun that we have no control over.
The more initials used the more intellectual the person was perceived to be. So perhaps J.R.R Tolkien had the right idea
when he wrote the Hobbit! Another more extreme way that we can use our name to our own advantage is by changing it
So if you ever find yourself becoming a parent, think carefully about what you call your child. It might just be the most
important decision you make in your life!
A Or do we? According to research in the European Journal of Social Psychology, perhaps we can turn this idea around.
The paper observed that using a middle initial increases the positive opinion of your intelligence and competence.
B Regardless of how academics feel about the impact of a name upon the individual, one thing that is clear is the effect
our names have on the people around us. Various experts observed that names play a large role in the way others
perceive us, and the opportunities that may, or may not, be presented to us as a result.
C This is often done by immigrants when they move to a new country. The reason being that changing a name to a local
alternative substantially improves income as well as educational prospects for children.
D Through the years, ideas about exotic names have been taken further, with recent studies finding that the choices
parents make for the names of their children could even be related to genetics. Professors noticed that adventurous
parents choose exciting names, which could signal the underlying genes of the baby and their likelihood to be
E The results showed a great deal about preconceptions of background, and the way names open doors for some, and
slam them shut for others. The study showed, shockingly, that the ‘common’ names received fifty percent more
callbacks than the more unusual ones.
F Research now shows how a simple word which we use to designate ourselves has remarkable power. It can impact
your education, how hireable you are, and even your behaviour and character traits!
G The most popular name in the country actually came from a famous athlete who was well known for his success both
on and off the athletics track. Keen to cash in, parents named their children after the runner for good luck.

Exercise 8 Answer the following questions based on the text.

1 Which aspect of a name’s impact do most researchers agree on? …
2 What do some experts believe influences how parents name their child? …

Exercise 9 Use the words given in capital letters to complete each sentence so as to keep the meaning of the original
sentence . You can fill in any gap with three to five words, including the word already given. Do not change the form of the
given words.

1 He worked as a travel guide and so he visited all the European countries in one year. VISITED
If he hadn’t worked as a travel guide, he _______________________________________ all the European countries in one year.
2 The number of modern vehicles on our roads has risen since last year. RISE
There _________________________________________ the number of modern vehicles on our roads since last year.
3 They asked him if he had seen anything unusual, but he said he hadn’t. DENIED
He _____________________________________ anything unusual when they asked him about it.
4 John didn’t enjoy the film as much as he had expected. LIVE
The film didn’t __________________________________________ John’s expectations.
5 I'm sure that Peter won't be late. bound
Peter __________________________________________ on time.
6 This music is not nearly as popular as it was in the past. LESS
This music is __________________________________________ it was in the past. _____/05

Exercise 10 Answer the following questions.

1 Is it important to have at least one leisure activity which is creative? Why/Why not?
2 What are the main health and social benefits of leisure time? Why? _____/06

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