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Outline Chapter2- Rotational Dynamics

1 Rigid Body

2 Torque and Angular momentum

Relation between torque and angular momentum
Torque and Angular momentum of system of particles
3 Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia (Rotational
Radius of Gyration
Physical significance of moment of inertia

4 Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of Inertia

Perpendicular axes theorem (applicable only for plane lamina)
Parallel axes theorem
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Rigid Body

A body in which distance between two particles is independent of the

motion of the body is called a rigid body. Every solid is a rigid body.

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Torque and Angular momentum
Consider a particle is located at posi-
tion vector ~r relative to its axis of ro-
tation. When a force ~F is applied to
the particle, then torque produced at
the axis of rotation is defined as

~τ =~r × ~F (1)
Torque is a vector quantity whose magnitude is ~τ = rF sin θ , where θ
is the angle between ~F and~r, and the direction is perpendicular to the
plane of ~F and~r, and specified by right hand rule.

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Torque and Angular momentum (contd.)
If the particle’s linear momentum is ~p,
then the angular momentum of the par-
ticle is defined as

~l =~r ×~p (2)

Angular momentum is also a vector quan-

tity, whose magnitude is l = rp sin φ and
the direction is perpendicular to the plane
Figure 1: Angular momentum
of ~r and ~p and specified by right hand

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Torque and Angular momentum
Relation between torque and angular momentum

We have,~l =~r ×~p. Taking the derivatives on both sides of this

relation with respect to time, we get

d~l d d~r d~p

= (~r ×~p) = ×~p +~r × =~v × m~v +~r × ~F
dt dt dt dt

Since~v ×~v = 0
=~r × ~F = ~τ (3)
Hence, the rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the
torque. This is analogy of Newton’s law for translational motion.

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Torque and Angular momentum
Torque and Angular momentum of system of particles

Consider the particles of point masses m1 , m2 , . . ., mn with position

vectors~r1 ,~r2 , . . .,~rn respectively, have the angular momenta
~l1 =~r1 ×~p1 ,~l2 =~r2 ×~p2 and so on. The total angular momentum of
the system is equal to the vector sum of all angular momenta of the
particles of the system i.e.
~L =~l1 +~l2 + . . . +~ln = ∑~li (4)

Taking the derivative of equation (4) with respect to time, we get

d~L d~l1 d~l2 d~ln

= + +...+
dt dt dt dt
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Torque and Angular momentum
Torque and Angular momentum of system of particles (contd.)

=⇒ = ~τ1 +~τ2 + . . . +~τn (5)
In the sum of torques in equation (5), there are two types of torques
acting on the particles: ones due to the internal forces and the others
due to the external forces. So the equation (5) is better to be written as

= (~τ1int +~τ2int + . . . +~τnint ) + (~τ1ext +~τ2ext + . . . +~τnext ) (6)

But the internal forces are in pair with equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction. So the torques produced by each pair cancel

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Torque and Angular momentum
Torque and Angular momentum of system of particles (contd.)

each other and hence the net internal torques due to all internal forces
is equal to zero. Therefore

= (~τ1ext +~τ2ext + . . . +~τnext ) = ~τext (7)
where ~τext is the resultant of all external torques acting on the particles of the
= 0 implies ~L = constant. That mean total angular
If ~τext = 0, then
momentum remain conserved when the resultant of all the torques is zero.
The individual particles may experience the external torques. This is called
the principle of conservation of total angular momentum.

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia)
Consider a system of point mass particles
with masses m1 , m2 , . . ., mn . r1 , r2 , . . .,
rn are respectively the perpendicular dis-
tance of the particles from the axis of ro-
tation AB. Considering all particles rotate
about the axis with same angular veloc-
ity ω, the velocities of the particles are
v1 = ωr1 , v2 = ωr2 , and so on. Hence
Figure 2: Rotional kinetic energy
the total kinetic energy of the system of
rotating particles is

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia) (contd.)

1 1 1
Krot = m1 v21 + m2 v22 + . . . + mn v2n
2 2 2
1 1 1
= m1 ω 2 r12 + m2 ω 2 r22 + . . . + mn ω 2 rn2
2 2 2
1 2 2 2
= m1 r1 + m2 r2 + . . . + mn rn ω
2 !
1 n
= ∑ mi ri2 ω 2
2 i=1

i.e. Krot = Iω 2 (8)

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia) (contd.)

I = ∑ mi ri2 (9)
is called the moment of inertia or rotational inertia of the system of particle.
For the continuous mass distribution (rigid body) system, the mi of equation
(9) must be replaced by infinitesimally small mass dm and the summation
sign by integral as Z
I= r2 dm (10)

Here r is the perpendicular distance of any dm from the axis of rotation.

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia)
Radius of Gyration

It is defined as the distance from the axis of rotation to the point

where total mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated such that
the moment of inertia about the axis remains same. it is denoted by K.
In terms of radius of gyration the moment of inertia of a body of mass
M is given by r
2 I
I = MK =⇒ K = (11)
Hence the radius of gyration can also be defined as a distance, the
square of which when multiplied by the total mass of the body gives

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia)
Radius of Gyration (contd.)

its moment of inertia about the given axis. This radius of gyration
depends upon the shape and size of the body as well as upon the axis
of rotation.

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Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
(Rotational Inertia)
Physical significance of moment of inertia

Moment of inertia plays the same role in rotational motion as mass

does in translational motion. This is the physical significance of
moment of inertia.

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Perpendicular axes theorem (applicable only for plane lamina)

The moment of inertia of a plane lamina

about an axis perpendicular to its plane is
equal to the sum of the moments of in-
ertia of the lamina about any two mutu-
ally perpendicular axes, passing through
its own plane, intersecting each other at
the point through which the perpendicu-
Figure 3: Theorem of perpendicular
lar axis passes. axis

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Perpendicular axes theorem (applicable only for plane lamina) (contd.)

Let us consider a plane lamina lying in the XOY plane. The lamina is
made up of a large number of particles. Consider a small mass
element dm at P. From P, PN and PN0 are drawn perpendicular to
X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. Now PN0 = x, PN = y
Moment of inertia of the whole of lamina about X- axis is
Ix = y2 dm (12)

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Perpendicular axes theorem (applicable only for plane lamina) (contd.)

Moment of inertia of the whole of lamina about Y- axis is

Iy = x2 dm (13)

Moment of inertia of the whole ofZ lamina about Z-axis is

Iz = r2 dm (14)

But r2 = x2 + Zy2 , so that Z Z

x + y dm = x dm + y2 dm = Iy + Ix
2 2 2

Iz =

Iz = Ix + Iy (15)
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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem

The moment of inertia of a body about an

axis is equal to the moment of inertia of
the body about the axis through center of
mass and parallel to the given axis plus
the product of total mass of the body and
square of the perpendicular distance be-
tween the axes.
Figure 4: Theorem of parallel axis

If I be the moment of inertia of a body about an axis, Icm is the

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

moment of inertia of the body about the axis passes through center of
mass and parallel to the given axis, M be the total mass, and d be the
perpendicular distance between the axes, then

I = Icm + Md2 (16)

Let M be the mass of the rigid body and dm be the mass of a small
element at B(x, y) on xy-plane. Let C be the center of mass and Cz be

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

an axis of rotation as shown in the figure 4. For convenience, consider

that Cz is along z- coordinate of the reference system.
The parallel axis through center of mass intersects the xy-plane at
point O. Let Az0 be the parallel axis about which, we have to calculate
moment of inertia of the rigid body. This axis intersects the xy-plane
at point A as shown in the figure 4. a and b are the x- and y-
coordinates of A with respect to center of mass. AE and BE are x- and
y- coordinates of B with respect to A. The line BA in the xy-plane

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

represents the perpendicular distance r of elemental mass dm from the

axis Az0 . Similarly, the line BO represents the perpendicular distance
R of elemental mass dm from the axis Oz. Also, the line OA in
xy-plane is perpendicular distance between two parallel axes, which is
equal to d.

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

Now, moment of inertia of the rigid body about axis Az0 is given by
Z Z Z 
r2 dm = (AE2 + BE2 )dm = (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 dm

= (x2 − 2xa + a2 + y2 − 2yb + b2 )dm

Rearranging, we have
2 2 2 2
I= (x + y )dm + (a + b )dm − 2a xdm − 2b ydm (17)

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

However, the coordinates of the center of mass by definition are given

1 R 1 R
as xcm = xdm and ycm = ydm.
But, x- and y-coordinates of center of mass are zero as it lies on
1 R R
z-axis. It means that xcm = xdm = 0 =⇒ xdm = 0, and
similarly ydm = 0
Thus, the equation (17) for the moment of inertia of the rigid body
about the axis parallel to an axis passing through center of mass C is
2 2
I= (x + y )dm + (a2 + b2 )dm (18)

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

From the figure 4, x2 + y2 = R2 and a2 + b2 = d2 Substituting in the

equation (18) , we have
I= R2 dm + d2 dm (19)

We, however, note that R is variable, but d is constant. Taking the

constant out of the integral sign
2 2
I= R dm + d dm = R2 dm + Md2 (20)

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Perpendicular and Parallel Axes Theorem of Moment of
Parallel axes theorem (contd.)

The integral on right hand side is the expression of moment of inertia

of the rigid body about the axis passing through center of mass.
I = Icm + Md2 (21)

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1 Moment of inertia of a slender rod

2 Moment of inertia of circular ring

3 Moment of inertia of homogenous circular disc

4 Moment of inertia of a solid sphere

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Moment of inertia of a slender rod
Consider a slender rod of length L and
mass M. AB is the axis through center
of mass (mid point) and perpendicular to
the rod, and A’B’ is the axis through one
end of the rod and perpendicular to the
rod. To find the moment of inertia about
AB, the rod can be divided into a number
Figure 1: A slender rod
of pieces with elemental length dx.

Let’s take elemental length dx at a distance x from center of mass.

The mass of the elemental length dx is dm = dx

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Moment of inertia of a slender rod (contd.)

The moment of inertia of the slender rod about AB is

+L/2 +L/2 +L/2  L/2
2M M M x3
2 2
Icm = x dm = x dx = x dx =
L L L 3 −L/2
−L/2 −L/2 −L/2

L2 L3
M 1
= + = ML2
3L 8 8 12
Using parallel axes theorem, the moment of inertia about the axis
A’B’ is  2
L 1 1 1
IA’B’ = Icm + M = ML2 + ML2 = ML2
2 12 4 3
Icm L
Therefore, the radius of gyration about AB is KAB = = √
L M 2 3
and about A’B’ is KA0 B0 = √
4 / 14
Moment of inertia of circular ring
Consider a circular ring of radius R and
mass M on xy-plane with center at origin
O. Here z-axis is perpendicular to the
plane of the ring and passing through
center of mass of the ring. To calculate
the moment of inertia of the ring about
the z-axis, let’s take a elemental mass
dm on the ring. The mass dm lies at a
Figure 2: Moment of inertia of ring
distance R from z-axis.

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Moment of inertia of circular ring (contd.)

The moment of inertia of the ring about z-axis is

Iz = R2 dm

Since the distance R is the same for all elemental mass dm, it can be
taken out side from integral sign. So that
Iz = R dm = R2 M = MR2 (1)

The ring is symmetrical about both x- and y- axes. So the moment of

inertia about x- and y-axes are the same i.e. Ix = Iy . Using
perpendicular axes theorem of moment of inertia
Ix + Iy = Iz =⇒ Ix + Ix = MR2 =⇒ 2Ix = MR2 =⇒ Ix = MR2
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Moment of inertia of circular ring (contd.)

Hence the moment of inertia of the ring about x- or y-axis i.e.

diameter is MR2
Using the parallel axes theorem the moment of inertia about a tangent
1 3
IT = Ix + MR2 = MR2 + MR2 = MR2
2 2

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Moment of inertia of homogenous circular disc
Consider a circular disc of radius R and
mass M on xy-plane with center at origin
O. As result z-axis is perpendicular to
the disc and passing through the center
of mass O of the disc. To calculate the
moment of inertia about the z-axis, the
disc can be divided into a number of
concentric circular ring each of elemental
Figure 3: Moment of inertia of disc
thickness dr.

Let’s take a ring of elemental thickness dr and radius r. The elemental

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Moment of inertia of homogenous circular disc (contd.)

area of the ring is da = 2πrdr and the elemental mass

M M 2M
dm = 2
da = 2
2πrdr = 2 rdr
πR πR R

The moment of inertia of the ring about the z-axis is

2 2M 2M
dIz = dmr = 2
rdr r2 = 2 r3 dr

The moment of inertia of the whole disc about the z-axis is

2M R4 1
Iz = r3 dr = = MR2
R2 0 R2 4 2

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Moment of inertia of homogenous circular disc (contd.)

The disc is symmetrical about both x- and y- axes. So the moment of

inertia about x- and y-axes are the same i.e. Ix = Iy Using
perpendicular axes theorem of moment of inertia

1 1 1
Ix + Iy = Iz =⇒ Ix + Ix = MR2 =⇒ 2Ix = MR2 =⇒ Ix = MR2
2 2 4

Hence the moment of inertia of the ring about x- or y-axis i.e.

diameter is MR2
Using the parallel axes theorem the moment of inertia about a tangent
1 5
IT = Ix + MR2 = MR2 + MR2 = MR2
4 4

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Moment of inertia of a solid sphere

Consider a solid sphere of radius R and

mass M with center at origin O as in fig-
ure 4. The sphere is symmetric about all
axes. So that, the moment of inertia about
all axes is the same. To calculate the mo-
ment of inertia about z-axis as in figure 4,
the sphere can be divided into the coax-
ial circular discs of various radius each of
Figure 4: Moment of inertia of solid
with elemental thickness dz. sphere

let’s take a circular disc of radius r at a distance z from O. The disc is

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Moment of inertia of a solid sphere (contd.)

parallel to xy-plane. The elemental volume of the disc is dv = πr2 dz

and the elemental mass of the disc is

M 3M 3M
dm = 4 3
dv = 3
πr2 dz = 3 r2 dz
3 πR
4πR 4R

Here z-axis is perpendicular to the disc and through its center, so the
moment of inertia of the disc about z-axis is
1 2 1 3M 2 3M
dIz = (dm)r = 3
r dz r2 = 3 r4 dz
2 2 4R 8R

But from figure 4, R2 = r2 + z2 =⇒ r2 = R2 − z2 , therefore

3M 2 2 3M 2 2 2 3M 4 2 2 4

dIz = r dz = R − z dz = R − 2R z + z dz
8R3 8R3 8R3
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Moment of inertia of a solid sphere (contd.)

Now the moment of inertia of the whole solid sphere about z-axis i.e.
diameter is
R4 − 2R2 z2 + z4 dz

Iz = 3

3M 4 2z
= R z − 2R +
8R3 3 5 −R
3M 5 2 5 1 5 5 2 5 1 5
= R − R + R +R − R + R
8R3 3 5 3 5
3M 5 4 2 3 2 30 − 20 + 6 3 16
= R 2 − + = MR = MR2
8R3 3 5 8 15 8 15
∴ Iz = MR2

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Moment of inertia of a solid sphere (contd.)

Using parallel axis theorem, the moment of inertia about a tangent is

2 7
IT = Iz + MR2 = MR2 + MR2 = MR2
5 5

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