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Name: ___________________ Block: ____ Date:

Worksheet: The Cell Cycle

Instruction: Write your answers in the space provided.

1. Chromosomes move to the equator of the cell during what phase?

2. What are sister chromatids?

3. Where do sister chromatids attach to each other?

4. During what phase do the sister chromatids separate?

5. During what phase do chromosomes first become visible?

6. When does a cleavage furrow (in animal cells) or cell plate (in plant cells) form?

7. Match the correct phase of the cell cycle to each description.

Description Interphase Mitosis

(a) Cell growth occurs. √
(b) Nuclear division occurs.
(c) Sister chromatids are separated to opposite poles of the cell.
(d) Protein production is high.
(e) DNA replication occurs (chromosomes are duplicated).
(f) Cytoplasm divides immediately after this phase.
(g) Manufacture of organelles.

8. Label the indicated parts in the diagrams shown below.

A. B. C. D.

9. Match the correct diagram (representing different phases of the cell cycle) to each description.

(a) anaphase
(b) Chromosomes become visible.
(c) not a phase of mitosis
(d) late prophase
(e) Spindle fibres begin to push centrioles to opposite poles.
(f) telophase
(g) The nucleolus disappears.
(h) interphase
(i) metaphase
(j) Spindle fibres form.
(k) followed by cytokinesis
(l) early prophase
Some spindle fibres attach themselves to the
(n) The nucleolus reappears. D.

(o) The nuclear membrane dissolves.

(p) first phase of the cell cycle
(q) second phase of the cell cycle
(r) third phase of the cell cycle
(s) fourth phase of the cell cycle
(t) fifth phase of the cell cycle
(u) sixth phase of the cell cycle
(v) DNA replication
(w) Spindle fibres disappear.

10. During what phase do chromosomes align on the equator of the cell?

11. In what phase does a cell plate divide a plant cell into two?

Name: ___________________ Block: ____ Date:

12. Name the phase of mitosis where the nuclear membrane forms around each separated set of

13. What is the end product of mitosis?

14. How do the daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

15. What results when the rate of the cell cycle gets out of control?

16. Identify the phase that each indicated cell is in.







Are these animal or plant cells?

Identify parts of cells visible in

the diagram.

17. In which phase of the cell cycle do eukaryotic cells spend most of their time?

18. If a dog's cell had 78 x-shaped chromosomes during the early prophase, how many
chromosomes would have been in that cell at the beginning of the cell cycle?

19. If a plum tree cell has 48 chromosomes during the interphase, how many chromosomes will
be in that cell during the anaphase of the cell cycle?

20. Why is it necessary that the nuclear membrane disappears at the beginning of mitosis?

21. What is the role of the spindle fibres?

22. Where are the chromosomes located eukaryotic cells at the early prophase?

23. Where are the chromosomes located eukaryotic cells at the late prophase?

24. Where are the chromosomes located in the metaphase?

25. Where are the chromosomes located at the end of the anaphase?

26. Where are the chromosomes located during the telophase?

27. Describe the events that occur during telophase.

28. Describe the events that occur during cytokinesis.

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