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Teachers and parents both play an important role in developing ones identity.

A child starts knowing

himself/herself inside their home and it enhances when they go to school.

A child that is not used to socialize with other people are prone to lack of self confidence. They are the
shy type ones. They are afraid being with people alone. They always want someone with them when it's
their first time time in school. They are the child who cries and suffer tantrums on the first day of class.
They are the ones who needs moral support.

Whenever they are on class they don't participate to any activity. They don't play with their peers.
Everyday it happens until they cope up with the situation.

Parents helps to achieve self confidence and self-esteem. We should always remind our kids that they
can do what other kids can do. Other kids depends on what their parents say. An example is that, when
you say, if they do good in school, you'll go to the mall or you will reward them with toys. So after
school, you need to be true to your words. Go to the mall and buy them toys. Your child will gain trust
from you. Some kids wants assurance. Assure them that you will be there until they are ready to be
independent in school.

In school, teachers help boost students self confidence and self-esteem. They will be having students
with different identity. Students who have a high self esteem is advantage and the ones with low self-
esteem needs support and encouragement from teachers. The way you interact with your students help
them feel comfortable with you. When on class, you should encourage your students to participate and
make friends with their classmates.

Teachers must remind their students that every child is different. They have qualities that others don't
have. That each of them is unique. It is important for the educator to discuss self identity. It helps the
individual know their own self. They must know their strength and weaknesses. From then, it
strengthens their character and it develops their self confidence.

As they continue to know their own identity, they become aware of their environment. Later on they
will realize that they are already embracing their selves, their flaws and all. They will now get rid of their
insecurities. They become comfortable. They already feel good about their self. Their life experiences
and interactions with other people helps them develo their self-esteem.

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