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What is moocs?

(Massive Open Online Course)

-moocs are courses provided by universities all over the world

-they are presented as videos

-recorded by their professors at their universities

Theories of motivation

Self- determination theory

- According to this theory we all have three basic and universal needs, and it is only when these
needs are satisfied that we can have a better performance
1. Autonomy
- The need of autonomy means that we need a behavior to come sums up preferences and no
desires to have a better performance

Why are students experiencing difficulties?

- Is because they don’t really know how to use these tools so in terms of autonomy what happens
is that many students get lost with all these possibilities and they forget to make a choice.
2. Competence
- Means that when you want to pursue something we need to feel competent at the task and
moocs helps us there as well as they offer as courses that are at different levels of difficulties
How to use them?
Check the prerequisite of the course before you enroll and also courses are provided in many
languages so try to choose a course that is in the language that you are most comfortable
How to use moocs?
- Moocs also provides many times with subtitles that can help you follow the course if its not your
mother tongue
- But studies have showed that the more the courses is technical the more its complicated to
follow the course
3. Relatedness
- Means that to feel motivated to engage in the activity we need to feel related to others to
belong in a group.
- Create your own community of learners

- Choice your preferences
- Take into consideration the competencies you have
- -keep in touch, stay connected

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