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Pili Parochial School Inc

San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur

The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili


Name: ___________________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________________
Date of Submission: ________________________________

Prepared by:
(The First Catholic Elementary School in Pili)
San Antonio, Pili, Camarines Sur


Main Points in Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Module 2

This module will guide you to raise awareness of every individual in the society, how
you will carry responsibilities in accordance to the culture of the society leading towards
nation-building. To have a dynamic society, Politics is also needed for this will create an
impact to the life of every individual on how everyone will behave in the society and
their relationships to other people

Module 2 has 1 lesson, to wit:
 Lesson 1 – Historical Background and Growth of Social Sciences

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. explore the significant personalities that paved way to the development of the Social
2. compare and contrast Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft using the Venn diagram; and
3. give examples of Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism in the society; and
4. discuss Historical Particularism of Kasper Malinowski through drawings and labels.
Instruction: Read the following instructions CAREFULLY. Avoid erasures.

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the most important factor in the rise of Social Sciences.
A. Rationalization B. Intellectualization C. Education D. Institution
2. He published the Community and Society in 1957.
A. Francis Lyotard B. Ferdinand Tonnies
C. Max Weber D. Emile Durkheim
3. A way of writing about people is called _____________.
A. Biography B. Anthropology C. Ethnography D. Bibliography
4. During the Medieval Period, the Nobles are given the role to ______________.
A. Protect everyone B. Serve the King
C. Distribute portion of lands D. Render service as ordered by the landlords
5. According to Max Weber, why must we apply Science in our every day life?
A. To develop the citizens necessary for the Modern world
B. To give consequences to our actions
C. To understand and interpret the world
D. To construct new ideas
6. With the discoveries of the Germ Theory and the development of vaccination by
Louis Pasteur, people relied more on _____________ to deal with diseases.
A. Science B. Social Science C. Education D. Medical
7. The slaves, on the other hand, are given the role to ______________.
A. Protect everyone B. Serve the King and Queen
C. Distribute lands D. Render service as ordered by the landlords
8. During this period, secular subjects or subjects dealing with the natural world
proliferated in schools.
A. Age of Enlightenment B. Rise of Universities
C. Rise of Individualism D. Dissolution of Feudal Social Relations
9. George Simmel stated that the introduction of money and banking resulted to ______.
A. Rise of Universities B. Rise of Individualism
C. Dissolution of Feudal Social Relations D. Tragedy of Culture
10. Science, during the Age of Enlightenment, triumphed because
A. It explained diseases through divine intervention
B. It proliferated in the universities
C. It is a kind of discourse
D. It provided reliable results
11. The following are examples of a community, EXCEPT;
A. Ethnic Tribes B. Modern Cities C. Pili Parochial School Inc. D. Barangay
12. The people in the society have more tendencies to _______________.
A. greet people with warmth and compassion
B. give cold and calculated relationships
C. provide needs to the needy
D. form kin-based relationships
13. One great example of CULTURAL RELATIVISM in the society is
A. Praising and loving K-Pop performers
B. Dark people must return to Africa
C. Inhabitants in Middle East are disgusting
D. Leisure activities are boring
14. Knowledge belongs to humanity because _____________.
A. Only humans have the capability to think
B. We use reason to make decisions
C. It serves as a torch to illuminate and enlighten the world.
D. It gives us power to dominate the world
15. All are examples of the Germ Theory EXCEPT
A. Sterilizing utensils to kill Bacteria using hot water
B. Believing in superstitious beliefs and alternative medicines
C. Culturing Bacteria to develop a medicine
D. Removing clothes after going outside the house

Lesson 1 – Historical Background and Growth of Social Sciences (Cont.)

In the Medieval Period, universities relied mainly on religious tradition and the
Bible to explain the nature of the universe and the place of human beings in the grand
scheme of things.
Max Weber - described that to understand the world, we must use SCIENCE in order to
interpret the world, and it is called RATIONALIZATION.

Earlier people explained diseases through divine intervention.

With the discoveries of the Germ Theory and the development of vaccination by Louis
Pasteur, people relied more on medical to deal with diseases.

Francis Lyotard - pointed out that Science triumphed because it provided reliable

 Education is the most important factor in the rise of Social Sciences.
 Secular subjects or subjects dealing with the natural world proliferated in the
 Merchants and capitalists supported universities and institutions of secular
learning – hub for training.

Emile Durkheim - lectured on the need to secularize education and base the curriculum
on the need of the nation-state to develop citizens necessary for the Modern world.


 With the intensification of commerce and trade in the 17th century, many
medieval guilds or workers’ cooperatives were dissolved and absorbed into the
emerging factory system.

 Factory system attracted a lot of agricultural workers and mass of rural population
to migrate to urban centers.

Ferdinand Tonnies
-a German sociologist and author of Community and Society (1957)
-in his book, it showed how the modern way of life had drastically changed the way
people related to one another.

2 Concepts of Ferdinand Tonnies

1. Gemeinschaft (Community)
- is characterized by a strong sense of common identity, shared norms, and close
personal relationships.

E.g. PPSI Community, Ethnic communities

*Traditional Communities
-people had warm relationships with the members of the community.

*Modern Cities
-people gave way to cold and calculated social relationships.
-when Capitalism replaced agricultural economy, people began to see their relationships
with each other as mere economic transactions rather than as a form of personal

2.Gesellschaft (Society)
- is characterized by impersonal relations, formal organization, and the absence of
common, binding norms.

E.g. LGBTQ+ Society, Industrial Society, Pastoral Society, Debate Society


Without looking at your notes, make a research on the other contributions of the
given Social Scientists below. Write your answers on the spaces provided in the column.


1. Max Weber

2. Ferdinand Tonnies

3. Louis Pasteur

4. Emile Durkheim
5. Francis Lyotard


Be able to compare and contrast the two (2) given concepts below.

Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft


 Intensification of commerce and trade gradually replaced barter with the

introduction of money and banking system.
 Introduction of money enabled people to deal with others even without meeting
 Money made the reduction of human interaction to mere business-like
transactions devoid of any warmth and personal touch possible.

George Simmel – led to decry the growing depersonalization of life due to introduction
of money; characterized te modern period as the “tragedy of culture”.

– the recognition of the power of the individual to assert one’s freedom against the given
norms and structures of the society.



-branch of Social Sciences that deals with the scientific study of human interactions,
social groups, and institutions, whole societies, and the human world.
-addresses the problem of the constitution of the self and the individual (only in relation
to larger social structures and processes)
-studies the relationship of individual and the society as they develop and change in

Auguste Comte (1798-1857) -”Founding Father of Sociology” and coined the word
“ Sociology” but originally used “Social Physics”


1. Theological Stage
-people viewed the world and events in that world as a direct expression of the will of
various gods.

In other words, ancient people believed that everything around them was a sign of active
gods influencing their lives.

E.g. People believed that Planets were Gods

2. Metaphysical Stage
-started around Middle Ages in Europe or in 1300s.
-People viewed the world and events as natural reflections of human tendencies.
-People still believed in divine powers of Gods, but they believed that these beings are
more abstract and less directly involved in what happens on a daily basis.

E.g. People still believing in Astrology

3. Positive Stage
- The central idea of this phase is that individual rights are more important than the rule
of any one person.
- Comte stated that the idea of humanity's ability to govern itself makes this stage
inherently different from the rest.

E.g. People exercising Human rights

- an English writer and Reformist
-”Founding Mother of Sociology”
Harriet Martineau
-wrote travelogues on “How to Observe
Morals and Manners (1838) or the
sociological insights
-advocated the use of Scientific Methods to uncover deep
Karl Marx
structural tendencies that underlie great social transitions (e.g.
from agricultural to modern industrial capitalist society).
-defended Sociology as an independent discipline from
Emile Durkheim
-argued that society possesses a reality sui generis (unique),
independent of individuals and institutions that composes it.
-society will still exist even if individuals is dead.
- stressed the role of rationalization in the development of society.
Max Weber
- people adopted a scientific attitude where people started to doubt
myths and superstitious beliefs.

- originated from Social Philosophy and travelogues of Western travelers
- according to Allan Barnard (2004), “anthropology emerged as a distinct branch of
scholarship when public interest in human evolution took hold (patterned to Charles
Darwin’s Evolutionary theory)
-developed during the years of two (2) World Wars (Barnard, 2004)

Franz Broas (1858-1942)

- considered as the “Father of Modern American Anthropology”
-rejected the biological basis of racism o racist discrimination and development of
societies from lower to higher forms.
- for him, society is considered as having a unique form of culture that cannot be
subsumed under an overall definition of general culture.
-advocated Cultural Relativism


-is the ability to understand a culture on its - is measuring or judging one's own culture
own terms and not to make judgments against another culture and can lead to
using the standards of one's own culture. judging someone else's culture negatively.


Give five (5) examples of Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski (1858-1942)

developed the Participant Observation where individuals will have the ability to
participate and blend with the way of life of a given group of people.

Ethnography – practice of writing about people, a way of making sense of other

people’s modes of thoughts

Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown (1881-1955)

-he viewed individuals as mere products of social structures which led to development
of Structural-Functionalist paradigm

Structural-Functionalist paradigm
-a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts
work together to promote solidarity and stability".

-part of the Social Sciences that deals with the study of Politics, Power, and
-refers to “process of making collective decisions in a community, society, or group,
through the application of influence and power” (Ethridge and Handelman 2010, 8)

-studies private and personal decisions of individuals are influenced by collective

decisions of a community.

– society is viewed as “being composed of several competing groups with different
interests that generate conflicts.”
- led to the emphasis on analyzing group interests rather than the state.


Draw, label, and discuss the concept of Historical Particularism by Kasper


Instruction: Read the following instructions CAREFULLY. Avoid erasures.

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the most important factor in the rise of Social Sciences.
A. Rationalization B. Intellectualization C. Education D. Institution
2. He published the Community and Society in 1957.
A. Francis Lyotard B. Ferdinand Tonnies
C. Max Weber D. Emile Durkheim
3. A way of writing about people is called _____________.
A. Biography B. Anthropology C. Ethnography D. Bibliography
4. During the Medieval Period, the Nobles are given the role to ______________.
A. Protect everyone B. Serve the King
C. Distribute portion of lands D. Render service as ordered by the landlords
5. According to Max Weber, why must we apply Science in our every day life?
A. To develop the citizens necessary for the Modern world
B. To give consequences to our actions
C. To understand and interpret the world
D. To construct new ideas
6. With the discoveries of the Germ Theory and the development of vaccination by
Louis Pasteur, people relied more on _____________ to deal with diseases.
A. Science B. Social Science C. Education D. Medical
7. The slaves, on the other hand, are given the role to ______________.
A. Protect everyone B. Serve the King and Queen
C. Distribute lands D. Render service as ordered by the landlords
8. During this period, secular subjects or subjects dealing with the natural world
proliferated in schools.
A. Age of Enlightenment B. Rise of Universities
C. Rise of Individualism D. Dissolution of Feudal Social Relations
9. George Simmel stated that the introduction of money and banking resulted to ______.
A. Rise of Universities B. Rise of Individualism
C. Dissolution of Feudal Social Relations D. Tragedy of Culture
10. Science, during the Age of Enlightenment, triumphed because
A. It explained diseases through divine intervention
B. It proliferated in the universities
C. It is a kind of discourse
D. It provided reliable results
11. The following are examples of a community, EXCEPT;
A. Ethnic Tribes B. Modern Cities C. Pili Parochial School Inc. D. Barangay
12. The people in the society have more tendencies to _______________.
A. greet people with warmth and compassion
B. give cold and calculated relationships
C. provide needs to the needy
D. form kin-based relationships
13. One great example of CULTURAL RELATIVISM in the society is
A. Praising and loving K-Pop performers
B. Dark people must return to Africa
C. Inhabitants in Middle East are disgusting
D. Leisure activities are boring
14. Knowledge belongs to humanity because _____________.
A. Only humans have the capability to think
B. We use reason to make decisions
C. It serves as a torch to illuminate and enlighten the world.
D. It gives us power to dominate the world
15. All are examples of the Germ Theory EXCEPT
A. Sterilizing utensils to kill Bacteria using hot water
B. Believing in superstitious beliefs and alternative medicines
C. Culturing Bacteria to develop a medicine
D. Removing clothes after going outside the house
16. How can we tell if the society, in particular, is ETHNOCENTRIC?
A. When they understand culture
B. Looking that one culture is not better than the other
C. Judging other cultures based on preconceptions
D. Not using the standards of another culture
17. Applying the concepts of Pluralism, societies have tendencies to
A. negotiate solutions that contribute to the “common good” of the entire society
B. compete with the entire society to retain tradition, status, and values
C. set boundaries and segregate their territories away from another society
D. create and develop a set of culture distinct from other societies
18. Removing one part structure of the society, in Structural-Functionalist paradigm,
could cause an ______________.
A. Imbalance
B. Inequality
C. Inconsistency
D. Instability
19. In the stage of development of societies, our society is in the
A. Theological Stage and Metaphysical Stage
B. Positive Stage and Theological Stage
C. Metaphysical Stage and Positive Stage
D. Theological Stage and Positive Stage
20. The Rise of Individualism allowed each person the freedom to choose and acquire
whatever they want. But one thing that they cannot do is _______________.
A. Control the decisions of the mass to get what they want
B. Ignore the members of the society to pursuit individual perfection
C. Be self-less and extend help to others to have a widened freedom
D. Violate laws and deprive people of life, liberty, and property

II. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following:

Stages in the Development of Societies according to Auguste Comte


Two (2) Concepts of Francis Boas in Anthropology


Branches of Social Sciences in addressing Social Turmoil in the Modern Period

31. 32.

Two (2) German Sociological concepts of Ferdinand Tonnies

34. 35.
III. COMPARE AND CONTRAST. On the Venn diagram below, compare and
contrast the two (2) different given concepts. (5pts)

Cultural Relativism Ethnocentrism

IV. DRAW AND LABEL On the spaces provided below, be able to draw, label, and
explain the Hierarchy of Social System in Feudalism during the Medieval Period.

VI. ESSAY (10 points). Answer the following questions provided below.
51 to 60. Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Sciences are the three (3) main branches of Social
Sciences that we need to study to understand Culture, Society, and Politics. Can these fields of study
stand alone in addressing issues in the society? Why or why not?

(10) (8) (6) (2)
The paper An opinion is An opinion is An opinion is The opinion
clearly states given. Ideas given. given. The and support
an opinion, are in detail. Reasons are reasons given is buried,
gives 3 or more Reasons and simple but tend to be confused, and
Ideas and clear & examples are still lacks weak or or unclear.
Content detailed evident. examples. inaccurate.
reasons, and May get-off
plenty of topic.
examples to
support it.
The paper has a The paper The paper The paper There is no
beginning with has a has a has an real
an interesting beginning, beginning attempt at a beginning or
lead, middle, middle, and and ending. beginning ending. The
and an ending. end. The Ideas are in &/or ending. ideas seem
It is in an order order makes order. There Some idea loosely
Organization that makes sense. are only a may seem out strung
sense. Paragraphs few problems of order. together. No
Paragraphs are are indented with the Some paragraph
indented and and some paragraphs. problems formatting.
have topic and have topic with
closing and closing paragraphs.
sentences. sentences.
The Spelling, The spelling, There are few The writing The writing
punctuation, punctuation, errors that is almost seems like it
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and grammar usually writing hard for the or pause. The
Conventions are correct. correct. Only to read and readers to writer does
Only minor a few understand. read because not know
edits are problems of errors. how to carry
needed. with the reader’s
grammar. attention.

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