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IT Faculty of College of Information Technology


Agusan del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of


Prepared by:

Ma. Doña Vanessa B. Ontua

Jolina Q. Mangadlao

Carlos James M. Palomar

Junas T. Piala

July 2022
Chapter 1


Project Context

Online platform was used in a vast manner. Computers are continually changing and

improving in how to restore, share, and access information at a time when advanced

technology is still creating more than what people believe to be possible. Tabulation is an

arrangement of data that comes from an event, e.g. in school’s events and competition. A

system is a systematic work of events that has principles and methods used to categorized

gathered data in an event. Repository is a storage for data gathered that are stored online, it

has various types including the data warehouse which is a data repository that gathers data

from several sources and generally used for reporting analysis to help users make critical

decision making.

Dr. John Von Neumann, a famous scientist, and one of the pioneers of computers says

that; the computer should not be called “computer”, rather “the all-purpose machine”. As

technology is daily innovated, the manual process of data is slowly replaced by digitalized

data processing. One of the most commonly used system in the society is the tabulation

system. Everything is established according to their rank and status. A systematic repository

plays a vital role of tabulation. It creates convenience and create fast data analysis in a given

data within a short period of time. Having a repository that is transacted online, is much more

secure that having a manual storage of data. According to Tehreem Naeem 2020, with time

data is becoming more significant to business decision-making. This means that online

platform is needed to gather, store and analyze data. A data repository often called a data
archive or library, is a generic terminology that refers to a segmented data set used for

reporting or analysis.

St. Francis Xavier College is a college institution in Agusan Del Sur that caters many

events. Every first week of December, the school held a foundation week, in which the school

has many events and competitions in where they use a manual paper-based tabulation system.

Using a manual process, tallying of results can be difficult. Tabulators used to manually

calculate and record the scores on papers, in which it can face many technical errors like

shuffling the scores of the participants in an event or competition. In addition, score

tabulation or records of tabulated score may be misplaced. The manual process is not ideal, it

does not produce highly accurate and reliable contest results because the data can be

manipulated since it is written in a paper.

Online Tabulation System for Repository of Events and Competitions of St. Francis

Xavier College, is project proposed by the proponents. The system will enable automated

scoring during events and competitions, it will allow judges to enter their scores

electronically, and the system will automatically tabulate and provide results. The tabulators

can keep in touch by performing the transaction online and ensures the participants of the

events that once the score is inputted, it cannot be undone.


General objectives

To create an online tabulation system for St. Francis Xavier College that

digitalized the manual tabulation system, in every events and competitions of

the school.
The following are the specific objective

 To develop a system that changes the manual tabulation process of St.

Francis Xavier College to a digitalized processing of scores.

 To develop a system that is capable of storing and managing data from

the events and competitions.

 To develop a system that automatically generates results after inputting

scores from the judges to the online tabulation system.

 To develop a system that has a repository of data that can lasts for

future use.

 To develop a system that is compatible to web and mobile devices.

Significance of the study

This proposed project will be great benefit to the following:

Students – the study is significant to the students because, it will serve as a guide so

that they can track if the results were accurate or not; it will also serve as a repository

from their previous events and competitions that they participated during the long

week celebration of the foundation day. They can also track the progress of their

competitiveness in an event or competitions.

Judges – the study is significant to the judges because, they don’t need to write their

scores in a paper and wait few minutes to see and announce the results to the

participants of the school’s event and competition; they can also track the best players

or participants of an event or competitions during the past year/s of the school’s long

week celebration of foundation day.

Tabulators – the study is significant to the tabulators because, they don’t need to

compute manually the results of every events and competitions of the school, since it

will be digitalized the system will automatically tally and compute the scores and

displays the ranking within a minute without errors such as, the ranks can be shuffled

if the tabulator will be distracted while tallying the scores.

Future Researchers – the study is significant to the future researchers because, they

can get ideas on what will be their capstone or thesis topic. The system can also be

developing to a higher level if they will pursue it.

Scope and Limitations


 The system will automatically tally and generates the scores and ranking

according to the data inputted in the system.

 The system will be fastening the tabulation process compared to manual


 The system can ensure accurate results given the data from judges.

 The system will be developed and designed to centralized the tabulation

process of each event and competition in different categories.

 The system will have a repository that can hold data until it reaches the

maximum amount of data that can be stored in that given repository.

 The system will lessen the difficulty of tabulating scores due to many

participants of every events and competition of the school.

 The system can detect and notify whether a certain judge has inputted the

scores or not.

 The system cannot be access without internet.

 The system cannot be applicable to other events that doesn’t need judge.

 The system’s repository has only limited storage that cannot stored more than

the expected data, which means if the storage reached its limit capacity, the

admin should delete some data to free some storage for the new data.

 The system can only tabulate the score given by the judges.

 Student who can read and write as well as those who can quickly comprehend

simple user-interface pseudocode are the only ones who can benefit from this


Definition of terms

SFXC- Saint Francis Xavier College

OTSECFSFXC – Online Tabulation System for Repository of Events and

Competitions for St. Francis Xavier College, is a system that digitalized the manual

tabulation system of St. Francis Xavier College.

System – a process in which there will be a method and principle applied to process a

certain data such as digitalized the manual tabulation system of SFXC.

Tabulators – a person who is in-charge of tallying and computing the scores of every

event and competitions of SFXC.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

2.1 Local Related Conceptual Literature

2.1.1 Computerized Judging System (2018)

Tasio Espiritu, The SE computerized judging system (CJ55248) is a software

develop to automate the judging system of any competition with the use of personal

computer. This system tabulates the scores given by the judge system is applicable for beauty

pageants, singing competition and speech competition. The computerized judging system is

so flexible that you can place the contestants picture.

2.1.2 Automated Scoring System of the AMA Computer College (2019)

Tugomago, Marcel, Automated scoring for AMA Computer College Sta. Mesa is under at the category scoring system. This was designed and implemented

through LAN and its customizable scoring is for singing contest, dancing contest and

pageant. The system develops computerized computation and tabulation of the contestants

scores that are given by the judges. the system can generate contest results and who are the

leading Contestants.

2.1.3 Event Tabulation System in Android (2020) There are many innovations that helped several organizations in a

profitable way. Just like using Android Operating system for Mobile devices. An android is

the customizable easy to use operating system that power more than power devices across the

globe from the phones and tablets to watch TV, cars and more to come. Every time the school

holds sports events and other contests they are using pen, paper and boards for the tabulation

and generation of and it is hard to calculate and it consumed a lot of time. The said activities

will be headed by the sports and cultural office of the school, thus, this project will be

managed and maintained by the said office with the help of the IT people of the institution.

With the above supporting statements, the team has decided to develop a tabulation system in
android. The project will help the school especially during events which could help them

calculate, tabulate and generate results of the contest in a timely and accurate manner.

2.2 Foreign Related Conceptual Literature

2.2.1 Tabulation American Parliamentary Debate Association (APDA) debate

tournament (2022)

Dominic DeRamo, the system is designed for use by computer-literate, non-technical

users.  It provides tournament registration, tabulation, judge assignment, and room

assignment features, in accordance with typical APDA practices.  The system is implemented

on a web server owned by the APDA organization, and must maintain a high level of

availability.  The core algorithm for tabulation is the minimum-weight perfect matching

algorithm, a well-known problem requiring polynomial time.  The system uses an open-

source implementation of that algorithm from the JICOS project. The goal of this project was

to create a reliable system for tabulating tournaments. Using a “web-service” system design

allows configuration of the software to be done once, on the server, rather than every time a

new user wants to use the software. Moreover, it facilitates easy access and alteration of the

program during tournaments, in the event of an error.  Given the prevalence of reliable, high

speed internet connections on college campuses, requiring internet access on the part of the

user does not create a significant burden.  Moreover, the web-service model will work with

any computer equipped with a web-browser.

2.2.2 Computerizing Contest Information (2018)

Roger Tomoehlen, a computer program has been developed at Purdue

University that will greatly reduce the time required to conduct a 4-H contest. The computer

program, written in Clipper and Dbase 3.3 Plus, handles registration details including

supplying confirmation notices and a printed receipt to all coaches; prints contestant labels;
assigns and calculates class cuts when necessary; tabulates scores by age divisions (clover,

junior, senior, etc.), organizations (4-H, FFA, etc.), and contest (dairy, crops, horticulture,

etc.); and ranks individuals and teams by individual classes and overall contest. The program

sets and prints results in a variety of options to fit user needs. 

2.2.3 Tabulation System (2018)

Rhizman Dhr, a computer is a device or a machine for making calculations or

controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms. Computers are

constructed from components that perform simple well-define functions. The complex

interactions of these components endow computes with the ability to process information. If

correctly configured (usually by programming) a computer can be made to represent some

aspect of a problem or part of a system. If computer configured in this way is given

appropriate input data, then it can automatically solve the problem or predict the behavior of

the system. A tabulation system for delivery to a medium of data information suitably

arranged for tabulation of character series and ruled lines, and a control for controlling the

data information arrangement applied to the medium. The control operates to allow the

medium to sequentially deliver out control information defining the upper side of a field

between adjacent vertical ruled lines, information regarding character series to be written in

the field and control commands for the writing, and information regarding a horizontal ruled

line defining the lower side of the field.

2.2.4 Web-Based Tabulation System (2018)

Benjamin Hebert, the goal of this project was to create a reliable system for

tabulating tournaments. Using a “web-service” system design allows configuration of the

software to be done once, on the server, rather than every time a new user wants to use the

software. Moreover, it facilitates easy access and alteration of the program during
tournaments, in the event of an error. Given the prevalence of reliable, high speed internet

connections on college campuses, requiring internet access on the part of the user does not

create a significant burden. Moreover, the web-service model will work with any computer

equipped with a web-browser.

2.3 Local Related Conceptual Literature

2.3.1 Tabulation System (2022)

Aleza Salinas, Computers changed the world and here to stay. They have changed

people lives in everything they do. Itis used for storing and processing data; they can serve as

huge knowledge bases and can be harnessed for all sorts of transactions due to their processing

power and storage capacities. As computers are a daily utility, they have gained immense

importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing has made every business organization and

educational institutions switch from paper based to automated systems. Technology is now fast

growing and today must establishment and institution in the country uses modern technologies

for them to be able to serve clients fast and efficient and to improve, provide accurate

tabulation system as well as fall count and anticipation as early as possible and a lot of

problems solved by the computer technology. This system is intended for the event institutions,

it aims to utilize a desktop based tabulation system for every events and contest that the school

is conducting. Every time the school holds sports events and other contests they are using pen,

paper and boards for the tabulation and generation of and it is hard to calculate and it consumed

a lot of time.

Technical Background

The proponents gathered all relevant research and had discussed potential technology options.

The Online Tabulation System for St. Francis Xavier College, is a development of the manual
tabulation process, where the contestants and coaches monitor the status of the events or competition

online. The proponents use the following tools for creating the project:

 Platform .Net Framework & IIS

 Database SQL Server 2019

 Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

 C# Programming Language

Chapter 2


Requirement Analysis

Context Diagram

Figure 1. Context Diagram

The diagram above represents the interaction between the users and the system. The

Administrator will create the events information, the category information, the general

criteria information, contestant information and judge accounts. The judges will produce the

user account, will produce score sheets, and score information.

Use Case Diagram

Figure 2. Use Case Diagram

The above diagram displays that, the tabulator or admin can login to the system, can input the

contestant’s data, can input criteria for Judging and events information to the system, can View and

evaluates the score and the ranking of the contestants, and print the final results of the event and

logout. The judges can login to the sysem, can Input and submit the scores of the contestants to the

system and logout.


Figure 3. Entity Relationship Diagram

The above diagram shows the connection of the tables of the database in the system.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Agile Development

Figure 1. Agile Development

The proponents used the Agile Development Method because, the time-frame is short and by
using the agile method, the proponents can easily retract the process since the method has an
iteration process. Agile development has an iterative process of the system; it consists of 2-3
month in the making
The proponents used the Waterfall Iterative Method. Online Tabulation System for
Repository of Event and Competitions in St. Francis Xavier College, is a development of the
existing system which is the manual tabulation system. Since, new technology was learned by
the proponents during the study, Iterative waterfall is the best suit to pair for the Agile

Design of Software, System, Product and/ or Processes

Operational Flow Chart (Judge)

Figure 5. Operational Flowchart (Judge)

The diagram shows the operational process inside the system. The operational process starts when the

judge login to the system and if the credentials were correct they can input their scores for the

participants. It will all save in the data base.

Operational Flow Chart (Tabulator)

Figure 6. Operational Flowchart (Tabulator)

The diagram shows the operational process inside the system. The operational process starts when the

admin login to the system and if the credentials were correct they can evaluate and print the final

scores for the participants. It will all save in the data base.



The Judge UI shows that, the judge can see the list of contestants and can create and edit the scores of the
contestants and then submit it. It will show on the left table the tally of the scores of the contestants.


The Admin UI shows that, the admin can create, update, delete and read the contestants information. It can also see
the scores and ranking of the contestants.

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