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Nama : Rara Putri Maliza

Nim : 18089259

Kelas : Aplikasi Bahasa Inggris ( Rabu 07.00 – 08.40 )

My Precious Life

a) I was born in Bunga Tanjung Maek.

b) One of my earliest/brightest memories is always be the first champions in class during
elementry school and junior high school.
c) One thing I wish I knew several years ago is why I am not allowed to study outside
West Sumatera by my parents.
d) I firmly believe that if I am serious about doing something than i will be successfull
human being
e) My life motto is dont just wait, but create your on time
f) I am thankful to my parents/ teachers because already educated, giude, love and direct
me. So that I become a strong person and never give up until what i want comes true.
Make me I confident women by always providing motivation and comfort.
g) The dream of my life is graduated from Padang State University on time by bringing a
lot of experience. Then open a business that will be managed by parents. And work in
the office that I have dreamed of long ago.
h) I was a shy to people I just met and I get close to people I already know.
i) When I was child, my dream was I dreamed of being a doctor who could treat sick
j) My desire/passion/wish forces me to study harder to achieve that desire.
k) My hobby that influences my personality since childhood is table tennis, because
playing table tennis gives me a new environment that makes me a better social person.
l) One event that made me who I am today is because I am the eldest daughter who has
a big responsibility for the happiness of my parents and my sister’s. The event that
made me like this was when the family economy sumpled and my father fell ill.
m) My role model was my parents.
n) My favorite movie/book is laskar pelangi/ bangkit dari titik minus.
o) The most memoriable event/day of my life was when I graduated in my favorite high
school and that time my parent’s had tears in their eyes.
p) One thing/event/phrase that I will never forget is the words said by my teacher “ life is
simple, we make it difficult”
q) If I could make my dreams come true. I would start with prayed, when I tried my best.
r) When i was a child. I always dream of to be a great doctor.
s) My favorite image in childhood was is Justin Bieber
t) The main lesson that i received in life is do not easily give up because everyone has

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