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The aim of this essay is to try to answer the question: What could have been done better in

Afghanistan? We all probably know, that Afghanistan is facing humanitarian crisis. People suffer from
lack of food, causing widespread starvation and its economy is wrecked, because all funds held
abroad have been frozen. Situation ran out of control after Taliban group took power over the
country. Many military experts claimed to have been surprised by the pace of Taliban victory. Facing
the current situation, many people are convinced, that international effort in terms of financial help
and presence of NATO troops, was not reasonable. To be honest, I must partially agree.

As I see it, if NATO troops hadn’t been deployed there, Afghan society would probably never have
experienced so many “western” civilization habits. In other words, NATO forces presence caused the
democratic principles being imported to Afghanistan artificially and by force. The change seems very
cruel, because a part of society got used to some democratic principles, however Afghan civilization
was not developed enough to effectively face the thread coming with Taliban. The reason for this, in
my point on view, is that Afghan people probably never felt some national pride or responsibility for
the country as a whole. Instead of that, they are rather used to stay in their own bubbles – families
and tribes.

To be complete, I must mention the question of timing of NATO troops withdrawal. In my opinion,
the summer season was not a good choice, as this could probably be the factor, which progressed
Taliban’s pace of movement. However, it must be stated here, what came into light just recently,
that there were a lot of ghost positions in ANA (general were pocketing salaries for them), so there
were probably much less soldiers in ANA than officially stated.

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