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IT Test – Chapter 4

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________

1. Summarise what physical safety is (in terms of ICT)

2. Describe 1 cause of tripping over due wires and also 2 prevention strategies:
3. Explain what personal data is and list 2 examples of personal data:

4. Explain what e-safety is.

5. Where people access computer systems without permission, it is known as:

a) authentication b) hacking c) fishing d) pharming

6. Name 2 authentication techniques that can be used to protect computer systems against

7. What is a ‘robust’ password?

8. Explain how you can tell if a website is secure

9. Explain what e-commerce is

10. Cyber criminals use three methods in order to try and trick people into giving up their
personal data. List those three methods.

11. _________________________ is where fraudsters try and ‘bait’ us into giving up our bank
details, credit card details, usernames and passwords.

12. _________________________ usually targets users of online banking and shopping


13. _________________________ the fraudulent messages are sent via test messages (SMS)
rather than emails.

14. Describe what email spam is and what is a spammer

15. Explain what email harvesting

16. Differentiate moderated forum and un-moderated forum


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