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A. Transfer of Learning
The Gospels faithfully narrate the life and teachings of Jesus, the Incarnate son of God. Anyone
who desires to grow in faith in Jesus needs to study the Gospel because they are the source of all the
doctrines and teachings of the Church on Jesus.

Nowadays a lot of people felt distress because of what happened in our community. Some
people lost their hopes and faith in God. There are some who forgot the goodness of our Almighty
Father. As an individual in our society, we need to do our responsibility as a good citizen and great
influences to our surroundings.

Make a bookmark and write your own quotes that proclaim the word of God. Attach the
bookmark on the your activity sheet. Then, post your quote to any social media platform like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and the likes. Then, use the hashtag #Godisgood. Please be guided with our rubric.


Content – 25
Message- 15
Creativity- 10
Total – 50 points
B. Reflection (Valuing or Lifelong Learning)

Jesus’ life sets the moral standards and values we are encouraged to follow in our
life today. By striving to live by Gospel standards and values , we can experience the promise of
the Gospels, joy, peace, and love in our lives.

As a youth, how would you be a good citizen in our society? Explain briefly

C. Closure

As a responsible individual in our society, write a short message to other youth about
sharing the word of God. Your statement must have at least 3 sentences

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