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Name: Abdihakin Yousuf Ali

Phone: 25265963774
Address: Burao/Somaliland

My name is Abdihakin Yousuf Ali . I was born in Burao in 16 march 2001. l took my primary
school smart in 2015-2016 I passed grade A . and also took my secondary smart secondary school in
2019-2020 I passed grade A . I am from a poor family whom can’t pay much money but I like to
develop my education and my country also . I saw the opportunity that you are offering Somalilanders .
so, I like to be one of that students . I really have hope full about my future and I am ready any time , to
develop the education of my country. I am active person who like education.

About Taiwan when I made more research I knew that Taiwan is the only place that I can get all
my needs according to the education and it’s amazing and interesting places. I knew during my
research the president’s name its population. I am very happy to request Taiwan university which I can
get the education that I need . Taiwan is one of amazing place I have ever seen for ever. when I
searched more I knew that Taiwan is the most suitable place for my faculty . I hope that you will accept
my request .

About my future I am really have confidence in myself and I am working for any time anywhere
how to reach my plan and my future. computer engineering was my future and my dream, and still it is.
As you aware of this world is like when room due to the telecommunication . I will make come true my
dream , and I will bring it back to my country. and our universities don’t offer this faculty that is why I
chose Taiwan universities which and think it is the only place that can make my dreams true.

Reason behind this admission as I mentioned before and from poor family whom can’t send me
foreign country since I can’t get my faculty universities locate in my country that is one of the big
problems are reforcing me this admission. And I hope that you will except my request. your except can
lead me and my country big development. I am requesting this admission to bring my country whet ever
and any education that I learnt during my education.

I am really thanking moffa with honour and respect I am saying you thank you for your inspiring.
Keep going you are working for the future of the generation. You are really working on building the
future of others.

At last not at least I am requesting with kindness, honour and respect to accept my admission as
soon as possible as you can because I did more things to get this opportunity.

Thanks for your reading

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