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The total number of people who responded to our questionnaire was 47.

The majority

of the respondents were university students, with the largest number being freshmen

(80.9%), followed by sophomores (12.8%).

According to data research studies, modern young people spend an extremely high

amount of time on the Internet. Around 70.2 % of university students surf the Internet

for more than five hours a day. Only a very small percentage use the internet for 0-3

hours. The remaining 25.5% will spend 3-5 hours a day in the online world. This

group is then much more likely to be exposed to cybercrime.

According to the data survey, people's needs on the Internet are diverse. The most

popular are accessing information and browsing the web (78.7%) and chatting and

making friends (78.7%). This was followed by shopping (59.6%), sending and

receiving emails (48.9%) and playing online games (42.6%). The lowest number of

respondents to this question was 2.1% for other items. In fact, regardless of the main

purpose of going online, there is always a chance of encountering cybercrime. New

types of cybercrime are always emerging.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology and the promotion of the

Internet, more and more lawless elements are using the Internet to commit criminal

activities, and the survey statistics show that Internet users in the process of daily

access to the Internet think that there are cyber crimes are spreading Internet viruses

(93.6%), malicious spread of rumours online, publicizing the privacy of others

(93.6%), as well as online gambling (91.5%), spreading obscene (87.2%). It can be

said that the vast majority of people consider spreading online viruses and disclosing

the privacy of others to be cybercrimes.

With the rapid development of the internet age and the popularity of smartphones and

electronic devices. When people go online, most of them have received online

fraudulent messages or malicious attacks. According to the survey statistics, the

majority of people (70.2%) have received online fraudulent messages or malicious

attacks, while those who have not received online fraudulent messages or malicious

attacks (29.8%). Some Internet users who frequently use online social networking are
more vulnerable to cybercrime in the general online environment as they frequently

communicate and pay online due to their own needs.

The development of the internet has influenced every aspect of people's lives.

According to survey statistics, the internet has a greater influence on people's attitudes

(76.1%) and lifestyles (76.1%), followed by a relatively large proportion of

interactions with people (69.6%) and language behaviour (67.4%), followed by moral

values (58.7%). It is easy to see that people have created a vast online world and that

every aspect of people's lives is now being influenced by the internet.

According to the survey statistics, among the feedback given, most people have filled

in their personal information online, accounting for 84.8%; Only 15.2% did not fill in

their personal information. It follows that the Internet actually stores a lot of people's

personal information.

We conducted a survey and statistics on the recognition of the state's fight against

cybercrime, and more than half of the people said they were relatively satisfied as

well as 29.8% who said they were very satisfied. Overall, those who participated in

the questionnaire were satisfied with the state's fight against cybercrime. However, it

should not be overlooked that 19.1% of people are not very satisfied with the fight

against these cybercrimes. This shows that there is still some room for improvement

in the fight against cybercrime.

The survey found that nearly half (48.9%) had registered their real information on

more than five mobile apps or websites; more than a third (38.3%) of internet users

had registered their real names on two to four types of software. Only 12.8%

registered their real information on websites or software. It can be found that the

majority of online audiences trust the protection of their private information by online

software and therefore disclose their private information among these software.
Through the survey, we found that more than half of the people surveyed did not

know whether the information security of the software and websites they used was

guaranteed, amounting to 51.1%. 29.8% of people clearly knew that the security of

the software and websites they used was guaranteed. The remaining 19.1% thought

that the information security of these websites and software was not guaranteed. It can

be concluded that more than half of the people are not sufficiently aware of this aspect

of cyber security issues and thus know that these people are also not sufficiently

protected against cyber crime.

A. National legislation and strengthens law enforcement (89.4%)

B. Moral and public opinion supervision (68.1%)

C. Countries to seek global cooperation (48.9%)

D. Increase awareness of cybercrime prevention, pay attention to the maintenance of

computer security performance (85.1%)

E. Strengthen legal education for Internet users and call on them to consciously abide

by the law (83%)

From the questionnaire, it can be found that A. national legislation and strengthening

law enforcement (89.4%), D. raising awareness of cyber crime prevention and paying

attention to maintaining computer security (85.1%), E. strengthening legal education

for Internet users and calling on them to abide by the law consciously (83%) and B.

moral supervision and supervision of public opinion (68.1%) were considered to be

effective ways to prevent cyber crimes. Therefore, in improving cyber security, it is

not only necessary to raise Internet users' awareness of cyber security, but also for

government departments to strengthen legislation as well as law enforcement to

protect citizens' cyber security.

According to our survey, the largest proportion of measures people take to protect

their information online is to refuse to use applications that violate their privacy,

accounting for 74.5%, followed by filling in false information and turning off location

services, both at 70.2%. Although refusing to use applications that violate people's

privacy does not completely protect their information, it is an effective way to protect

it. In the survey, we can also see that 38.3% of people would choose to install security

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