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The Burka Civics And Ethics

What is it?
A burka is a type of traditional
garment worn by women in Middle
Eastern countries, where they are
required to wear modest clothing.
It's long and provides full-body
coverage, the face included.

Why is it
The importance of a burka in the
Muslim society is very important
because it symbolizes the modesty of
a person and to secure the woman
from creepy people stalking in the
Muslim communities.

Do you believe that people are free to follow a tradition in their
country of origin but should change if they move to another country
with different customs? No, they must be free and choose what they
wanna do unless the tradition damage others so we think it depends
on the traditions.

Do you believe that any custom or tradition where you live should be
regulated by law? Wich one? Depending on what this “tradition” is
about, maybe if it has dangerous things it could be regulated, we
don’t have a dangerous tradition but maybe like the bull run could
be an example of a regulated tradition because of the danger.
The Burka Civics And Ethics

How should we handle traditions that limit freedoms? By making
them optional, and respecting other ones opinions, traditions mustn’t
limit your freedom.

Do you think fundamental freedoms are affected by what you read

in the article? Do you have all of these freedoms? Yes because it
affects the freedom of culture of the person by telling them if they
should wear something or not, we say that no because in this era
and in our situation that we don’t feel our freedom of culture

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